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Getting the family to play games

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So seeing all of the cool games/board games in the Christmas catalogs coming out is making me sad. I am a game player in a house full of people (I have 6 kids) who don't like to play board games. I have a whole closet full of games (some never even opened) that I just wish someone would want to play. I had visions of all of these kids sitting around on the deck in summer or in the living room in the evening when it is cold playing and ENJOYING games. I come from a family that LOVED to play games, but these kids are not interested. They will play imaginary games with each other, and have sat and played a game with me because I begged them to, but it wasn't like, wow, that was fun. I also think that game playing is a great brain exercise, but just can't sell it.


I know I can't make them play with me:glare:, I guess I am just venting.


Thanks for listening!

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What games do you play?


Do you play games with your dh in front of them?


I have one son who says he doesn't like board games but he will play games like Heroscape and Memoir '44 with his siblings. I have another who only likes war games (and I don't). I have one who is super silly (its not fun for us to play with him), and 1 who will play pretty much anything. So even if you have game players sometimes they don't fit together well.


Have you looked into any board game cons? Sometimes kids will have fun at that when they just don't enjoy playing at home. You can also see what games they do enjoy. We took the war-game player and the everything player to a con this fall and they had a blast. So much so that the I-hate-boardgames player wants to come next time.

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Santa brings board games in our house :)


That said, we've jokingly started several evenings of "mandatory fun" where we play table games (board or card). If not, we know we'll all end up in front of the flickering idiot box, and we'd like that to not be the habit all the time.


Of course, now that hockey season has started, I'll be the one begging for mandatory fun while the rest of the family is begging to watch the game.

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Plan a game night every couple of weeks. Have a special dinner that everyone likes, maybe even a finger food buffet (hot dogs, finger sandwiches, pizza, etc) and then some kind of treats (whatever you consider treats in your house). Let them know in advance that it will be a fun night. But you might not want to stress the "family" thing if you have kids that roll their eyes at that kind of stuff. :tongue_smilie:

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Aw, you guys are so sweet.

I have tried the mandatory fun/game night, which was met with mixed results. If we played something like charades or pictionary, that went ok, but it seems like all board games veered of into arguements. I think some of them get bored waiting their turn, or just with the game in general, and start picking at each other. My husband doesn't like to play board games either, so no modeling going on there. I have even tried to pick like one or two kids to have a special game time with mommy (hoping they would like the attention and the others would get jealous) but nope. Oh well, maybe someday my grandkids will. Or maybe I could find someone elses kids to have over and play games with. I wonder what my kids would do then.

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Guest submarines
Aw, you guys are so sweet.

I have tried the mandatory fun/game night, which was met with mixed results. If we played something like charades or pictionary, that went ok, but it seems like all board games veered of into arguements. I think some of them get bored waiting their turn, or just with the game in general, and start picking at each other. My husband doesn't like to play board games either, so no modeling going on there. I have even tried to pick like one or two kids to have a special game time with mommy (hoping they would like the attention and the others would get jealous) but nope. Oh well, maybe someday my grandkids will. Or maybe I could find someone elses kids to have over and play games with. I wonder what my kids would do then.



Have you tried letting them choose the games? Like the ugly looking plastic walmart games with movie characters for pieces? Mine were very resistant, but got into games with the Land Before Time game. Then we slowly transitioned to the games that I enjoyed as well.

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Aw, you guys are so sweet.

I have tried the mandatory fun/game night, which was met with mixed results. If we played something like charades or pictionary, that went ok, but it seems like all board games veered of into arguements. I think some of them get bored waiting their turn, or just with the game in general, and start picking at each other. My husband doesn't like to play board games either, so no modeling going on there. I have even tried to pick like one or two kids to have a special game time with mommy (hoping they would like the attention and the others would get jealous) but nope. Oh well, maybe someday my grandkids will. Or maybe I could find someone elses kids to have over and play games with. I wonder what my kids would do then.


When you've done game night, did you all play the same game? I love games, but I'd also get bored waiting for my turn with 7 other people playing! Have you tried playing two or three different games, so that smaller numbers of people are playing each? If there are more games, there's more choice, which might generate more buy-in. Also, what ages are your kids, and what games have you tried? Our family is not fond of games like Monopoly, but there are lots of newer (largely German origin) board games that we all really enjoy. If finances allow, perhaps you could involve your kids in researching and selecting a couple of new games.

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Thank you all for the suggestions! We have tried setting a couple/3 games out and letting them choose because my kids are 1-12 in age. The ones that play the board game mommy is playing get along okay (because I am right there) but the kids who are on their own will get bored and quit or pick at each other.


Charades and pictionary work well because there is a lot of action and things going on ( at least the way we play), so everyone's attention is focused, and if it is not, it is not that big a deal. But, I am tired of these two games. Does anyone have any suggestions for games for kids and dh like mine?

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Since there are so many different kinds of games, it's possible you're not picking the "right" kind of games. I didn't really like to play games until my husband started researching and finding different sorts of games to have in the house. Now I don't cringe when someone asks me, "Do you want to play a game?" :001_smile:


Some games that we've gotten that I actually enjoy playing are:


Small World


Settlers of Catan (although this can get long so it doesn't get played as often)



My oldest doesn't really care for games either, but there are two that we play as a family and she enjoys. Telestrations and Wits and Wagers Family.


A good review site is The Dice Tower


So please don't lose hope. I was anti-games, and I'm coming around. :001_smile:

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Zooloretto--build a zoo, have animal babies


Heroscape--just fun to build, my boys love this (even the non-player)


Animal Upon Animal--for the littles


Forbidden Island or Pandemic--Maybe they'd like a cooperative game


Sorry Sliders-for kids that like to move around


Pit-no downtime, everyone is always moving all the time


Bohnanza--even my 9 year old niece loves this. Basically you're trading and building bean farms. She loves negotiating.

Edited by LostSurprise
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I love games & came from a family that didn't play & only had 2 sibs, back when everything required 4 people. I married the guy from church who *hosted* all the college game nights, & told him we had to have at least 4 dc, so they could always play games together.


My point? I understand!


We trained ours to play dominoes from 3yo, Monopoly Deal from 4yo, & Catan from 6yo. You should see the twinkle in 4yo's eye when she charges her daddy rent! :lol:


I think the advice you've received so far is excellent, so I won't repeat any of that. I'll add--consider a movie or early bedtime for the very little ones. The attention they take away from a game can be stressful for everyone.


Next, try incorporating games into school time. If they get to play Scrabble instead of doing a spelling lesson one day or Catan during history, it might be easier to whet their appetites. We used Monopoly w/ real $ to teach coins. (5c = $5)


Good luck. And if that doesn't work, trade your games in for a plane ticket, & come see one of us. :D

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Thanks you guys, I am researching all of the suggestions and so far the poll results from the kids are mixed and lukewarm :tongue_smilie: I may just have to buy one and make them play with me. It's real life skills to learn to be gracious about doing something you don't want to do, right?

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My dislike of board games has to do with my mother forcing me to play them as a child. Sorry, Freudian slip. ;)


My hubby's family on the other hand, enjoys board games. They always have a card table out with a puzzle to be worked on. My ds loved it when Grandma rounded us up for a game when we visited. I would politely decline but sit next to them and hang out with my crochet work.


One thing I am seeing with this new generation is the video game includes BOARD GAMES. I have finally been lured out of my dislike by the Wii's You Don't Know Jack game -- not for kids -- my teen and I think it is hilarious! We played it one weekend and had a blast. I notice my teen and his friends play more online board games or on the video game console. Like an app on the iPhone -- the game of Life or Words with Friends. I play Words with Friends all of the time. But try to get me to sit and play an old fashioned board game? No thank you.


The one recent board game I enjoyed while at a Dinner Party was Apples to Apples with a large group of friends. It was very fun. We tried playing it again with Grandma and ds -- but it was not the same level of fun? Go figure. I think the right personalities make the evening enjoyable. (My mother was a joy-killer... LOL :lol:)


ETA: Have you tried the Mario Party series for the Nintendo Wii? That is a board game format that is very fun with lots of mini games. I like it.

Edited by tex-mex
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