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Sleet & ice--Nasty weather here!

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Schools were closed here in NY today because of ice, of course, not ours;). Ds was taking a test and decided he didn't want to answer the stupid essay question at the end. "But mom, most kids don't even have school today." Who am I to argue? He always completes all of his work and he just turned in a wonderful three page essay for the same class. Needless to say, we skipped the essay question, ended school rather early, and headed straight for the computer games. LOL

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All the schools have sent everyone home. The businesses and stores are even shutting down. Today it is suppose to drop from 30 degress to -7 with a wind chill of -30. Wind gusts up to 40mph.


Buttoning down the hatches on the farm.




character0080.gif Stay warm! It's 75 degrees here. It would be great if the humidity wasn't 1000%!

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Our weather is mid 40s right now....suppossed to drop to 8 degrees between the hours of 6- 9pm tonight. We are under a winter storm warning.


I guess Chicago area is under blizzard warning unless they have changed it.


I love winter when you can ski...but when it is wet and rainy or too bone chilling cold to ski it makes winter dreary..... ;(



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We had this massive storm move in so fast! When I left at 11:15 to pick up my son from a thing, the roads were clear and dry, and by 12:30, when we got home, we had about 5 inches of new snow and literally couldn't see our neighbor's house across the street. The plows hadn't hit the freeways yet and I was so thankful to make it home without incident. It was pretty scary there for a while! I was so glad to have all my little cowboys home, dry and safe with me!

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You know, we just read On The Banks of Plum Creek, and I thought of you when Ma had to tend to the chores during the blizzard b/c Pa wasn't home. You've got your wood all brought in, right? ;)


I was comparing our weather to Little House books earlier today in another post. Having work to do outside is a definite added element to the elements.;) What part of the country are you in, Dy?

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I'm over here in Minnesota. Yesterday it was 48 degrees. Right now it's -3 and still dropping and the wind is horrible. I have workers up on my roof installing an exhaust fan vent...outside, in the country, nothing to block the wind. And....he almost fell off the roof!:eek:


I need a hot shower just to warm up.

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