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Does anyone do more than one language at a time?


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And if so, do you use the same type of program (Classical Academic Press or Memoria Press or Greek n'Stuff) or do you have different programs? For example, maybe Greek for Children and Latina Christiana. I'm wondering if that would be too confusing.....



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Well, we're about to do that. We just finished Song School Latin and started Latina Christiana. Dd saw the ad for Song School Greek in the back of the SSL book and begged to learn Greek, so we're adding that as soon as the RR box gets here. She also is interested in French, so I ordered Learn French Through Fairy Tales, which is only a very gentle intro to vocabulary and pronunciation.


So I've chosen to do 3 languages with 3 separate programs. Ask me in a few weeks how it's going, lol.

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We are currently doing 3 languages that are very different. I wouldn't think there would be much confusion between Latin and Greek. I use different programs for each language. (Mandarin - My First Chinese Reader plus supplements, Arabic - Alif Baa and Arabian Sinbad, Greek - Hey Andrew, Athenaze).

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My dd is doing Lively Latin and Rosetta Stone Spanish plus Getting Started with Spanish.


I wanted her Latin to have a heavy focus on grammar, but I thought it would be overkill to have a Spanish program that was also grammar-based, so I'm having her take the more conversational approach of Rosetta Stone.

Edited by bonniebeth4
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My kids are learning both Hebrew and French. They've had Hebrew since preschool (they went to a private Jewish school before we started homeschooling), and since we started homeschooling, they have met with a tutor twice a week.


I'm teaching them French. The older kids are using Breaking the Barrier, and I read to all of them in French and speak French exclusively with my youngest. My hope is that DH will be able to arrange a sabbatical in France and I'll be able to cement their French then, and switch to speaking all French with the older kids after that.


The older kids do have a tendency to throw in Hebrew words by mistake when they are trying to speak French, but that's normal. It will get sorted out when they become more fluent.


Hebrew is important to us for religious reasons, and French was a very big part of my life, so I wanted them to have both. But I've told my kids that Spanish, Chinese and Arabic are also really important languages in today's world, so I want them to hurry up and master Hebrew and Spanish so we can introduce more!

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We're doing Latin (LC, MP Forms, and Wheelocks) and Spanish (with a tutor) currently.


One of my older dc did Greek (EG then Mounce) and Latin (LC then Wheelocks) and is now minoring in Biblical Languages at university.


I used to worry about doing more than one language, but somehow the dc seem to be able to keep it all organized in their brains.

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We always have at least five different languages going on at a time in our house between all of us. We've never used the same program for any of them, but that's because there isn't anything available for all of them. While sometimes we get mixed up on which language we're supposed to be speaking at the time, it's not really a big deal.

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