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Dog question

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This is our first dog so we are figuring things out as we go. We adopted a rescue puppy at the end of Jan. She was about 3 months old at the time. From day one she slept in a crate in our bedroom so we could take her out at night if needed. However, she house trained easily and always slept through the night.


About August we started letting her sleep outside her crate. She almost always chose to sleep curled up at the end of the couch, which is her spot. The is a tie down there as well for when she is getting too crazy. She has never been allowed on the furniture, although she does get up on the patio furniture when she's in the backyard and we are gone.


A few weeks ago she started getting up on the couch in the middle of the night. We can't stand the hair and general doginess on the furniture, so she been sleeping on her tie down in her favorite spot. She doesn't seem to mind, and we can hear her from our bedroom


However, I feel bad having her sleep on the tie down. How can we keep her from getting on the furniture at night?

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We have the same problem. Apparently the floor is not good enough for our pooch. :glare:


I actually have to put stuff on our couch at night- a few kids toys across it, or a kid sized chair. Sometimes a few piles of books. Pillows won't deter him as he lies on top of them too but he won't move anything over or off the couch to get up on it.


He knows what we're up to at night and stares at us longingly while we pile things on the couch. :lol::lol:

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I have 5 very small dogs and 3 of them sleep in a doggie play pen. They have room to move around but all the "doggieness" is contained. I have another 1 sleep in her own crate but she is a 3.5 pound chihuahua, so still lots of room for her, then I have very trusted little lady who has the freedom of downstairs.:D

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We turn our love seat to face against the couch at night, and drape a blanket across the edge. This works fairly well, but we have a light weight couch/love seat and tile floors. If moving the furniture is not so easy, blankets draped on top of the sofa should work.


Glad to read we aren't the only ones with this problem, LOL.

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I taught our puppy/dog that the ONE couch was OK for him to go on. It is the one by the window so he can look out the window and keep an eye on things. I keep a sheet/blanket on that couch. When company comes over I simply toss it down the shoot to be washed. The kids also use that couch for eating things that could be messy. I've always felt it was a good compromise. :)

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and they prefer furniture too. we put stuff on the furniture (box of blocks, big books open, etc) or just cover it with a sheet (dh's preferred method). do they have a bed? one of ours will stay on their bed if it's clean, but one still prefers the couch. the funny thing is, the girl (my shadow) will try to "sneak" up next to me when i'm on the couch if i'm reading a book or doing something she thinks i won't notice. she's 55 lbs! dogs are so funny.

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From day one we trained our dog to not be on the furniture, we too allow out dog to sleep out of the crate now. But he actuall prefers it, we leave his cage open and he goes in and out as he pleases to, never ever does he go on the furniture. Why not put your dog back in the crate? You will not be depriving your dog of anythin, I promise, we actually use our crate alot with our dog. Remember, your crate is your best friend!!:)

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We used to lock our 50 lb. mutt in his crate. We had a giant dog pillow in the bottom. He loved his crate so much that he'd stay there all day (inside dog), even with the door open.


When we moved, we ditched the crate, but we kept his pillow out. He is happy to seek out his pillow and stays there almost all the time. Occasionally he will lay on an area rug if we're on the couch. He's never been allowed in the bedrooms, so he's not interested. There was a period of time when he's sneak onto the couch we had stored in the basement, but we turned the cushions up to discourage him.


He loves having his OWN spot.

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Our dog sleeps in a crate in our laundry room. She's been crate trained since day one, and she willingly sleeps in there. Sometimes she even goes in it on her own, during the day, for a nap. We leave the crate door open, but the laundry room door shut. Occasionally she sleeps with the girls, but if we let her do that for too many days in a row, she starts getting into stuff or peeing on the floor :confused:

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This is our first dog so we are figuring things out as we go. We adopted a rescue puppy at the end of Jan. She was about 3 months old at the time. From day one she slept in a crate in our bedroom so we could take her out at night if needed. However, she house trained easily and always slept through the night.


About August we started letting her sleep outside her crate. She almost always chose to sleep curled up at the end of the couch, which is her spot. The is a tie down there as well for when she is getting too crazy. She has never been allowed on the furniture, although she does get up on the patio furniture when she's in the backyard and we are gone.


A few weeks ago she started getting up on the couch in the middle of the night. We can't stand the hair and general doginess on the furniture, so she been sleeping on her tie down in her favorite spot. She doesn't seem to mind, and we can hear her from our bedroom


However, I feel bad having her sleep on the tie down. How can we keep her from getting on the furniture at night?


We have the same problem except it is during the day when we are out. Our Brittany sleeps in ds's room in her crate at night. However, we stopped putting her in the crate when we leave the house because she really does nothing wrong EXCEPT get on the sofa. I have given up trying to change this. She will also get on my step son's bed which makes me but especially dh CRAZY. Weird because she doesn't ever get on the other beds in the house. So anyway we just always shut my dss' bedroom door when we leave. We try to keep her shaved and clean so as to minimize the hair....but I sure don't like it.


She was never meant to be an inside dog to start with! Hmf...


Oh but to answer your question put her back in the crate. My dog loves her crate too. I got her a bigger one recently and she has plenty of room to stand and stretch.

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Okay, it looks like the crate is the way to go. We didn't want her back in the bedroom and there is no other great permanent place for the crate, but we'll start looking again.


I had this problem too. When I moved/downsized there is now NO place for the crate except ds's room....and even that is crowded. But it has to be.


Darn dog. She better be glad I love her so much.

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