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SOTW Modern alternative?


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I strongly disagree with some of the conclusions drawn (for example, the idea that FDR's New Deal was a good thing that got us out of the Great Depression ).


I'm quite surprised to hear this. I was getting ready to start SOTW Ancients, but now I'm a little concerned about this series. I was wondering what other conclusions you noticed in the series that were similarly objectionable, in your opinion, if you're willing to share. (I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion -- I'm just trying to determine how much this series may conflict with our family's personal viewpoints so that I can make a better informed decision before purchasing.) Of course, even if the series presents viewpoints with which one disagrees, you can address them yourself - just wanted to know what I might be dealing with.




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I'm quite surprised to hear this. I was getting ready to start SOTW Ancients, but now I'm a little concerned about this series. I was wondering what other conclusions you noticed in the series that were similarly objectionable, in your opinion, if you're willing to share. (I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion -- I'm just trying to determine how much this series may conflict with our family's personal viewpoints so that I can make a better informed decision before purchasing.) Of course, even if the series presents viewpoints with which one disagrees, you can address them yourself - just wanted to know what I might be dealing with.





We did ancients last year and are 7 chapters in to the middle ages and haven't found much objectionable that I can recall. We are conservative both religiously and politically. I like the spine and plan to use all 4 years but supplement with more conservative materials when we get to modern history. I don't think there will ever be a curriculum that lines up perfectly with my beliefs and/or opinions but I see those differing opinions as opportunity to have discussions with my daughter about the difference between facts and opinions and why we believe the things we do.

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Does anyone know of a good alternative to SOTW, especially the 4th book? I like the idea and concept, but I strongly disagree with some of the conclusions drawn (for example, the idea that FDR's New Deal was a good thing that got us out of the Great Depression ).


Any suggestions?


I realize this isn't your only objection. But in case you don't find a suitable substitute maybe you could find a resource or two to offset and explain things from your perspective while still using SOTW. For example Whatever Happened to Penny Candy by Richard Maybury has a very readable, very short chapter on why the New Deal was a bad deal.

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Anyone else?


We have not reached modern history yet but as I mentioned on the previous post I plan to use sotw but supplement. Some of the things I've been considering are the politically incorrect guide to history books and vision forum materials. I looked at previews of their materials on dday and some other materials at a conference over the summer and they looked good. Their history of modern civilization also looked good.

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I'm quite surprised to hear this. I was getting ready to start SOTW Ancients, but now I'm a little concerned about this series. I was wondering what other conclusions you noticed in the series that were similarly objectionable, in your opinion, if you're willing to share. (I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion -- I'm just trying to determine how much this series may conflict with our family's personal viewpoints so that I can make a better informed decision before purchasing.) Of course, even if the series presents viewpoints with which one disagrees, you can address them yourself - just wanted to know what I might be dealing with.





I saw it at the store, so I picked up and flipped through it. That's the only thing I read about. I couldn't say if there was anything else of concern.

I hope to still use the first three volumes for 1st through 3rd grade, but not sure what I will do for 4th grade. Truthquest seems great, but I don't know if it wouldn't be too advanced for a 4th grader. Ditto with the Uncle Eric books. I do intend to use those starting in middle school though.

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I'm quite surprised to hear this. I was getting ready to start SOTW Ancients, but now I'm a little concerned about this series. I was wondering what other conclusions you noticed in the series that were similarly objectionable, in your opinion, if you're willing to share. (I don't mean to turn this into a political discussion -- I'm just trying to determine how much this series may conflict with our family's personal viewpoints so that I can make a better informed decision before purchasing.) Of course, even if the series presents viewpoints with which one disagrees, you can address them yourself - just wanted to know what I might be dealing with.





There are quite a few reviews on Amazon regarding content in the SOTW volumes. Have you looked there?

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There will be something you disagree with in every history book, especiallly in modern times. I just welcome these as wonderful conversations and discussions with my children. This can (and should) happen even when they seem too young. I am always surprised how much they understand, and how interested they are.

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There will be something you disagree with in every history book, especiallly in modern times. I just welcome these as wonderful conversations and discussions with my children. This can (and should) happen even when they seem too young. I am always surprised how much they understand, and how interested they are.


Yeah, I get that it will be hard to find something that agrees with my worldview to teach my kids, but I just want to find the best match. I don't expect to find any elementary level history book that steers away from Lincoln worship, for example. I understand that the vast majority consider him one of the best presidents ever.

But, I just want to find whatever matches our views the closest, especially in the younger grades.

Edited by tntgoodwin
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I have the whole series for grades 1-4, and so far, I've not found anything objectionable that I can't deal with. In fact, having a point of view that may be different from my own is useful for provoking discussion. (For instance I would agree with the OP's concerns about FDR, but would be the first to say that some elements of the New Deal did some good. I have to duck, here. My grandmother who grew up with the new deal would break a ruler over my head for writing New Deal and good in the same sentence!)


I realize that a lot of people would like to have something (history in this case) that agrees with their own analysis, whether that is a political one or a religious one, but I don't think there can be a better opportunity to present your own take on things than in a direct response to another viewpoint.


I use SOTW as more of a reference than a main text. I enjoy researching history and reading through them at night, so I don't find the task of sifting to be a chore. Point of fact, I rather think that challenging the teacher, or reader, to dig deeper into the history, was a main goal of the SOTW series. It might be meaty enough in itself, but that didn't seem to be the reason for it's existence. That wouldn't seem to fit with the rest of the philosophy as I understood it from TWTM.

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Yeah, I get that it will be hard to find something that agrees with my worldview to teach my kids, but I just want to find the best match. I don't expect to find any elementary level history book that steers away from Lincoln worship, for example. I understand that the vast majority consider him one of the best presidents ever.

But, I just want to find whatever matches our views the closest, especially in the younger grades.


I am the same way, absolutely! But keep in mind that once you find your best match and start using it you could find that it's not as well written or utterly boring or doesn't have this or that cool feature that another book has and then the really fun part begins. Tweaking. Because, ultimately, I want it ALL!!! :D

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