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The advice from WTM that nobody ever mentions here!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes! I'm not sure how I would implement this with 3 boys who are ages 3, 4, and 5. They don't nap and it would be torture getting them to stay in a room and play quietly. I don't have enough bedrooms to separate all of them. I like the idea very much, though.
At my house the baby gets nursed down for a nap in my room, the 3 and 4yos sleep on either side of me in my bed, and the oldest two boys read or watch a movie with the 6yo twins on the couch. If anyone's loud, they get put into the bedrooms separately.


It works perfectly now that we've got the routine down. The kids have to get used to what's expected during that time. Playtime or dance hour beforehand helps too.


When the twins were little, they got books to look at in their beds and I slept on the floor between them. My Current 3 and 4yos are too destructive to get books.

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Some kids can't be quiet during quiet time and it ends up being loud -get into a fight- make mama yell time. It just isn't worth the stress.:tongue_smilie:


:iagree:That's my house. What I have done instead is make that the time that we either watch a video for school or do a fun craft. We use videos for school a lot so they like that and it is a quiet time for all while still being a planned activity. The crafts we all love and it is filled with chatter and laughing and gives a nice break from the regular work of the day.

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Do you guys do quiet time on the weekends also or only during the week? During the week we can do quiet time and it's enjoyed by all but on weekends it seems like we're usually on the go or are in the middle of doing something as a family.

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I learned about QT early from a friend, while my oldest still took naps. We just transitioned from nap time to quiet time somewhere around age 3. They didn't have to nap, but they did have to play quietly in their rooms. It took some training and some boundary testing with each one, but it has been wonderful for our family. I don't see us giving it up anytime soon, especially with #5 on the way! The 1st and 2nd grader now use that time to read, or if the weather is very nice, they may play outside. But the first time they bother me, or argue if they are together, they know they'll be separated and QT will be more rigidly enforced for a while.

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Do you guys do quiet time on the weekends also or only during the week? During the week we can do quiet time and it's enjoyed by all but on weekends it seems like we're usually on the go or are in the middle of doing something as a family.


We stick to quiet time on the weekend when it fits in with whatever else we're doing. If we're home at quiet time, we do it; if not, we don't.

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