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That was a long 12 hours!

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Now I can go to bed and know that all is right with the world.


I'm guessing from the looks of things here, it wasn't only me. Well, that, and a few panicky phone calls and emails I got.


And no warning, so it couldn't have been maintenance. What happened? Too much bickering and we got a time out again? Or did we make the board explode with all of our shining greatness?


Or maybe some of y'all went on without us. No, you wouldn't do that, would you?


Back to normal. I hope everyone can access the boards now.


Colleen, where are yooooooo?

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I had a dream about the WTM boards on Sunday night. (What does that tell you about my life!) I dreamed that they changed back to the old format and admin had kicked a bunch of people off the boards. I was trying to figure out what juicy item I had missed!


It was just a dream, but then the boards wouldn't come up at all!

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I had a dream about the WTM boards on Sunday night. (What does that tell you about my life!) I dreamed that they changed back to the old format and admin had kicked a bunch of people off the boards. I was trying to figure out what juicy item I had missed!


It was just a dream, but then the boards wouldn't come up at all!





Actually, I thought it was a big ol' hint from the universe that I need to get a life. I actually managed to clean the bathroom and get some other stuff done.


Of course, now I'm sitting here telling y'all about it instead of getting even MORE done .... Guess I haven't learned my lesson, huh.





Also, it was traumatic to communicate without cute little emoticons.


ETA: Okay, I just tried to post to another thread and just as I was ready to hit the Reply button we had a power blip and my computer went out. I'm thinking I need to stay off again today, and maybe clean something else.

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Well, I had to pick up the phone.


When you talk to WTMer on the phone there is no delete button. So if something comes out wrong, you can't reword it over and over again until it sounds right.


It was nerve wracking. Nerve racking? Wracking? Racking? Which one is right?


When you talk to a WTMer on the phone you don't have to worry about spelling and punctuation, so that is good.

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But then you have to worry about pronunciation. Arch-i-pel-AH-go. Arch-i-PEL-a-go. I'd better go look it up, before I confuse my poor kid.


And when you are on WTM, you can get a word in edgewise. Sorry! You bring out the yakky in me, Kelli!


You know, I woke up this morning worrying about that word. I worried that I could not remember how to pronounce because I HAVE NEVER TAUGHT it to my children. Sarah does not even know what it is!!!


Oh, someone should yank my homeschool license. We have got to do some geography beyond the mapwork in SOTW this year!!

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Colleen, where are yooooooo?


Hey, I just tried to pull up the board and lo and behold, it worked. First thread I read was about a board outage yesterday. No known reason, eh? It doesn't seem like there's a whole heckuvva lotta communication from the admin(s) here, so maybe we'll never know. Any-hoo, I'm on for the moment. Now if I just had something stimulating to say.;)


ETA: I'm not bashing the admins. It's been my observation and experience that there isn't a great deal of communication on their part, which as the admins, is of course their right. No biggie.

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Hey, I just tried to pull up the board and lo and behold, it worked. First thread I read was about a board outage yesterday. No known reason, eh? It doesn't seem like there's a whole heckuvva lotta communication from the admin(s) here, so maybe we'll never know. Any-hoo, I'm on for the moment. Now if I just had something stimulating to say.;)




Cosmic forces unite! We've managed to call in one of our own. Glad to see you heard our cries, Colleen. Just for the record regarding the recent "outage" there was this thread from Admin.


As for something stimulating, tell us about your milk. :smilielol5:

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Cosmic forces unite! We've managed to call in one of our own. Glad to see you heard our cries, Colleen. Just for the record regarding the recent "outage" there was this thread from Admin.


Aha! Thanks for pointing that thread out to me. I'm not counting on the ongoing unification of the cosmic forces, but it's fun to be able to actually pop in.:)

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No known reason, eh? It doesn't seem like there's a whole heckuvva lotta communication from the admin(s) here, so maybe we'll never know. Any-hoo, I'm on for the moment. Now if I just had something stimulating to say.;)


ETA: I'm not bashing the admins. It's been my observation and experience that there isn't a great deal of communication on their part, which as the admins, is of course their right. No biggie.


Well, these are computers we're talking about. It is my experience that often there *isn't* a known reason for the problems that occur. I'd take them at their word.

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