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What desserts do you have around?

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I have always been really conservative about sweets for dcs. Recently though, I was thinking my mom made homemade cookies and cheesecakes and pies that were so good. Do you keep yummy desserts around? or do you make them occasionally? what are your family's favorites?

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We are all trying to watch our weight at our house...my daughter is 17 and her thyroide quit working a year ago so she is on meds and it is easy for her to put on extra weight...she is trying to get rid of 15 lbs and me too...but we keep low fat icecream and fig newtons on hand. I forget how good the real stuff tastes until I splurge at the icecream shop! We used to always have CCcookies but not any more....

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We always have vanilla ice cream and fresh/frozen fruit available to make shakes and sundaes. It's always a VERY good day when there is a pan of freshly baked brownies and jar of hot fudge around!


If I need an emergency quick dessert or fruity side dish, I ALWAYS keep a can of each in the pantry: cherry pie filling, pineapple bits, and mandarin oranges. When they are (drained) and mixed together the result has always gotten raves. It can be served right away - unlike some of our other favorite fruit salads that are better when they sit around and melt. The cherry concoction is even better when mini marshmallows are added.

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Here's what I have on hand most of the time:

creme brulee

Triple-layer chocolate overload cake

bread pudding with creme anglaise and caramel drizzle

New York cheesecake

strawberries with white and deep chocolate ganache for dipping




Okay, I'm really just having fun with 'ya.


No, really, I always do have these things on hand....


....but only because I'm the pastry chef for a local restaurant. :D


(We rarely even taste any of it!)

Dessert around here is usually a dollop of lowfat vanilla yogurt on top of strawberries or peaches.

DH likes ice cream in the evening.

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Here's what I have on hand most of the time:

creme brulee

Triple-layer chocolate overload cake

bread pudding with creme anglaise and caramel drizzle

New York cheesecake

strawberries with white and deep chocolate ganache for dipping




Okay, I'm really just having fun with 'ya.


No, really, I always do have these things on hand....


....but only because I'm the pastry chef for a local restaurant. :D


(We rarely even taste any of it!)




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We usually have ice cream (low fat most of the time). We also keep ready to bake cookies on hand. I feel like that way we can make just what we need without a whole batch needing baking, or a whole bag that's open and tempting. The kids get dessert after supper if they've eaten 3 whole grains and at least 5 fruits/veggies that day.


Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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I grew up with a Dad who insisted (and rightly so!) that there had to be a wonderful dessert available every night after dinner! He loved to bake - Mom didn't - so he'd come home and whip up a batch of cookies, or hot fudge batter pudding, or a pie,or cake, etc. if I or my sister hadn't stepped in to fill the void.


Then I married a guy from a family that might on occasion have fruit set out. The rare cake was for a birthday only - and the Mom would sneak veggies into it!!!!


Since hubby doesn't care for desserts, we do not have them as a rule. HOWEVER, I have craftily passed on my Dad's baking gene to the kids.....if they know anything in the kitchen it is how to make a scratch lemon pie, chocolate cake,. brownies. or hot fudge batter pudding! :drool:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I don't buy many desserts. Weekly shopping will see either a box of graham crackers or a bag of ginger snaps on top of the frig. About twice a month we will have ice cream. I do make something once or twice a week, it is usually homemade chocolate pudding, cookies, or brownies.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
I grew up with a Dad who insisted (and rightly so!) that there had to be a wonderful dessert available every night after dinner! He loved to bake - Mom didn't - so he'd come home and whip up a batch of cookies, or hot fudge batter pudding, or a pie,or cake, etc. if I or my sister hadn't stepped in to fill the void.


Then I married a guy from a family that might on occasion have fruit set out. The rare cake was for a birthday only - and the Mom would sneak veggies into it!!!!


Since hubby doesn't care for desserts, we do not have them as a rule. HOWEVER, I have craftily passed on my Dad's baking gene to the kids.....if they know anything in the kitchen it is how to make a scratch lemon pie, chocolate cake,. brownies. or hot fudge batter pudding! :drool:


I don't *NEED* your recipe for hot fudge batter pudding, but I want it. :D


ETA: Please.

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We don't have many desserts in the house because they're worth too many WW points. I keep juice popsicles in the freezer for the kids and we'll make a batch of cookies, brownies or an Ooey, Gooey, Butter cake once a month or so.

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I usually bake chocolate chip cookies every afternoon for the kids. I've done it since they were little so it's something they really look forward to. I also make a strawberry fruit dip that has strawberry yogurt mixed with whip cream. The kids dip their strawberries in them. You can also put it on a little round angel food cake and top it with strawberries. I also use graham crackers with whip cream topping and strawberries. Can you tell we like whip cream with strawberries? You can buy the low fat whip cream if you're watching your weight.

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