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Anyone else here in the 2WW or even just TTCing?

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The OB said I should have a regular cycle in the next 4 to 6 weeks and then I am good to go. Of course my cycles have never been normal hence the two surprise pregnancies in the last two years. I keep hoping I can at least be pregnant again by April of next year. I don't know I just think it would make my EDD of April 7 with my ectopic a little easier to bear.

What really stinks is I thought I was ok if I did not have any more babies. The surprise pregnancy of last month and then the ectopic have totally thrown me into baby wanting mode again.

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We aren't trying but something a couple of weeks ago made me think I might be. I took a test earlier this month but realized it was probably too early. I'm going to test again if nothing happens in the next day or two. Can I say that those two weeks are the longest - such a roller coaster. I had a negative test, but I've had nausea off and on for over a week. A couple of times it was bad enough that I thought, "Okay, there is no way this could be all in my head." Then the baby threw up. So, it is probably just a bug. I've had other symptoms, too, but they could be explained by other things.


Dh has stated that he is done having kids. In a way, I'd really like to be pg now because it may be my only chance at another (and it was all his fault so he can't blame me:D). On the other hand, I never lost weight after the last baby. And had a lot to lose after my third yet. If I'm expecting now, I'm going to be a blimp.

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Oh Zoo, I hope it was just a weird number. :grouphug:


My bOOks hurt.


Nance, I smiled when I saw you here. Maybe we can get our deliveries covered under Medicare??? :D

I'm 40 in 20 days...


Thanks! I doubt it is though. I've been cramping some. I turned 40 this summer and am definitely feeling that clock ticking!!

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Could anyone say this board leaves anything unclear ? :D


Just wanted to avoid any further questions. :lol:


I'm going to hope for a positive hpt later this week, but I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) when my youngest was 3 months old and I really don't know how or if that will impact my fertility. When untreated it can prevent ovulation and cause miscarriage. I've been treating it for the past 3.5 years, but I had my numbers drawn on Thursday (5 dpo) and they are worse than they have ever been. :( They aren't really bad, but the change is enough to make me worry about miscarriage even if I did conceive this month. I'm hoping to get a change in my medication tomorrow.

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My doctor increased my medication, so I hope that will avert potential miscarriage problems. I might test on Thursday or Friday. No definitive symptoms. What is going on with you?



My bOOks are sore. That is either a symptom of pregnancy in me or a symptom of PMS is me. And I have another 7 days of obsessing about it to go. :001_huh:

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I'm TTC :) Have been for a while, but I have PCOS. I'm going to the Dr. in 2 weeks to get some blood work done to check my thyroid and estrogen/progesterone. I'm almost positive that I have estrogen dominance issues. I'm going to see what my numbers are and then start that progesterone cream.


For the longest time, I've been totally cool with TTC. I've had a "if it's meant to happen, it will happen" attitude. However, in the past 3 months or so, I've started to feel more, I dunno, urgent about it.


I turn 31 in January, my only son will turn 8 in June; I NEED a baby!!


Theoretically, I would like to pop out two more before I turn 35, and be done at 35. But I'll take whatever I can get :)

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Jenn lol at Medicare. It is nice to have people to check in with. Hope this thread stays active! I am still awaiting a positive OPK. I'm on cd12 and still negative OPK as of this morning, which was what I was expecting, it's still a bit early for me (though I'm not sure exactly what to expect now that I'm post-ectopic, things might not be on the same schedule they were before, I guess).

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Zoo, what happened? Are you ok?


Verit, how are you doing? The end of the week is coming up! Any symptoms??


AF is trying really hard to come. I've been cramping for 3 days and spotting on and off. I wish it would just start and get it over with. I have an appt with my thyroid dr tomorrow and I think my meds need to be adjusted. I'm hoping to get better results next month after a med adjustment.

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Heh, well, I have to confess, I have REALLY enjoyed my hospital epidurals. Try not to hold it against me. haha.


Hey, I had one epidural that did SQUAT and one that was so amazing I was asking when number 3 could come while in active labor with DS. :D


I want a homebirth this time around just to see if I can do it.


Zoo, I hope your doctor can give you some answers tomorrow!!!

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Well, my thyroid numbers looked good so we're doing some hormone testing. She thinks I'm not absorbing my progesterone cream well enough. All the symptoms point to hormones, lack of sleep, short cycle with long, heavy AF. It's causing me to be a bit anemic. She asked when we would like to think about another baby and I said 3 months ago. :D Hopefully I'll know something in time to give it a good try this month.

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We are ttc #4. There. I said it. Truthfully, we've been ttc for about 2 yrs now. Last time around it didn't happen without surgery and lots of drugs and lots of $ and a ton of appointments with the fertility specialist. And we can't go that route this time, we don't have the $. But we want #4. So we're trying. This cycle we're pulling out all the stops with lots of herbs, temping, OPKs, etc. I think I am ovulating today, I'm praying my temp goes up tomorrow cause my dh is tiring. ;) But I really don't think it will happen. I am going to make an appointment with my doc to see if I can at least go to an OB in town and maybe she will address my PCOS and my suspected thryoid problems. I think if they can fix those problems I might actually have a chance of getting pg on my own. (I have endo, PCOS, tilted uterus, miscarriage history)

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Well, my thyroid numbers looked good so we're doing some hormone testing. She thinks I'm not absorbing my progesterone cream well enough. All the symptoms point to hormones, lack of sleep, short cycle with long, heavy AF. It's causing me to be a bit anemic. She asked when we would like to think about another baby and I said 3 months ago. :D Hopefully I'll know something in time to give it a good try this month.


After struggling with anemia for most of my life, I finally found an iron supplement my body can actually absorb. It's called Ultimate Iron by Enzymatic Therapies. My anemia symptoms went away about a week after I started taking it. I feel so much better! I hope you sort things out. :)


Well, ladies, I broke down and tested this morning. I got very light lines on a cheap test strip I bought online and on a First Response Early Result. I'm not sure I believe it yet! I really hope my thyroid lets this baby stick. :)

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After struggling with anemia for most of my life, I finally found an iron supplement my body can actually absorb. It's called Ultimate Iron by Enzymatic Therapies. My anemia symptoms went away about a week after I started taking it. I feel so much better! I hope you sort things out. :)


Well, ladies, I broke down and tested this morning. I got very light lines on a cheap test strip I bought online and on a First Response Early Result. I'm not sure I believe it yet! I really hope my thyroid lets this baby stick. :)


Congratulations!!! :party: Sending lots of sticky baby vibes!



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After struggling with anemia for most of my life, I finally found an iron supplement my body can actually absorb. It's called Ultimate Iron by Enzymatic Therapies. My anemia symptoms went away about a week after I started taking it. I feel so much better! I hope you sort things out. :)


Well, ladies, I broke down and tested this morning. I got very light lines on a cheap test strip I bought online and on a First Response Early Result. I'm not sure I believe it yet! I really hope my thyroid lets this baby stick. :)



Laura, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :party::party::party:


I broke down and tested today too and got a BFN. Ack.


Ah well. Onto next month soon, right??

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else get to leave this thread yet? I got my hormone test results back and they're all at post menopausal levels. :001_huh: I started some hormone supplements this month, but too late to be of any benefit for this cycle. I can tell a difference already so here's hoping maybe next cycle will be better.

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Laura, congrats!


Jennifer, sorry you got a neg last month. It was my first month to actively try again after my ectopic and I used digital OPK tests and never even got a positive last month, at all. :(


I'm on cd4 now and started soy isoflavones yesterday to see if that helps this month (google if you're unfamiliar with it with regard to ttc).


Good luck to everyone else!

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Still waiting on a cycle so I can get started. I'm right at 6 weeks since my ectopic with no cycle. I've had a ton of symptoms the past week and I can't help but wish it would just happen so I could get it over with. The OB said it could be 4-even 12 weeks before I saw a normal cycle. I did have what might have been a cycle about 2 weeks after the surgery. She said it would be irregular at first though. I actually tested last week because I was so achy and tired. BFN.

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We are on month 2....I have about a week left to wait...I think.


What is opk?


Ovulation predictor kit. It predicts the LH surge women get within a day or two of ovulation. If you use the digital, when you get a smily face instead of a blank circle it's time to focus your efforts.

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