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the other Sherlock

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You may not need to wait for Netflix. Last season they had the episodes of Sherlock on the PBS website for streaming a day or so after they aired in the US. Also-there was something about PBS having shortened them or edited them-the BBC and US versions were supposed to be slightly different. iTunes was advertising having the full BBC version and so was someone else as opposed to the US release DVDs. There was something similar with Downton Abbey.

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Argh! The BBC shows it on New Year's Day and we don't get it until May???? I'll die waiting that long!


Does BBC stream over the Net?


You can see things streamed if you live in the UK (the BBC is financed by a licence bought by all UK telly owners) but when I lived in China and Hong Kong I couldn't.



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You may not need to wait for Netflix. Last season they had the episodes of Sherlock on the PBS website for streaming a day or so after they aired in the US. Also-there was something about PBS having shortened them or edited them-the BBC and US versions were supposed to be slightly different. iTunes was advertising having the full BBC version and so was someone else as opposed to the US release DVDs. There was something similar with Downton Abbey.


I know they filmed two different pilots for the series, and they included both on the Sherlock DVD. They took the story in a different direction and there were definitely changes made, but I think the one that aired was better.

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My dd13 is going absolutely bonkers that they delayed the schedule because of the riots. She's watched the few existing episodes so many times that she can recite some of the lines. She carries around an umbrella that looks just like the one Mycroft carries. And I mean she carries it everywhere in any kind of weather. It's rather embarrassing to have someone ask us if it's raining outside and dd13 smiles and says no, she just loves her umbrella. I drew the line at the deerstalker hat she wanted. I mean, really! Egads! :lol:

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