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Babies don't keep...

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Mine is 5yo. He fell asleep on my lap tonight, and I sit here typing one-handed b/c I don't have the heart to lay him down. He's so sweet and snuggly...and growing by the minute...


Today is October 3rd, so my twins (my "babies") will be five in exactly three months. It seems like yesterday that I was holding two at a time in my lap, wrapped up like little burritoes... now it's hard for one of them to fit. :D The month after they turn five, my oldest will be SEVEN! Yikes!


They all were the cutest toddlers... sigh... but it's exciting to be moving into another stage and I plan to enjoy it. :)

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My youngest is also 5. :001_unsure:




Enjoy it! I miss my little ones. My youngest is 10 and still likes to cuddle sometimes, but it isn't quite the same.


My oldest is 8.5 and gives hugs but is wayyyyy too old to snuggle (his opinion)...sigh...



My big guy will be 5 in just a few weeks. He seems so big that I forget to cuddle him as much as I should. Thanks for the reminder. :grouphug:


Reading all these little baby threads has me all emotional about it. Any other night, I send them all three off, tuck them in and then sneak chocolate.:lol:



Today is October 3rd, so my twins (my "babies") will be five in exactly three months. It seems like yesterday that I was holding two at a time in my lap, wrapped up like little burritoes... now it's hard for one of them to fit. :D





I called mine baby-burritoes when they were all wrapped up in their towels after baths...we even have a song about it (:tongue_smilie:) that we sang until...until...until they all got so big that no one needs my help out of the tub...sigh.

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:iagree: It is liberating to be stroller/carrier/diaper bag free...true...and he is very fun to teach. I'm savoring Kindy this year.


Your kids are about the same ages as mine and I'm finding it to be a very bittersweet time. We went to Sea World on Friday and ds5 was initially sad to not be able to ride the bigger roller coasters like my other two. While DH rode with them, I rode the Shamu Express with him over and over and over again. He squealed with excitement and declared it his favorite ride in the whole world. :001_wub:


The park was virtually empty and they let us ride in a continuous loop for the longest time. We would hop up, pick another seat, and go again. He had a shine in his eyes the whole time. Then he said he would like to ride in the front alone and I let him. But I shed a little tear when he went off, because he's my last baby and he is a mere 2 inches away from being a thrill-seeking big boy.


I hug him extra tight and cradle him like a newborn whenever he lets me. :tongue_smilie:


And about Kindy... We do voluntary Kindergarten here and he is my first kiddo who actually opts in every day. Those older siblings just pull the young ones along, don't they?

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My 15 mo old was going through a stage that she just didn't want to be held and cuddled. It lasted months. My guess is she was just too busy. In the last few days though she is becoming more willing to lay on my shoulder again. I can't imagine what it will be like when she is 5.

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Thank you for the reminder. I'm not typically a cuddly sort (you have to remind me), but after reading this I will definitely hug my kids more, and cuddle with them more. My 8-year-old ds just asked for more hugs the other day. He told me I didn't hug him enough - ouch. I just remember him being so energetic and busy being even younger; he didn't seem to need as much cuddling. Lesson learned. My youngest is 8 months.

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My older "baby" is 12. Then we had our "baby" baby who is nearly 2. I chase her around the house sometimes just to snuggle and cuddle her (and I'm not the only one who does :)). By the end of the day she sometimes asks to go to bed. I think it's 'cause of all the kissin' & stuff :D


What a blessed little girl!:001_smile:




And about Kindy... We do voluntary Kindergarten here and he is my first kiddo who actually opts in every day. Those older siblings just pull the young ones along, don't they?



My Kindy is relaxed too....and yes, they do.





Thank you for the reminder. I'm not typically a cuddly sort (you have to remind me), but after reading this I will definitely hug my kids more, and cuddle with them more. My 8-year-old ds just asked for more hugs the other day. He told me I didn't hug him enough - ouch. I just remember him being so energetic and busy being even younger; he didn't seem to need as much cuddling. Lesson learned. My youngest is 8 months.



It's easy to forget that the big one needs hugs too. It's easy to get wrapped up in the needs of little ones, and let the older one go too long.

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