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Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

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I know I've seen that some of you have been doing this fast and have some questions...


I would like to start after the new year. I would also like to stretch the middle 5 on their 5-5-5 plan out longer.


How much has it cost you to do juice only?


I don't know where I would find fresh vegis in the winter here. The CSAs nearby shut down by November. I was thinking I might have to buy most of them at Costco. Would that work?


I don't know of any source of Kale until June. What would be a good substitute?




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I actually wouldn't do a fast in the winter, unless you live in a warm climate or are prepared to do seasonal, local foods only. The body needs certain foods at certain times of year...and it can often have strong reactions when it's fed the wrong things. To get the full benefits, that's what I recommend. :)


But to answer your questions:

When I do my fasts, it costs about $10 a day for organic produce...unless I can get it at the farm.


Our local grocery store has kale, even in winter, but if yours doesn't then spinach or parsley would be a nice sub. Spirulina powder could also work, though it isn't juiced. You can get it through Frontier coop.


Good luck! I feel sooo much better after a fast.

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Thanks for the advice--I'll keep it in mind ;).


I don't think I've ever seen kale in the store here. I have seen it listed from the couple of CSAs in the area (June-November) and I've seen it at the farmers market (June-September).


We do live in Montana though. We just don't seem to have vegis available here like they are in other parts of the country. Even in the Summer.


I actually wouldn't do a fast in the winter, unless you live in a warm climate or are prepared to do seasonal, local foods only. The body needs certain foods at certain times of year...and it can often have strong reactions when it's fed the wrong things. To get the full benefits, that's what I recommend. :)


But to answer your questions:

When I do my fasts, it costs about $10 a day for organic produce...unless I can get it at the farm.


Our local grocery store has kale, even in winter, but if yours doesn't then spinach or parsley would be a nice sub. Spirulina powder could also work, though it isn't juiced. You can get it through Frontier coop.


Good luck! I feel sooo much better after a fast.

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OMG! Did you do it all month? Whwere did you learn about this?


Yes, from November 7th to December 7 th :). I took the thanksgiving dinner off but ate healthy with very little meat. It got better as time went by though the first week was tough especially working 10 hour days too. I watched the documentary on Amazon prime and that inspired me. I took a couple of weeks off but I now juice/smoothie breakfast and lunch with a healthy dinner.

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OMG! Did you do it all month? Whwere did you learn about this?


You can watch the movie for free on hulu now (don't know how long that will be true, though) and for actual menus/juice plan the guy has a website with tons of info.



I just finished up a 5/10/5 fast. Are you in a part of Montana that has an Azure Standard route? I got the bulk of my stuff from them. Kale and other greens I googled to find a farm stand. That was a bonus, as we found a farm that I'd not known about before that was amazing. We must have a pukey Costco, because the only organics I found off my list were the big spinach packs and carrots (and I got much nicer and cheaper carrots from Azure).


I didn't total up the cost because it was expensive and I didn't want to know :tongue_smilie:. I agree that the whole enterprise would've been much cheaper and easier in summer! The thing is, I didn't want to juice produce, particularly off the "dirty dozen" list, that had pesticides, since those would be concentrated in my body while juicing. I did use cheaper conventional items off the "clean 15" list.

Edited by mamakim
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Are you in a part of Montana that has an Azure Standard route? I got the bulk of my stuff from them. Kale and other greens I googled to find a farm stand. That was a bonus, as we found a farm that I'd not known about before that was amazing. We must have a pukey Costco, because the only organics I found off my list were the big spinach packs and carrots (and I got much nicer and cheaper carrots from Azure).



Yes, Azure does go through here. I hadn't thought of them--great idea. More research to do...


Costco also has organic apples, but I'm not sure what else. I don't usually buy organic unless it is lower in cost. But it certainly makes sense to avoid it for this.

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I watched that movie a couple days ago, and then yestereday, I dug out my dad's old (awesome) juicer from the basement. . . went to the store and bought kale, etc. . .


then my dh called me (on the way home from work) while I was on the way home from the store with the van full of kale . . . and offered to pick up pizza for dinner. I said YES!




I'll get the juicer going tomorrow, lol.


I just want to try some recipes and get going with the juicing. Maybe once juicing a day to start . . . and see how I feel. I need a lot of protein and salt b/c of my high mileage running, but I love the idea of adding juicing to our diet.


I'm looking forward to hearing y'all's stories!

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I watched the movie.


The rich guy from Australia looked healthier when he was fat. He went from being big bellied, and robust, to looking scrawny and less attractive. It reminds me of Jennifer Hudson. Before she was overweight, yes, but glowing and gorgeous. Now she looks weird and dull.


The woman who did a shorter fast/diet looked better. The 430 pound trucker looked much, much better. Perhaps month/s long restrictive dieting is too much for people unless they are practically at deaths door because of their fat. I'm not know. I am not sure what to make of it.

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You can substitute swiss chard and it is delicious! We juice every morning and I love carrot juice with swiss chard in it. Grow your own wheat grass, it is sooooo easy. Just use a cardboard egg container, some organic soil and wheat berries (you can order them) and then cut the grass with some scissors to juice! Spinach is good for juicing, too. See if you can find some books on it at the library!

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I'd love to see some recipe suggestions. I stick with smoothies because I do not have a juicer. My one recipe that has something green is:


1 apple, orange juice, or an orange, couple handfuls of spinach, and a handful of blueberries.


I'd love to know some of the recipes from the movie.




Here is the standard reboot. Scroll down halfway, and days 6 through 10 are just juices, lots of recipes from the Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead folks there.

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How many people do we have here who will be doing this in the new year???


I can't afford the whole juice fast, but I'm doing Eat to Live plus one vegetable juice per day. I'm starting tomorrow, actually, and committing for one year.


When veggies get cheaper in the spring and summer (please God) I want to do the month-long fast.

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YOu are doing Eat to Live for one year? That is amazing.


I am looking into doing the Hallelujah diet. I have been raw vegan and vegan before and I felt SO much better.


I start January 1. A friend is doing it with me. She actually went to Hallelujah Acres and took the one day class, which I hope to do in January. It is only an hour away from me.


I don't know about Eat to Live but I think it is somewhat similar.




I can't afford the whole juice fast, but I'm doing Eat to Live plus one vegetable juice per day. I'm starting tomorrow, actually, and committing for one year.


When veggies get cheaper in the spring and summer (please God) I want to do the month-long fast.

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does anyone have issues when they juice? I used to juice all the time but haven't in many years. When I bought my juicer and started up again, WOW did I have "issues" with it. All the gurgling and, well, you know.... :blushing:


So I bought a book on smoothies. I was thinking I'd start off with smoothies and work my way into juicing. I got confirmation that this is right for me when I was reading The Body Ecology book. It states that juices shouldn't be taken at first until their was more healing in the body. So that's what I was going to do.


My plan is to have smooties and veggies with some protein during the day, with a healthy dinner consisting of 1/3 protein, 1/3 carb, 1/3 low carb veggie.


I've always wanted to do a fast but worry that it won't work because i'm hypoglycemic.


BTW, the above is how I want to eat from now on. I don't want a "diet" again. I will allow for cheats here and then, but not many/much until I've lost weight.

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How many people do we have here who will be doing this in the new year???


Dh and I plan to start after the first. I'd like to do it for 30 days, but dh is planning to do the reboot plan (5 days fruits, vegis, and juice; 5 days juice only; 5 days fruits, vegis, and juice). I would start and end with the fruits, vegis and juice but extend the juice only part.

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YOu are doing Eat to Live for one year? That is amazing.


I am looking into doing the Hallelujah diet. I have been raw vegan and vegan before and I felt SO much better.


I start January 1. A friend is doing it with me. She actually went to Hallelujah Acres and took the one day class, which I hope to do in January. It is only an hour away from me.


I don't know about Eat to Live but I think it is somewhat similar.




I think ETL has better nutrition than Hallelujah Acres. Not entirely sure about that...


I actually ate ETL-style for several years when my oldest children were babies. So it's not new, just a returning to that level of strictness! I have been so lazy and sloppy, and I am paying for it!

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I think ETL has better nutrition than Hallelujah Acres. Not entirely sure about that...


I actually ate ETL-style for several years when my oldest children were babies. So it's not new, just a returning to that level of strictness! I have been so lazy and sloppy, and I am paying for it!


I just read the basics of the diet. I like this!!! Do they limit fats? I would only do that while dieting. I think a healthy diet needs good quality fats. I like grass fed organic butter, coconut oil and olive oil.


Do you do the vegetarian version or the non vegetarian version? If non, do you only eat fish or chicken twice per week?


Do you think the book is necessary? I don't think I could justify another diet book. How is this different from Hallelujah? Do you limit carbs?


sorry for all the questions!

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