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Exercise thread 12/4-12/10

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Be easy on yourself. Sometimes we all need a day of rest. :grouphug:


I posted on last week's thread and am now copying and pasting.

Today: Crunch Yoga Body Sculpt. I liked it. Simple and nice. Good and basic yoga workout for those who are cautious of the "weird" stuff ;). This one's about as mainstream as you can get.

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I "skipped" last Friday, so I made it up yesterday and today. I normally don't work out on Sundays. Today I only did BBL - High & Tight. Yesterday (Saturday - which should really be on last week's thread) I did BBL - Bum Bum and Jillian Michael's NMTZ with mostly 8-lb weights. Can only do that first circuit with 5's.


BUT, I did want to tell everyone that my dh ran in the White Rock (Dallas) marathon this morning!!!! This is his 5th marathon to do. His time wasn't his best (he ran it in about 4 hours and 17 minutes - he usually runs right under 4 hours), but it was pretty nasty weather. Rain the whole time and COLD! I am SO proud of him!! Running is NOT my thing, but it is his.

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I posted on last week's thread and am now copying and pasting.

Today: Crunch Yoga Body Sculpt. I liked it. Simple and nice. Good and basic yoga workout for those who are cautious of the "weird" stuff ;). This one's about as mainstream as you can get.


I like most of the Crunch workouts.


How did you like Ellen Barrett?




30 Day Shred Level 3 Day 1.


Woohoo! Level 3.




8.5 mile run this morning. :)


I see that you have little ones. Who is with the kids when you run?




Are you bored or tired?


Tired and blech. It's that time of the month, and I always just feel like curling up on the couch and doing nothing but watch TV.




This morning I did a light workout with Austen. I got a late start due to getting the kids going this morning.

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I see that you have little ones. Who is with the kids when you run?


DH. :) I run solo, and our church isn't until 1pm (but will be changing to 9am after the New Year. goody :tongue_smilie:) so I have plenty of time to get in a long run before I have to be home to help herd the cats into their church clothes and over to the chapel. :lol:

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I like most of the Crunch workouts.

How did you like Ellen Barrett?


Yes, the few Crunch workouts that I've seen I've liked.

I really liked Ellen Barrett and thought of you while doing it. :grouphug:

Hope you feel better. I can relate to the time of the month. You move so much and do so well. Don't feel guilty for needing to take a few days off. Listen to your body and take care of yourself.


Today, I did Callanetics: 10 Hour Challenge - very old-fashioned and early 1980'is-ish - high-cut leotards, etc. Loved the workout. This one is a keeper :). I'd love to get them all and am thinking of getting the book. As I was doing this and as I've been doing recent similar ballet-based workouts, it occurred to me that I wish I'd stuck with this form of exercise rather than done years of heavy cardio. I feel that too much of the latter bulked me up. :confused:

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Yesturday: 45 minutes on the treadmill (forgot to look at the distance when I was done, but I ran at a 5.3mph pace the whole time, except for warm-up and cool-down)


THEN 40 minutes of Zumba (instructor decided last-minute to host Monday evening classes for the month of Dec.)


THEN a 60 minute Bellydance class. (*right* after the Zumba class, which is why I only did 40 minutes instead of the full hour, as I had to leave to get to the studio in time. I'm sure my class appreciated me showing up already sweaty. :D )


Someday my quads will forgive me for all of that. :lol:


ETA: TODAY I did level 3 followed by level 2 of 30 Day Shred.

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Have you tried intervals? Go really hard (at your level) for short bursts. Then down the road, go really hard for long bursts followed by short rests.


I haven't. I am making this up as I go along, as far as speed and pacing. Right now, I am kind if doing a pyramid thing going up in speed until I top out, then back down. I have no idea if I am doing it right. I am changing speed by either minutes or distance for now.


I have found plenty of suggestions for running, but the guides seem to act like working on walking should be self-explanatory, and it is not! So I have just worked on a goal for the week of walking a little longer timewise until I hit 60 minutes.

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So far this week down 1.1 pounds.


Monday: 1.4 miles on the treadmill with the Mii, finished up the 265 Wii calories with Wii Fit boxing. In the evening 60 minutes of Zumba


Tuesday: A variety of exercises with the Wii Fit - lots of stepping. Burned 265 Wii calories


Wednesday: 1.5 miles on the treadmill with the Mii, finished the 265 Wii calories with a variety of Wii Fit exercises. This evening 60 minutes of Zumba


Thursday: Plan on doing the Wii Fit "biking" for 30 minutes then whatever suits my fancy to finish up the daily 265. In the evening 70ish minutes of tai chi


Friday: Plan on repeat of Monday.


.9 pounds left to lose this week.

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I haven't. I am making this up as I go along, as far as speed and pacing. Right now, I am kind if doing a pyramid thing going up in speed until I top out, then back down. I have no idea if I am doing it right. I am changing speed by either minutes or distance for now.


I have found plenty of suggestions for running, but the guides seem to act like working on walking should be self-explanatory, and it is not! So I have just worked on a goal for the week of walking a little longer timewise until I hit 60 minutes.


The interval training doesn't depend on whether you are walking or running. How close do you think you are to getting into a jog even if for just a few moments?

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The interval training doesn't depend on whether you are walking or running. How close do you think you are to getting into a jog even if for just a few moments?


Probably not very. I did 2.7 in an hour today, with my top speed at 3 on the treadmill. I don't know if I will ever be up to jogging. But a few weeks ago, I didn't think I would be doing this, so who knows?

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30DS Level 3 Day 3. Going to try to do ten days straight, but we'll see!


30DS Level 1 Day 5. Getting stronger - hoping by next week to move up to Level 2, but we'll see. Did 3 days straight, then a day of yoga, and now 2 more days of 30DS. The yoga helped with the muscle pain, but I don't want to take too much time off from 30DS.

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30DS Level 1 Day 5. Getting stronger - hoping by next week to move up to Level 2, but we'll see. Did 3 days straight, then a day of yoga, and now 2 more days of 30DS. The yoga helped with the muscle pain, but I don't want to take too much time off from 30DS.


It does get better. The first time I did 30DS last year, I spent two hours on the couch after day 1, playing video games, unable to move and close to throwing up. Now I do housework as soon as I shut off the DVD!

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:001_smile: Hullo!


Walked on the treadmill four days this past week, 30 min, 30 min, 40 min, 40 min. I used the random hill program.


When my girls do their swim team practice at the Y I'm able to do something for me. I was tired out yesterday and didn't want to do that last 40 min--and then my Sansa's battery ran out of juice..... but I did it!


Total. 2hrs and 20 min. Pretty good for this lazy butt.

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