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How many days per week do you do AAS?


How many days per week do you do AAS?  

  1. 1. How many days per week do you do AAS?

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I stated "3" but it is really 3-4. We school 4 days a week. We "should" do it 4 days a week but sometimes we just don't have the time. We typically do 1 lesson in 1 day (sometimes 2) so we are moving at a pace that is fast enough even if we do get to spelling 3x per week.

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We do AAS 2 days a week and grammar 2 days a week. However, when we are doing our phonics and writing, and get to things that we have already learned in AAS, we talk about those. "Oh look, here is something you learned in spelling. Do you remember the rule for this?" This year we will be done with our phonics program and will move on to doing AAS 4 times a week.

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We do AAS 4 days a week with a lesson a day. We just started using AAS in September so DD is working quickly through Level 1 and will start Level 2 in a couple of weeks. It's really easy for her right now so it only takes about 10 - 15 minutes. We will see if that changes once she reaches the upper levels.

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We do it four days a week. It takes the longest on the first day because of the new material. The other three days we do the review dictations and review one type of card. I do fll and wwe on the shorter three aas review days so it comes out to about the same amount of time each day for language arts. Clear as mud?

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I love seeing the flexible way it is used! I also love that even if I don't get to it some days, I still see my children progressing in their understanding of spelling.


I agree. I like that it is scripted and detailed but still so flexible.

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