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Epsom salt baths?

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I have fibromyalgia and my rhuematologists suggests I take an epson salt bath and also add baking soda .


She says the combindation helps detox your body/skin.


I do it it about 2-3 times a week if I can find time.


Not sure if it's ok when your pregnant or not. I would think so but you could just ask your dr to make sure.

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Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. It is a mineral that our body uses. It can be helpful if you are retaining water at all - thus people soak swollen limbs in it. It can help you to sleep, to relax and can even help with depression. Your body gets rid of excess magnesium so you don't have to worry about getting too much. If you ingest magnesium (in pills) you can get diarrhea if you have too much. Baths are better because it by-passes the gut. It is perfectly safe for pregnancy and kids. The only concerns you might have are for things like UTIs which would not be from the epsom salts but from possibly dirty bath water.

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I'm not sure if this applies when using it in a bath, but I do know it is recommended to ask a doctor first if taking it orally if you have a kidney problem, diabetes or are pregnant.


I gave my dd who was 2 nice, warm epsom baths a couple times a week when she was constipated. I think as with anything else it can be over done so I wouldn't go soaking kids in it nightly. :)

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I did these years ago but kind of forgot about them. I've been doing them the last few days and oh the relief to my muscles (they ache from Celiac Disease). Also, I have a dd with sn and she's taken a bath the last two nights. Last night she slept through the night and tonight she's asleep already. Doesn't sound like a big deal... but it is. :tongue_smilie:

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Here's the info I have:



Taking a bath or a foot soak with Epsom salts is one of the best ways to increase the body’s absorption of magnesium. Epsom Salts are Magnesium Sulfate and are easily absorbed by the body.

Take a hot bath with up to 2 cups of Epsom salts and 1 cup baking soda (optional) to help draw toxins out of the body. Try to do this once a week, but for no more than 20 minutes. A foot soak can also be very beneficial.

Epsom salts are so helpful in bringing relief to:

• Arthritis pain, stiffness, soreness, and tightness of joints

• Muscle aches, pains and tenderness

• Painful bruises, sprains and strains

• Pain from over exertion as a result of exercise

• Insomnia and Sleep Problems

• Stress

• Insect Bites and Splinters

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