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Chicken mummy check in!

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We're on day 2 of our chicken mummy experiment and so far so good. The kids were a little grossed out but overall had fun yesterday. We decided to add cinnamon to the salt mixture just to make it smell better, and that worked out great until today when we had to dump the wet salt and add the new salt. I've never smelled cinnamon and rubbing alcohol mixed together and let me tell ya it's not the best scent. :blink:


We're actually doing MOH this year but bought the SOTW activity guide just so we could do some of the fun things like this. I'd love to hear how others are doing.

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Oh oh! We're doing it. Tomorrow will be one week. I've changed it twice since last Friday. I'm actually planning to change it in after I clean the kitchen. Then I'll clean it again of course.


My dd6 was really into it. Ds8 won't go near it and DS10 is wishy-washy about it. As of right now it's really my project. Oh, there are pics of all of the changes on my blog. If you are interested, the link is below.


Good luck.

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Hmmm. I'm not doing this so perhaps I shouldn't butt in. In my co-op a terrific mom (she's raised a handful of kids to adulthood and is a grandma and now she and her dh have adopted two high needs kids from tough situations and they're raising them) is teaching an Egypt class to kids that are (sadly...) younger than my youngest child. Last week, the kids mummified apples and she had considered mummifying a chicken but thought it took "too much salt."


Then, on the morning of co-op she walked into the garage a few hours before co-op and saw a couple of mice scurry by so she asked her husband to set the traps. Within an hour, she had a mouse in a trap, and in a way where it wasn't squirting guts out. They untrapped this mouse (I've never done that). She brought this little mouse to co-op, looked up mouse anatomy on the internet and a dad that was there (subbing for his wife, the class helper, who was on jury duty) dissected this poor little critter. The squeamish kids went to the next classroom over as they pulled out the lungs, heart, brain, intestines, stomach, liver, etc. to put in little canopic jars.


Then this mom mummified a mouse that was alive in her garage only hours before.


I'll have to ask her for updates on it.

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We started the Nile in a roasting pan today. The chicken mummy is maybe a week out.


I'm doing things a bit backward, but we're doing the Nile in a pan tomorrow. We made sand cubes for pyramids last week,'so we'll out them next to the Nile.


Egypt is really fun!

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We did the mummy a while back. I soaked it in rubbing alcohol over night. Then changed the salt/baking soda/Borax mixture every 4 hours ( I did not get up in the middle of the night, but changed it as soon as I had my coffee, then went every 6 hours ) to start for a few days, then ever 6, then every 12 hours for a few more, then just once a day. I did not rinse it off between changes, just took out the old, and broke off anything that was stuck and refilled. We used cinnamon, sage, and anything else the kids wanted in there. I was heavy on the cinnamon though. It never got close to damp this way, and dried out much faster with very little smell.

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Oh oh! We're doing it. Tomorrow will be one week. I've changed it twice since last Friday. I'm actually planning to change it in after I clean the kitchen. Then I'll clean it again of course.


My dd6 was really into it. Ds8 won't go near it and DS10 is wishy-washy about it. As of right now it's really my project. Oh, there are pics of all of the changes on my blog. If you are interested, the link is below.


Good luck.


I checked out your blog--looks great! I'm interested to see more as you progress.

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Hmmm. I'm not doing this so perhaps I shouldn't butt in. In my co-op a terrific mom (she's raised a handful of kids to adulthood and is a grandma and now she and her dh have adopted two high needs kids from tough situations and they're raising them) is teaching an Egypt class to kids that are (sadly...) younger than my youngest child. Last week, the kids mummified apples and she had considered mummifying a chicken but thought it took "too much salt."


Then, on the morning of co-op she walked into the garage a few hours before co-op and saw a couple of mice scurry by so she asked her husband to set the traps. Within an hour, she had a mouse in a trap, and in a way where it wasn't squirting guts out. They untrapped this mouse (I've never done that). She brought this little mouse to co-op, looked up mouse anatomy on the internet and a dad that was there (subbing for his wife, the class helper, who was on jury duty) dissected this poor little critter. The squeamish kids went to the next classroom over as they pulled out the lungs, heart, brain, intestines, stomach, liver, etc. to put in little canopic jars.


Then this mom mummified a mouse that was alive in her garage only hours before.


I'll have to ask her for updates on it.


:svengo: Wow.

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What did you use to make the pyramid? I've been contemplating making one.


Not gardenmom, but we made the sand cubes for the pyramid. I put a bunch of sand in a big bucket, poured about three bottles of glue and some mod podge on it and told the kids to go to town. The mixed it all together and then we spread it out onto a baking sheet to dry. Since we lived where it is warm, we left it outside for about an hour, which was actually a mistake. It meant that the top of the mixture dried to fast and then came off when I cut it.


But it all turned out okay. We left the cubes in the pan to dry for a week and just made the pyramids today. They were kind of a pain--we tried to spread it as flat as possible and cut them as neatly as we could, but there were a lot that were different sizes and shapes. If they had been neater I think our pyramid would have turned out better. Sugar cubes would have been easier and tastier, but we have ants and I refuse to just give them food like that!


And there are going to pictures up of both the pyramid and the Nile as soon as I can put them on the blog.

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We mummified a rather big U Catch fish, which wasn't as smelly as you think. I used straight baking soda, from those huge bags from Costco. Then, we oiled it, stuffed it with rosemary, wrapped it in gauge bandages and buried it for a year. It smelled good enough to eat when we took it out.


I think we'll do an apple next time around, but a chicken might just gross Daddy out enough to make it all worthwhile.

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We're just about to mummify a chicken too! Would have done it earlier this week, but I haven't had a chance to make it to the cheap grocery store yet (and you better believe that I wasn't about to buy a fancy organic Wegmans chicken for this project!) One of my IRL friends used a cornish game hen last year instead of a full-size chicken and it worked great!


One question about the sugar-cube pyramids. Do you think that if you coat the finished pyramid with white glue (or some kind of sealant) that it might keep the ants at bay?

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Pharaoh Kluckfu is still doing well. I changed him last Thursday and now I'm thankfully onto changing him weekly instead of daily. He is getting more and more wrinkly, but I didn't take a picture this time. He's also getting lighter and lighter. And still no smell, also thankfully.


My dh keeps asking me what we'll do with him when he's all finished. I don't know yet, but I'm sure we'll think of something.

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Pharaoh Kluckfu is still doing well. I changed him last Thursday and now I'm thankfully onto changing him weekly instead of daily. He is getting more and more wrinkly, but I didn't take a picture this time. He's also getting lighter and lighter. And still no smell, also thankfully.


My dh keeps asking me what we'll do with him when he's all finished. I don't know yet, but I'm sure we'll think of something.


I was supposed to change ours yesterday and this morning I realized I'd forgotten! :001_huh: Just as I feared, he started to smell a little. I quickly cleaned him out and added the new salt mixture, hoping that I haven't screwed it up for good.

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