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Stay or Go? help me think this through, enrichment program

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I need some opinions, please. My dd10 attends a one day a week enrichment program from a local public school. We chose this school because it is supposed to be a classical school. She takes language arts, Spanish, music, and art. She loves Spanish, music, and art. The language arts is very much everything I try to avoid in our homeschool. They are spending 12 weeks reading and analyzing The Secret Garden. They are writing formulaic paragraphs about banal topics (favorite tv show, favorite book, describe your family). They are doing Shurley Grammar which is good, because they're doing grammar. They are studying Greek and Latin word roots a rate of 2 per week. Here is their current schedule.


8:05-8:15 Kids in Classroom/Morning Work

8:15-8:20 Pledge and Life Music

8:20-8:40 Morning Meeting

8:40-9:25 Grammar

9:25-10:10 Literature

10:10-10:40 Snack/Bathroom/Recess

10:40-11:25 Roots Up

11:25-12:00 Lunch/Recess

12:00-1:00 Art

1:00-1:45 Writing

1:45-2:30 Spanish

2:30-2:45 DEAR/Pack Up

2:45-3:15 Music (1st Semester)/PE (2nd Semester)

3:15-3:30 Clean Classroom/Dismiss


One of the reasons she wanted to go to this school was the hope of being in an environment where she could make more friends (female friends as most of her friends are male). Her class has 17 boys and 3 girls including her.


She doesn't want to continue going. She hates the writing and hates the way they are analyzing the book. I am very unhappy about the type of assignments she's bringing home. I think we're both disillusioned. She was expecting more interaction with other students as opposed to sitting and listening most of the day. She had thought that studying a book in depth would be fun and interesting. Instead, she's glad she had already read the book otherwise the class would make her think it was dull and dry.


I guess I expected it to be more inline with my ideal of classical education. I really don't like the idea of withdrawing her, but I feel terrible about her staying there. The main reason I don't want to withdraw her is that to me it feels like quitting. I'm not comfortable with that feeling. Part of me thinks I should make her tough it out until the end of the year just because I'm that kind of person. The main reason I want to withdraw her is that she's unhappy with it (even if there are other reasons).


Help me think through the pros and cons of staying or going. Right now I'm just conflicted.



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Is the one day per week that she's there starting to eat into the things you want to accomplish with her at home? Are you able to offer the things that she likes (such as Spanish)? If not, are they important enough to keep going? It sounds like your original reasons for going (especially to meet more friends) is not likely to happen this year. I get the feeling you already know what you want to do. If it's not meeting your or her needs any more, it's probably time to move on. I did like the suggestion about trying to go for the part of the day that appeals to her.

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Is the one day per week that she's there starting to eat into the things you want to accomplish with her at home? Are you able to offer the things that she likes (such as Spanish)? If not, are they important enough to keep going? It sounds like your original reasons for going (especially to meet more friends) is not likely to happen this year. I get the feeling you already know what you want to do. If it's not meeting your or her needs any more, it's probably time to move on. I did like the suggestion about trying to go for the part of the day that appeals to her.


The school is one day a week, but they send home work to be done during the week. Most weeks there is a grammar assignment, 3 assignments for the literature, 3 writing assignments, a word roots assignment, and Spanish to review.


After I read my original post, I had a similar reaction as Jean's dd. I just really wanted the program to work mostly because it "let me off the hook" for teaching writing, which I loath. We already do art and music outside of this program so Spanish is the main thing I'd need to cover.


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Sometimes I wish I could get dd10 to quit her one-day-per-week program, only because it eats into time for academics. Her program is mostly specials (art, PE, music, etc.). She enjoys it and enjoys spending time with some friends. Her other out-of-the-house activities do not involve other kids as much (horse, piano), so the social time is important for her.

I'd prioritize your goals, as you are starting to do (writing, making friends, Spanish, whatever). Have you looked around to see if there's another one-day program that might fit the bill? Where we are, there are several choices at various driving distances.

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The main reason I don't want to withdraw her is that to me it feels like quitting. I'm not comfortable with that feeling. Part of me thinks I should make her tough it out until the end of the year just because I'm that kind of person.


I wouldn't make her stay. She's unhappy; it's unfair to make her stick it out to satisfy your sense of perseverance. If it were one of my dds it would end up causing an awful lot of animosity.


I am sorry that it's a disappointment to you both.:grouphug:

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We are allowed to quit unpleasant and unimportant things. It is a form of decluttering and decluttering is a virtuous thing, as everyone who hangs out here knows. :tongue_smilie: Quit and make room in your life for something more pleasant and important!




:D :iagree:

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We are allowed to quit unpleasant and unimportant things. It is a form of decluttering and decluttering is a virtuous thing, as everyone who hangs out here knows. :tongue_smilie: Quit and make room in your life for something more pleasant and important!




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I She was expecting more interaction with other students as opposed to sitting and listening most of the day.

And this is why the idea of sending dc to school so they can make friends is such a bad idea.


The main reason I don't want to withdraw her is that to me it feels like quitting.

Do you continue with every single thing you've tried as an adult? Of course not. Why should we make dc endure things we would not?

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