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Awkward Neighbor Moments

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I think it has rained almost every day this week.


So we were outside today finally. We went over to chat with our neighbor - the born again farmer. We love him but he gets on my nerves because he knows EVERYTHING there is to know about every method of farming ever known to man, especially if you're doing it wrong but still getting good results (organic farming).


Anyway, a double rainbow pops out. And instantly, my otherwise sane and ever practical neighbor yells out, "What does it MEAAAANNN?" And he looks fake agitated. He keeps looking up and then down at the ground and he starts pacing in little circles.


So I burst out laughing. I've seen the youtube video and laughed. Everybody has at this point, right? He HAS to be doing a parody, right? And I popped off with, "It means the environmental condidions are right for a double rainbow. Cool!"


Well, he wasn't doing a parody. For some reason, the double rainbow really freaked him out. This is a guy in his mid 60s who is outside dawn to dusk farming his 10 acres all season long. It never occurred to me that he wouldn't know/have seen a double rainbow before. We live in Michigan and live near the water and have rainbows frequently.


Thank goodness his rooster distracted him and I got to go but I'm still chuckling. I should have youtubed him!

And now I have to bake him something that he will invariably lovingly criticize when he gives the plate back... :001_smile:

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Around 1 min, 20 seconds he yells out, "What does it mean?!" And then he makes this moaning noise that sounds exactly like... "it." I totally expected him to put the camera down so he could wipe his right hand. Then he sobs and then he cracks up completely.


Ok, I haven't seen this one. :001_huh::tongue_smilie:

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Are you talking about the one where someone was saying the rainbow was a govt conspiracy or something like that? I cannot remember now, but I do remember thinking, "even I understand how rainbows are formed." :lol:


And kudos to you for being a nice neighbor.


After laughing at him, I am not sure I still am a "nice neighbor" but for the love of hashbrowns, why did he call out, "What does it mean???"


When I told DH the story, he suggested we need to sneak over to neighbor's farm one night and look for pot. :lol:

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Around 1 min, 20 seconds he yells out, "What does it mean?!" And then he makes this moaning noise that sounds exactly like... "it." I totally expected him to put the camera down so he could wipe his right hand. Then he sobs and then he cracks up completely.




HE THEN STARTS CRYING?!?!?! :svengo:

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:lol: The guy on youtube reminds me of the character played by Woody Harleson on 2012. Reminds me of people I knew in the late '70s and early '80s. People like your neighbor, on the other hand, make me feel like maybe I am not really from this planet. :001_huh: Anyhow, I have seen lots of double rainbows. Not a everyday occurance mind ya, but often enough that I assumed that everyone had seen at least one in their lifetime, even if they lived in a desert with practically no precipitation.

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Around 1 min, 20 seconds he yells out, "What does it mean?!" And then he makes this moaning noise that sounds exactly like... "it." I totally expected him to put the camera down so he could wipe his right hand. Then he sobs and then he cracks up completely.


:blink: Dude totally had to be drunk or high. Or both.


The rainbow was incredible, though.



here it is.


Please somebody tell me she wasn't serious! How can she manage to throw around so many scientific terms and be so totally WRONG? Oh, and not only does she not know her science, she also can't spell (prodominatly) AND she kills kittens. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Kirch
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I've seen this one before. I thought he must be high. He certainly sounds like he's been smoking something.


here it is.


Someone needs to teach her some elementary science.



We get double rainbows fairly frequently here. They are cool, and we love looking at them, but they aren't that big of a deal. The most recent one we saw was a double halo around the sun.

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Guest submarines
here it is.


:lol: This is awesome! I'm certain this is performance art, and I'm somewhat jealous I didn't come up with something like this! Hilarious and a fun way to make money too! Great stuff!

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Around 1 min, 20 seconds he yells out, "What does it mean?!" And then he makes this moaning noise that sounds exactly like... "it." I totally expected him to put the camera down so he could wipe his right hand. Then he sobs and then he cracks up completely.


I've never seen a double rainbow, so I even googled for pictures. Neat phenomenon.


This video, I don't know...the view must have been absolutely breathtaking. It is easy to think he was high, but I'd like to think that sometimes things that are incredibly beautiful and special can affect us physically. Sometimes when I read poetry, I can almost feel vibrations in my body just from the way the words are put together, never mind the meaning. It was a powerful experience, that's for sure.

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P.S. I've never seen a double rainbow myself. Wouldn't freak me out in a bad way, but I'd be totally psyched in a good way!


We saw one last night, just before dusk! There was an almost-full rainbow (horizon to horizon), with half of it "echoed". It was lovely, and surely the universe's way of patting me on my back for not completely losing my cool when we arrived at 6pm for a party to find no-one there yet. (We came back at 7pm, and the guests of honor / hosts arrived at around 8pm - file this one under "cultural differences".)

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Yeah, this has been the week of intermittent rain and sunshine in Michigan and I think we've caught 3 double rainbows now. We dropped what we were doing with that first one, snapped some pictures, and even placed some calls and texts so our friends didn't miss it. But I'm pretty sure none of us were sobbing, laughing hysterically, or crying out "What does it MEAN?!!" Yipes. That youtube was bizarre. (Had I known about the youtube, I would've thought parody, too.)


SprinklerRainbowLady and her fellow conspiracy theorists are a dime a dozen in my neighborhood. The pot crops are planted amongst the corn, which may or may not have something to do with that.:D

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We saw one last night, just before dusk! There was an almost-full rainbow (horizon to horizon), with half of it "echoed". It was lovely, and surely the universe's way of patting me on my back for not completely losing my cool when we arrived at 6pm for a party to find no-one there yet. (We came back at 7pm, and the guests of honor / hosts arrived at around 8pm - file this one under "cultural differences".)


Lucky you! I hope the universe pats me on the back soon, too. :D

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I've never seen a double rainbow, so I even googled for pictures. Neat phenomenon.


This video, I don't know...the view must have been absolutely breathtaking. It is easy to think he was high, but I'd like to think that sometimes things that are incredibly beautiful and special can affect us physically. Sometimes when I read poetry, I can almost feel vibrations in my body just from the way the words are put together, never mind the meaning. It was a powerful experience, that's for sure.


For sure, some people are much more in tune with beauty than others, and can be moved in a way that most people wouldn't understand. For my part, my eyes well up at many things that other people miss entirely. I do think you're right--there may or may not have been drugs involved. I don't think it should be an automatic conclusion.

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