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get your dc to calm down?


Since we have lost an hour of daylight do to the time change,:glare: it is too dark in the evenings to send them outside. They are bouncing off the wall, accidentally hurting each other and breaking stuff.









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They can calm down?!?!






This time change thing is killing me:glare:. My dc are about to be tied up somewhere. It doesn't help that dh works nights this week. School has been a nightmare. The house is a wreck. I think I have somehow given birth to rabid monkeys.


Thankfully, ABC Family has been airing Harry Potter since Wednesday. That clams the wee heathens for about 7 minutes at a time. Of course, they consider the commercial breaks permission to revert to lower life forms.



I have no advice. I am just there with you.

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Can't they play in the back yard?

It's too dark.


I just separate them. Alone they'll like mellow angels.

Unfortunately, we are in temporary housing with all three dc sharing one bedroom in a very small house. Being in an 1100sq ft. house with 5 people makes it very hard to keep them separated. Hopefully that will change next month.:D This is my main problem.:lol:


I will never understand how loosing an hour of daylight in the afternoon is considered 'daylight savings'. I don't care if it is dark between 6-7am as long as it is light till 7pm. Dark at 6pm is not conducive for our society; at least my active little dc.

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Do you happen to have a Wii Fit? There is a jogging program on there that wears my ds out. He runs for about 30 min and is sweating by the time he is done. I use it for exercise for the kids on rainy days or times when they are too wound up but can't go outside. It has been wonderful to help wear them out without having them destroy the house running around.

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get your dc to calm down?


Since we have lost an hour of daylight do to the time change,:glare: it is too dark in the evenings to send them outside. They are bouncing off the wall, accidentally hurting each other and breaking stuff.










We built a playground in the kids room. We made bunk beds with a slide and a rope ladder. We put a rope with knots for them to climb .....

We also hung a swing. I am considering indoor trampolines...but haven't gotten there yet.


I send them outside in the morning...bring in firewood....bring out garbage....

Feed animals....run laps around the house.... Try to get some vitamin D while they can. We tend to school a little later in the winter...



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