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the swim saga continues on - update

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The VP of the YMCA emailed me today to let me know that the first meeting between her, the coaches, and their supervisors will be on Wednesday, and we will be meeting after that.


It's funny because I was emailing all of them when her email to me came in. I called the former coach that used to be in charge and told her what had happened to my dd. She was outraged! She is so upset that she wants to speak to the YMCA herself because when she was head coach, there WERE issues with the bullying kid AND the bullying coaches! She is going to move forward to expose all of that!!! She even has emails she shared back and forth the night my daughter was forced to stay in the cold water, and she has other emails that will expose more of the ugliness of these coaches and one teammate. She WANTS to help.


AND I called a former teammate who was treated so horribly by the coaches that she left synchro. She also directly witnessed the bullying kid in action, and she is willing to speak to the YMCA staff about the mistreatment she suffered by the two coaches, AND about what she saw with the bullying kid. I believe she told me that she tried to intervene in the past.


I emailed everyone the update, the pattern that has been established and now exposed, and the contact names and phone numbers of the two people wanting to speak up.


We will be leaving on 11/30 to drive to IL to pick up our puppy. I don't want the meeting to take place until after that trip. I don't want to have things weighing down my thoughts. So I will let you all know when the meeting takes place. AND, I will be printing everyone's responses that empowered me in the last thread about all of this. I have GOT to remain calm and NOT have an anxiety attack.


Oh, one other thing regarding the mom who hesitated to speak up, the one who witnessed my dd being treated badly by one of the coaches. I asked the supervisor that if that mother had not spoken up yet, I urged her to contact all the girls who swam closely with dd to see if they would be willing to share. I already know one family came forward but their dd didn't see

most of what happened, so I'm hoping the other family WILL open up.


It's DISGUSTING that these people keep getting away with this crap. Now that I've exposed it all, they'd be complete fools to try to do so again.




ETA: there is a third family that doesn't want to be involved, but the last coach is going to be sharing her story as well. That makes three families gone (four if you include mine) due to one bullying kid and two bullying coaches.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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