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Pictures of famous paintings? Where can I get them?


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I want to start having my kids try to recreate their own versions of famous paintings. I thought that one time someone posted some packets of famous paintings that can be purchased....it seems like it was a fairly newly released item.


Does anyone remember these? If not, where are some other ones that I can get? Preferably not in a book.

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A few years ago, I decided to decorate the school room with medieval and Renaissance art to coordinate with our studies. I looked through those sections of The Annotated Mona Lisa and made a list of works my son would read about during the year.


Then, I just searched online and found photos of each one. I copied each one, pasted it into Microsoft Word, made them all the same size and printed out the copies.


For fun, I made little frames out of different colored construction paper and glued on each print.


They hung on our wall for the whole year. And, when it came time to take them down, I was surprised at what good condition they were in still. I ended up saving them for a while (until the recent move), because I couldn't bear to toss out stuff that was in such good shape.

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Wow, thanks for all of the suggestions!! I just went on Amazon and ordered 4 different packs of the Dover cards for $1.50 each....plus it was included in the 4 for 3 promotion. The total was only $4.50, so if I hate them, it's not a big loss.


The Usborne artist cards sound great but there's no photos of them anywhere on the internet. I'd love to know which artists are included. If the Dovers do not work out, I may order the Usborne one.


I think I'll find simple biographies and explanations of each included piece and print them out so that I can read them to my kids as they work on their artwork.


I also saw coloring books of famous paintings....does anyone have any of these? Are they useful?

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I can tell you that it includes the obvious and "famous" ones: DaVinci, Renior, Van Eyck, Picasso, Carvaggio and I think Warhol is even there (Pop Art).


If you want me to get more specific I would be happy to do that. I'm on the other side of the world (Indonesia), however, and I'll have to get back to you tomorrow. I'm away from home now and can't check them until tonight.


Just thinking for your age kids . . . have you seen the Katie books? They are awesome for introducing art. One of my favorites is Katie and the Impressionists- it includes Renior and Monet and several of their works. Scholastic sells them fairly cheaply- I'd love to have all the Katie books- but I think a good library may have them, too.

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A friend of mine buys calendars when they go on sale/discount after the new year, cuts them up, and displays them/saves them in a folder for future use.


She said it was the cheapest way she could get a wide variety of art for her kids to see.


:iagree:I can also sometimes find a BIG old book used I don't mind cutting up. I can't stand little pictures of great works. Sure you can name them at a distance, but there is no wallowing in the details.

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I wrote to these folks and they were very gracious about allowing me to print copies of the paintings. Not as good as prints, but good for us. They are a non-profit and mentioned they'd appreciate a donation, if we could do that sometime. Lots of paintings and also close-ups.



Thanks for posting this site; it is fabulous! I appreciate how they also have a section of living masters--not just dead guy's art (to quote my oldest...) :)

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