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Where'd you get your HCG?


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MyFatSpray.com now called KetoMist. Cost was $85. Spray two times a day.


Vox pellets: (blue bottle) 4 pellets 3 times a day.



"This product contains a superior formulation providing a complete approach to weight loss."


Does it actually force one to exercise and change one's diet? :confused:

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Does it actually force one to exercise and change one's diet? :confused:

Heavy and rigorous exercise is discouraged during hcg.

Yes, diet is changed.

Weight loss is mostly about diet and intake anyway.


I'm starting round 3 with these in January and have lost 35 pounds so far, feel great!

Great job! :D

I love hcg and am looking forward to starting my 2nd round next month.


http://www.yourhcgdrops.com/ - this is where I got my drops from and I was happy with them. Much more expensive than many places, however.


For this next round, I've ordered from:


Many have said that this one works well.


Make sure to do lots and lots of research and reading before starting hcg. Also, make sure to consider timing. I would not start hcg when undergoing big changes and stresses. This diet is very mental and you need to be in the right place if you KWIM.

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Make sure to do lots and lots of research and reading before starting hcg. Also, make sure to consider timing. I would not start hcg when undergoing big changes and stresses. This diet is very mental and you need to be in the right place if you KWIM.



Yeah, I am excited to start NOW. But I was thinking that might be setting myself up to fail with all our holiday parties and maybe I should wait until after.


Thank you for the links everyone!

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Be aware that if you buy any homeopathic "remedy", you'd be just as well off taking tap water. Well, I guess tap water isn't filtered. :)


I guess in choosing between any remedy that actually contains a dose of HCG that will be metabolized by the body, I'd always prefer diet and exercise. Why monkey with your body's chemistry when it's already clear how to attain good health?

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Ugh. Homeopathic hcg DOES work.


I'd always prefer diet and exercise. Why monkey with your body's chemistry when it's already clear how to attain good health?

Then you do what is right for you and let the rest of us do the same.


For those who don't know, there is an HCG group under the Community (then "Social Groups") tab above.

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Ugh. Homeopathic hcg DOES work.

No. Homeopathy essentially boils down to taking water, in which there's often none of the therapeutic agent left after dilution; any actual effects from such a low/nonexistent dose of anything are explained handily by the placebo effect, natural healing, etc. It's snake oil, pseudoscience, or whatever you want to call it. There is zero actual therapeutic effect from taking any homeopathic remedy, aside from the placebo effect, except to the extent that the patient/victim may realize a slight effect from whatever remains (in extremely diluted form) of the agent in the water.


Then you do what is right for you and let the rest of us do the same.

Well, yeah-- I wasn't proposing that I dash over to your house and smack your water pills out of your hand. :D In the meantime, let's agree that we can each use the message boards to send messages, okay?

Edited by Iucounu
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Dashing through WM today, I noticed they carry hcg. I know nothing about it, but I wondered if it was as effective as the kind you order.


Someone needs to tell these folks that HCG is a hormone:



To the extent that HCG works to aid in weight loss, this won't provide the same benefit, since it has no HCG in it. Some of the info on that page seems to indicate it has some/all of the amino acids in HCG, but not actual HCG, so it's hard to speculate as to how well it actually works. You really roll the dice with these neutraceuticals. It's not a good sign that this one is promoted with a deceptive, oxymoronic description.

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It looks like I can get the drops with all day chemist.


Homeopathic hcg works differently than the rx hcg according to wht I am reading. http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/f5/advantages-disadvantage-various-methods-12408/


I did not know there was a social group, thank you :D


ilovebooks-I don't think it is the hcg that causes you to lose weight. It is the pathetic amount of calories -500 per day! And they are specific too- like a whole list of can't haves and only few can. You do that for a month (give or take)with hcg, then for 3 weeks add in more foods gradually but no sugar and no starch, then you try to add in a starch and see what happens....like teaching your body your new set point. If you go out and celebrate your new weight you will gain alarmingly ...eek. The point of the hcg in the beginning is it is supposed to help you not feel hungry all the time and keep your metabolism up so you burn extra stores of fat not muscle. If you do feel hungry or weak, you should adjust your dose b/c you might be burning muscle not fat and that is not the goal.


The book is a pdf Pounds and Inches A NEW APPROACH TO OBESITY BY A.T.W. SIMEONS M. D.



For those that are interested maybe you can google it? I am sorry i don't know how to attach :/


I am still thinking about it.

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I watched my sister and a dear friend each lose around 40 pounds in 2 rounds of hcg before I started it, still believing that it was a placebo and really not having much faith in it. (They have since lost 20 more each and will continue to do more rounds after the holidays).


The premise behind hcg is that it makes it more comfortable for you to be on the low calorie diet...many people have no hunger (I had some hunger, but it wasn't extreme), and it is supposed to cue your body to release its abnormally stored fat (not the fat we are supposed to have, around organs).


I took a planned break the last time I did a round of hcg (I use it for 3 weeks at a time) and noticed a big difference in my hunger level without the pellets I was using. Huge difference. I no longer think it is a placebo. I don't understand it at all, but it works. Something about it works and it does help you to make long term habit changes.


1. I weigh every day. Even when I'm not doing the hcg. If I go up more than a pound or so, I do a "correction day," which is a day of extremely low carbs, basically. This is something that a naturally thin person might do on their own without thinking, but I had to be taught. (A person not addicted to food might overindulge one day, then the next day cut back without even consciously deciding to).


2. The very low calorie phase is generally only done for 3-6 weeks. Losses are fast, so you get immediate gratification for your hard work (and some days are hard). You can do very short rounds of 3 weeks, then you get a 3 week maintenance phase, where you avoid sugar/starch (eat low carb) and weigh every day to keep your weight the same. After that, you begin to experiment with making your diet more "normal" and see what foods your body needs to avoid.


I have a good 40-50 more pounds to lose, but I'm really looking forward to continuing this journey.

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Just a quick note... when looking at drops, a few people on the hcg message boards said to look at the "nutritional" information for hcg 6x 12x 30x 60x. If it does not specify hcg or any of the dilution numbers, it probably does not contain actual hcg, like the Walmart one. I found this handy in online shopping for drops!

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Be aware that if you buy any homeopathic "remedy", you'd be just as well off taking tap water. Well, I guess tap water isn't filtered. :)

Not true in my case. I lost about 30 pounds in just over a month and I felt great. :)


Ugh. Homeopathic hcg DOES work.

Then you do what is right for you and let the rest of us do the same.

Sing it sister. :D


All I can say is, if it is a placebo effect, it is worth every cent to me because it works. I was not hungry, I had tons of energy, and if it was all in my head, well, I don't really care because it worked. This is not to say that there weren't days that were difficult, but I can say that overall it was the best thing I'd done for my body in a very looooong time. :)

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Another consideration on using hCG is that you're burning more fat than muscle mass than most people normally would on a 500 calorie diet. The hCG allows you to go through your fat stores (up to 2000 calories worth per day) instead of storing it (which is your body's first instinct if it think you're starving yourself).


I will agree that the non-hCG drops (how they can claim hCG in them when they don't have it is beyond me) could cause a placebo effect. And really, if you're not hungry and lose weight, why does it matter? Except for the issue above, but how many people even check that? I did because I was going to Curves at the time I was on it (not the time I lost the 43 pounds in 3mo).


I think it is fine to do whatever, but I do think, though some people may take offense, that the information needs to be out there. THere are A LOT of people cashing in on this diet (starting with Kevin Trudeau, crook that he is). People can't make an informed decision without the information. *I* will only take prescription hCG. If someone is happy with the WM drops, great.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I am a skeptic and a chronic dieter and I tried hcg homeopathic pellets out of desperation.


I went from a tight size 16 to a size 4. I lost 60 lbs and while I won't say it was easy, it was the easiest diet I have ever done. I have been maintaining pretty easily even through holidays and vacations for abut 5 months using a low carb diet.


I have seen everyone around me who tried it lose dramatically. It took 3 rounds of hcg for myself and watching multiple people around me to finally believe there is something in those little pellets. I don't know exactly what it is or how it works but there is something to it.


I do not believe the placebo effect would have kept me going for so long on it.


I got mine at the local health food/supplement store.

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Teachermom, congrats! I wish 60 pounds made such a huge difference in size for me! 43 put me from a solid 18 down to an extremely tight 12 (what I wore to meet hubby when he was coming back after being out of state 4½ months.


Lisbeth, my mom is just doing a "touch up" mini-round (it's been like 1½ years). I told her to wait til January. You'll gain it back REALLY quickly if you give in to Dec foods. (btw, though we are JWs so don't "do" the holidays, we still seem to eat more and differently this time of year).

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I just jumped on this bandwagon...the drops are on the way to my house. :) I am torn between wanting to get started right away to lose a few lbs before the holidays, and waiting until Jan 1st after all of the tempting holiday food is gone.


:iagree: I ordered mine yesterday and am quite excited.

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