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Do you have more than one IPad in your home?

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I am very strongly considering getting myself an IPad..asap. I've wanted one for a long time, and now have been watching some of the women at co-op with theirs and seeing what they use them for.


I run a busy online business and am very busy with both my desktop and laptop. My laptop is on it's last leg. I was thinking last night how I no longer actually design on my laptop, but use it mostly for travel, file organizing, being online in the evenings when I'm not at my desk.


I've ALSO wanted to have an IPad for the kids. I think it would be a great educational tool for them. I read the threads about what y'all use it for and the apps and think I would like it.


BUT..and this is a big but..I don't want to share a computer device with the kids. Especially something I use for business. But then I think it's stupid to have TWO IPads...


Is it? Do any of you have two in your home? How many of your children share one? Do they use it often? Do YOU??

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We have only one iPad, but lots of other devices. Hubby is a self-employed computer consultant, so how it works here is he buys a laptop (high-powered) and when it starts to die/age/become too slow, it gets passed along. He's actually just ordered a MacBook Pro (kinda getting fed up with microsoft and crashes/bugs), and the plan is to get me a MacBook Air (I blog regularly and also work PT) if he likes the Pro. The boys also have a really old laptop, and I have a semi-old laptop.


Hubby is in the know about this stuff, and thinks the Air would be a better fit for my needs than another iPad. Have you looked at them? They aren't that much more expensive than the iPad, and are more like a traditional laptop except very, very light and good for travel. That said, I have seen more and more business folks using an iPad; the window guy we just bought new windows from used one, and it was great to see all kinds of pics instantly--WAY better than flipping thru a brochure!


As for use, the boys use the iPad daily; hubby and I sometimes do as well. Hubby and I are on our current laptops for several hours each day. Good luck with your decision.

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We have two. Originally we bought an Ipad2 for the whole family. I want to have my TMs as well as email and stuff like that for me on it and the kids have their apps and movies on it. It was a pain to share so I recently bought a refurbished Ipad1 from the apple store. I had thought of getting another type of tablet or a netbook for me, but in the end the Ipad made sense, we knew how to use it and knew it would do just what we wanted. I don't regret one bit getting them their own.


Forgot to mention that we use our ipads every single day. I have 3 kids that share the Ipad1.

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BUT..and this is a big but..I don't want to share a computer device with the kids.
You sound like MomsintheGarden! I often tell her that she failed kindergarten!
But then I think it's stupid to have TWO IPads...
Why? Because they are so expensive?
Is it?
Umm. I guess I don't think so. In fact, the licensing model for iPad apps, books and video makes iPads after the first one more cost effective than the first one. This makes it easier to justify purchasing expensive content since it can be shared.
Do any of you have two in your home?
We have two here and are considering getting three more for Christmas.
How many of your children share one?
Do they use it often?
VERY often.
Do YOU??
Yes. It's mine. (The second one belongs to DS13 exclusively.)


Once we receive the Kindle Fire for MomsintheGarden next month we will evaluate whether we can make do with three more of those for the younger children for Christmas or if we should really spring for the iPads. No question the iPads are better, but they are MUCH more expensive, even if you factor in the sharing of apps.

Edited by RegGuheert
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We have four iPads in our house, and the kids are allowed to use any of them (with permission of the iPad owner). My parents each have one that they generously share with the kids, and my brother has one that he prefers the kids only use when it's a last-resort (like on an airplane or at a doctor's appt). My brother's older one is a dedicated kid one that floats around the house. Five kids live here, ages 6 - 14. Four other kids are here on a daily basis, ages 2 - 16. It's used daily by almost everyone.


I don't use one, I don't own one, I have no interest in the iPad LOL.

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We have only one iPad, but lots of other devices. Hubby is a self-employed computer consultant, so how it works here is he buys a laptop (high-powered) and when it starts to die/age/become too slow, it gets passed along. He's actually just ordered a MacBook Pro (kinda getting fed up with microsoft and crashes/bugs), and the plan is to get me a MacBook Air (I blog regularly and also work PT) if he likes the Pro. The boys also have a really old laptop, and I have a semi-old laptop.


Hubby is in the know about this stuff, and thinks the Air would be a better fit for my needs than another iPad. Have you looked at them? They aren't that much more expensive than the iPad, and are more like a traditional laptop except very, very light and good for travel. That said, I have seen more and more business folks using an iPad; the window guy we just bought new windows from used one, and it was great to see all kinds of pics instantly--WAY better than flipping thru a brochure!


As for use, the boys use the iPad daily; hubby and I sometimes do as well. Hubby and I are on our current laptops for several hours each day. Good luck with your decision.


hmmmm...can you use all the apps on the Mac Air?


I think we're about the pack the kids up and go to the Apple store to look around.



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You sound like MomsintheGarden! I often tell her that she failed kindergarten!Why? Because they are so expensive?Umm. I guess I don't think so. In fact, the licensing model for iPad apps, books and video makes iPads after the first one more cost effective than the first one. This makes it easier to justify purchasing expensive content since it can be shared.We have two here and are considering getting three more for Christmas.Four.VERY often.Yes. It's mine. (The second one belongs to DS13 exclusively.)


Once we receive the Kindle Fire for MomsintheGarden next month we will evaluate whether we can make do with three more of those for the younger children for Christmas or if we should really spring for the iPads. No question the iPads are better, but they are MUCH more expensive, even if you factor in the sharing of apps.


I guess..they aren't really any more expensive than a regular laptop...and our home has 3 of those! lol


Maybe I'll get one for myself and then if it's as fabulous as I hope, get one for the kids for Christmas?


I'm such a gadget geek!!! LOL

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I guess..they aren't really any more expensive than a regular laptop...and our home has 3 of those! lol
I bought the laptops that the children use for them from Walmart in sales at the beginning of November for $300.00 each. So, to me, the iPad comes in at over 2X the price of a laptop while the Kindle Fire comes in at about 2/3 the cost.


FWIW, DS13 has worked hard to replace his laptop with his iPad. At the current time, it is not to be.

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We bought one two weeks ago and plan to buy another one for dh beforenthe end of the year. We'll both use it for business but we agreed I would get the first one to use for business & school since he has a newer laptop & I travel more. Right now dd and I are sharing. I can foresee us getting a third at some point because she would use it constantly. Before I bought the iPad I would have considered getting her a laptop in a year or so but now I can't see a reason for it. I might take the suggestion from a previous poster & check in to a iPad instead of ipad2 for her to save some money.

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We have two iPads and two iPhones. The iPad1 now belongs to my daughter, and my DH just got me an iPad2 as a birthday gift. We plan to get the iPad3 next spring. We are a techy family who loves our gadgets.


We use them all at once sometimes. There have been times when we all pull out our iDevices at a restaurant and play together. I feel like such a nerd when we do that.

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My middle kiddo received an iPad2 for her birthday this year, combining monetary gifts (from grandparents, aunts/uncles, and us) with her own savings. My youngest has wanted one since she first saw them at Best Buy shortly after the iPad1 came out, so for her birthday, she, too, received one - a first gen on clearance from Verizon (64GB for $400, new). I use them when they're not otherwise in use, but I'm looking forward to getting my own - I'm waiting for the iPad3 at this point. I expect we'll buy ds an iPad2 when/if they go on clearance. There is some overlap on the apps they use, but if I were to have one iPad with apps for all three of my kids, plus my own apps....wow, it'd be messy. :lol:


I've considered getting ds a Kindle Fire, but...I have already purchased so much iContent, you know? Doesn't make sense to buy a Droid device and start over. (Plus, as soon as our Droid contracts are over, I'm going back to iPhones - I'm definitely not a fan of Android.)


OP, I'm with you - I'd really rather not have to share an iPad if it can be helped. I don't, however, have a problem having more computer devices than people - we have one (aging, but still very functional) desktop, three laptops (one's a Mac), a netbook, two iPods (one Touch, one Classic), two iPads, and an iPhone. If money were no object, I'd have an iPad for each person, and just one or maybe two laptops for things that aren't easy/convenient to do on the iPad. I'd almost even go back to a simple cell phone if I could have a hotspot for at least one iPad. They're just so convenient and useful....

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My 1 year old has an iPad. My 5 year old has an iPod touch. My 12 year old has a laptop and an iPod touch. My 15 year old has a thunderbolt and about 6 laptops. My 17 year old has an iPhone and a laptop.


I see NO reason for anyone to be touching my iPad.

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I am not getting my kids iPads for a couple of reasons.


If I get them something I think I would rather get them a small laptop. The iPad is $500 minimum plus an additional $100-$200 or more for added memory and/or keyboards and cases.


They don't need to all have access to apps all the time. I do have an iPod touch and an iPad, so we do have two devices for this.


I got my iPad for free.....well, my dad got it for free and gave me the gift card they gave him. I did pay an additional $100 to get 32 gig and I did pay $50 for a keyboard and another $50 or so for a protective case.



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My 1 year old has an iPad. My 5 year old has an iPod touch. My 12 year old has a laptop and an iPod touch. My 15 year old has a thunderbolt and about 6 laptops. My 17 year old has an iPhone and a laptop.


I see NO reason for anyone to be touching my iPad.


wow! What does your 1 year old do on the ipad?


I *think* I'm going to buy mine today. I can't wait!


We have many computer/electronic devices. It just seems the iPad is calling to me.


I've never heard of thunderbolt????

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I love tech toys too! Trying to decide between an iPad2 and waiting for the 3.


But the reason for my post--hit the library and do some research. Either MacLife or MacWorld had an article recently (in the last 6 months or less) on setting up your iPad as a laptop replacement. Which apps to get and which accessories.


If I find the exact reference I come back with it.


ETA: Here is one link-I'll keep looking for the print reference.



Edited by JumpedIntoTheDeepEndFirst
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Big families are rare where my husband works, so when a young engineer is expecting their first baby, they come to dh for advice.


He says all you really need for a new baby is some diapers, a little space between the parents in the bed and an iPad.


Here is an old video of my youngest.





She calls it her "E I O"


If anyone touches her iPad, she gets their iPod/iPhone and makes them trade. We have created a monster.

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Big families are rare where my husband works, so when a young engineer is expecting their first baby, they come to dh for advice.


He says all you really need for a new baby is some diapers, a little space between the parents in the bed and an iPad.


Here is an old video of my youngest.





She calls it her "E I O"


If anyone touches her iPad, she gets their iPod/iPhone and makes them trade. We have created a monster.


awww! I love it! Sooooooo cute!


So, judging from that video, and the others that I just watched of babies interracting with the ipad, I don't think I'll be too fearful of an 8 and 10 year old breaking it, huh? LOL

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awww! I love it! Sooooooo cute!


So, judging from that video, and the others that I just watched of babies interracting with the ipad, I don't think I'll be too fearful of an 8 and 10 year old breaking it, huh? LOL


Make sure you get a sturdy case. The glass on the front will break if dropped. Otterbox makes very sturdy cases for both the iPhone and iPad.


We have two iPads. I have the new one and my husband has my original iPad. He isn't able to take iPhones or iPads into his workplace, so he's fine having the older version. I will probably get the new one that comes out this spring. At that point, the two boys left at home will get to share the original and my husband will get the one I have now.


I considered getting our three boys iPads for Christmas last year - and will probably consider again this year.



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I don't think it is stupid at all!


I refuse to share my electronic devices with my kids. If their laptop or whatever crashes, breaks, or whatever - it likely won't ruin our finances or derail schooling! It very likely would if it is the laptop or iPad used to create lesson plans and resources or business needs or whatever else that is crucial to running this home smoothly.


We have two laptops for the kids to use. Both laptops are on their last legs and we are considering if something else would meet our needs just as well or better. If an iPad would, then I wouldn't mind doing that.


I don't think it will though bc iPad doesn't run flash and that is needed just often enough to tip the balance to not using only an iPad for business or school needs IMO.

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