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Can I give a plug for Jessica at Trivium Academy Blog for her science plans?


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I was just looking over Jessica's (http://www.triviumacademy.blogspot.com/) science plans and noticed that she is now selling her lesson plans for science instead of giving them out free. Can I just say less than $6 is WELL WORTH IT? We did part of her human body/anatomy lesson and to be honest, we learned a lot and had a great time. She has lots of hands on stuff/experiments and lots of suggestions for books and videos. It just as good if not better than anything else you can find out there. Help her make some money off of her good ideas!


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That is so sweet and I'm grateful they will help you incorporate science into your homeschool. There are wonderful programs out there, I'm just a dissatisfied mother (among many) who is sharing her plans. There's been 4,000 downloads and dh said I should sell it- Lulu was the compromise b/c I didn't feel they deserve a higher price tag. Thanks for the boost though! ;)

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See, I knew this would happen. I received an anonymous comment, "With all the moms that have 'btdt' that give stuff for free just to help, though I am not surprised you feel ok about charging."


I've given these away for free for two years now, 4000 downloads worth. Only the life science and earth science have a fee and it is minimal. I get $1.46 each time someone decides to purchase it from Lulu. I see nothing wrong with supporting our efforts by putting a small fee on the plans I created. I'm sorry if it offends anyone else, especially anonymous commentators.

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No offense taken here! You've obviously been gifted with a talent for planning and organizing and I have seen on many occasions how you have helped others. I am more than willing to pay a nominal fee for something great for my kids until I am able to plan better myself. May God bless your efforts!

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What a shame that someone has to be so negative.


There is nothing wrong with developing a product and selling it. As potential customers, we have the option to not purchase a product. But, to chastise someone for selling a product, that's amazing.


More power to you for spending the time to create something worthwhile to sell. It sounds to me that the price is more than fair for the time it took to plan out the schedule and materials.

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See, I knew this would happen. I received an anonymous comment, "With all the moms that have 'btdt' that give stuff for free just to help, though I am not surprised you feel ok about charging."


I've given these away for free for two years now, 4000 downloads worth. Only the life science and earth science have a fee and it is minimal. I get $1.46 each time someone decides to purchase it from Lulu. I see nothing wrong with supporting our efforts by putting a small fee on the plans I created. I'm sorry if it offends anyone else, especially anonymous commentators.





Just wanted to say that I agree with you on this, someone else doesn't know where that money goes. It could be that it goes to support missions or to make it possible for someone to homeschool or gas money to take thier kids to activities or many other reasons. Honestly, as Jessica pointed out, you don't make that much. I think that if someone has made the effort, they have a right to chose to give it away or charge for it. It's not being rude, hope that doesn't ruffle any feathers.

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See, I knew this would happen. I received an anonymous comment, "With all the moms that have 'btdt' that give stuff for free just to help, though I am not surprised you feel ok about charging."


I've given these away for free for two years now, 4000 downloads worth. Only the life science and earth science have a fee and it is minimal. I get $1.46 each time someone decides to purchase it from Lulu. I see nothing wrong with supporting our efforts by putting a small fee on the plans I created. I'm sorry if it offends anyone else, especially anonymous commentators.


Very graceful response Jessica :)


I would prefer to paypal you 5.95 and have you email me the plans when I'm ready... You deserve the whole fee!

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Are there examples of your narration pages & worksheets anywhere?


I have to chuckle because when I looked at your products, one said your school name and the other said your name. I was thinking... Who is this Jessica person? LOL :)


Thanks for sharing your hard work with others. :)



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Jessica, you've inspired me and so many other moms here, I can only guess that your anonymous comment came from someone new who doesn't know your generous spirit.


I, for one, go to your blog at least once a week to get ideas, and it's obvious that you put a lot of time and thought into your homeschooling. Until everyone is ready to design their own curriculum and plans from scratch, we need to encourage more moms to take the plunge into entrepreneurship--not everyone is independently wealthy with the luxury to do work for free. "The laborer is worth his (her!) wage." Some of my favorite products have come from other homeschoolers--good luck with your new venture! :hurray:

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See, I knew this would happen. I received an anonymous comment, "With all the moms that have 'btdt' that give stuff for free just to help, though I am not surprised you feel ok about charging."



That's so silly. Some people just love to rain on your day. Just ignore them. As high as curriculum is, they should rejoice that there is such an affordable resource available. It is truly a blessing in your doing. Don't sweat the haters, Jessica. You go, girl!:)

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Very graceful response Jessica :)


I would prefer to paypal you 5.95 and have you email me the plans when I'm ready... You deserve the whole fee!



I agree. :iagree: Can I buy your curriculum through Paypal? I'd love to see you make a little more for all your effort.

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It's a lot easier for me just to go through Lulu.com, I appreciate the generosity, really but I put it on Lulu so I wouldn't have to deal with all that. I went back and looked at Lulu and I actually had the fees reversed, Lulu is the one that gets the $1.something and I get $4 per transaction. I'm sorry quoting that the wrong way earlier, I should have looked.


Y'all are so sweet and generous with your comments. Thank you.

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It's a lot easier for me just to go through Lulu.com, I appreciate the generosity, really but I put it on Lulu so I wouldn't have to deal with all that. I went back and looked at Lulu and I actually had the fees reversed, Lulu is the one that gets the $1.something and I get $4 per transaction. I'm sorry quoting that the wrong way earlier, I should have looked.


Y'all are so sweet and generous with your comments. Thank you.


That's way better!

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