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My ds11 is in the ER for the second time today with an allergic reaction

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:grouphug: Thanks for updating. I'm so glad you called her and she got him in today.


Does she have any suspicions as to what he was reacting to? How's he doing with all of this? Do something for yourself today!


They got him RIGHT in! Her suspicion is that it was a cross reaction from the crackers. The ladies that were setting out the cookies (with nuts) were also handling the crackers. He had one bowl of soup and was absolutely fine. It was his second bowl that he had with the crackers (about 30 minutes later) where he had the reaction. Makes sense. Although I think it'd be easier if it were the shellfish allergy come back! He's never had such a severe reaction to a cross-contaminant.


Allergy testing the beginning of January.

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My son's ana episodes (tree nuts) have all been trace. He doesn't eat any food we don't bring anymore. I wanted to mention something else though before you go to allergy testing. If he's positive to pastachio and/or cashew you might have sesame tested. It's hard to get accurate testing if I recall but there is cross between a protein in cashew, pistachio, and sesame. I mention because last time I checked all commercial crackers have potential for sesame cross. Hopefully it was "just" hands cross contamination.

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My son's ana episodes (tree nuts) have all been trace. He doesn't eat any food we don't bring anymore. I wanted to mention something else though before you go to allergy testing. If he's positive to pastachio and/or cashew you might have sesame tested. It's hard to get accurate testing if I recall but there is cross between a protein in cashew, pistachio, and sesame. I mention because last time I checked all commercial crackers have potential for sesame cross. Hopefully it was "just" hands cross contamination.


My son had his reaction to cashews. We were told to avoid all tree nuts and the allergist called back and said to avoid sesame as well.


One book I read said there can be cross reaction with cashew, pistachio, and mango. Our allergist said we didn't need to avoid mango, but we keep an eye on it.

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They got him RIGHT in! Her suspicion is that it was a cross reaction from the crackers. The ladies that were setting out the cookies (with nuts) were also handling the crackers. He had one bowl of soup and was absolutely fine. It was his second bowl that he had with the crackers (about 30 minutes later) where he had the reaction. Makes sense. Although I think it'd be easier if it were the shellfish allergy come back! He's never had such a severe reaction to a cross-contaminant.


Allergy testing the beginning of January.


So glad he is okay. :grouphug:


I have a shellfish allergy, and for some stupid reason I'm allergic to pine nuts (but no other nuts) and the other day the sandwich I ordered came with pine nut laden pesto - not so cool. While I'm not as severe as your son, I do know how scary it can be, and it must be even scarier for Mom. Big Fat :grouphug: to you all.

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Day 3. Ds has had a reaction every day. Yesterday, after we went to the allergist, his face turned BRIGHT red. Like a sunburn. He had hives on his torso again.


Today - he had a feeling in the back of his throat like he had to swallow something, but it wouldn't go down. AND, his face looked sunburned. No hives. Benadryl solved it.


This is all still from the first reaction right? And, today he had an absolute meltdown. Steroids? Right?


I feel like I should know the answers to these questions. We've been dealing with these allergies for 10 years. But, this is new! Ugh.

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Call your allergist again. They really do want to know and can usually help. If my dd kept reacting like this, I would be tempted to park us in the allergist's office every single day for help and advice. They know what they're doing (unlike the ER and hospitals, more's the pity). You won't be a bother to them. Seriously. Call again, or at least tomorrow morning.



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We don't know what he ate. This is my peanut/tree nut allergic child. He went in earlier today with hives all over his face/neck/shoulders and itching in his mouth. It was getting worse after Benadryl. They gave him epinephrine and a steroid and it was better pretty fast.


Fast forward a few hours. Suddenly, ds starts breaking out in hives and swelling up again - this time ALL over his body. He is back at the ER with dh.


What the heck is going on??????


Day 3. Ds has had a reaction every day. Yesterday, after we went to the allergist, his face turned BRIGHT red. Like a sunburn. He had hives on his torso again.


Today - he had a feeling in the back of his throat like he had to swallow something, but it wouldn't go down. AND, his face looked sunburned. No hives. Benadryl solved it.


This is all still from the first reaction right? And, today he had an absolute meltdown. Steroids? Right?


I feel like I should know the answers to these questions. We've been dealing with these allergies for 10 years. But, this is new! Ugh.


I would call the allergist and ask. To me that sounds not good, but I've only made one epipen induced ER trip so far and the reaction went away after the epi with no biphasic. So I really don't know.


I've had to use prednisone before and it was HORRIBLE. It made me extremely tired...until about 4 hours later when I was bouncing off walls. So ya, I'd assume the meltdown is the result of the steroids.

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Day 3. Ds has had a reaction every day. Yesterday, after we went to the allergist, his face turned BRIGHT red. Like a sunburn. He had hives on his torso again.


Today - he had a feeling in the back of his throat like he had to swallow something, but it wouldn't go down. AND, his face looked sunburned. No hives. Benadryl solved it.


This is all still from the first reaction right? And, today he had an absolute meltdown. Steroids? Right?


I feel like I should know the answers to these questions. We've been dealing with these allergies for 10 years. But, this is new! Ugh.


Yes, still from the first reaction. He may continue reacting for 4-6 weeks, though the breakouts should decrease in frequency.


You should still call your allergist and keep her firmly in the loop since the reactions are pretty severe.

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I'd call again. The reactions can continue but with him on steroids and antihistamines I would have expected it to tamp down by now. Further, the throat thing at this point would concern me a lot more than the hives. Ugh. :grouphug:


Did the doctor keep him on round the clock benadryl dosing? If not you might think about Zyrtec for a while. It's good with hives, even the chronic kind, and once a day dosing.

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I agree with sbgrace.


The throat closing sensation would be a real concern.


Since my son's anaphylaxis, he has been on daily zyrtec. That helps more with small reactions and environmental ones.


Do keep us updated as you can.

Hope the reactions are subsiding at this point.


Don't hesitate to continue to contact the allergist with updates and any questions. You may want to ask her when you should be contacting her too... that may be helpful to hear.


Thinking of you all. :grouphug:

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