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Outschool Playgrounds (spinoff from Subway thread)

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Someone pointed out in one of the Subway threads that they'd (theoretically) happily donate their playground-equipment prize to the local public school because the neighbor kids go there. I kind of agree, but more because my kids play there all the time. They're so looking forward to the outschools being off for the summer because they can use the playgrounds all day instead of only evenings. :) Does anyone else do this? We frequently meet friends at the local school playgrounds, but I've noticed in other places that they are fenced in so maybe that's not an option. :001_huh:

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Someone pointed out in one of the Subway threads that they'd (theoretically) happily donate their playground-equipment prize to the local public school because the neighbor kids go there. I kind of agree, but more because my kids play there all the time. They're so looking forward to the outschools being off for the summer because they can use the playgrounds all day instead of only evenings. :) Does anyone else do this? We frequently meet friends at the local school playgrounds, but I've noticed in other places that they are fenced in so maybe that's not an option. :001_huh:



How nice! We could do that everywhere that I remember growing up, but not here. Only students and school employees allowed on school property - of any kind, at any time - here. Can't walk the high school track, or use the ball fields, nuthin', without permission.

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Yes. We have great playgrounds, soccer and baseball fields, and those wonderfully large covered play areas. We can even play outdoors when it's raining!

We are fortunate to have a school just a block away, and the play facilities are open to all who want to use them.

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How nice! We could do that everywhere that I remember growing up, but not here. Only students and school employees allowed on school property - of any kind, at any time - here. Can't walk the high school track, or use the ball fields, nuthin', without permission.


Same here.

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I grew up playing on school playgrounds in off school hours, and in my small hometown they are still open to the public. In larger cities I've lived in since, this is not the case. These areas are often fenced off, though we did live across the street from a Catholic school in our last home and the playground there was open to the neighborhood. I wonder if part of the problem is vandalism or graffiti, unfortunately at public parks I've often seen broken equipment or inappropriate messages written on slides, etc. And broken beer bottles, cigarette butts, etc....

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Someone pointed out in one of the Subway threads that they'd (theoretically) happily donate their playground-equipment prize to the local public school because the neighbor kids go there. I kind of agree, but more because my kids play there all the time. They're so looking forward to the outschools being off for the summer because they can use the playgrounds all day instead of only evenings. :) Does anyone else do this? We frequently meet friends at the local school playgrounds, but I've noticed in other places that they are fenced in so maybe that's not an option. :001_huh:



We are very blessed with an awesome park system her in coastal NC. We also have an elementary school right around the corner. My boys ride their bikes up there, along with another friend, and play for hours.

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they are fenced off here where we live, my dh works for the school district, and he says the reason is mostly because in our area, soccer is very big and very large groups of people will come to the schools to play with a larger group of people to watch...and they trash the school and go to the bathroom wherever they decide to, since the school bathrooms are locked. It is a big, big problem. the schools have everything fenced in now, but it is very normal on Monday to find the locks busted and the fields trashed. I guess only the law abiding citizens respect the fences and do not bust in. Like me.


it's sad, I remember playing at the school playground as a kid, too.


what really gets my goat right now, is the experience of going to a public park and being run off because a large preschool, daycamp or holiday or summer daycamp using the park for recreation, not having their own play area planned for. One day we were ran off a record of 3 parks before we packed it in. The local science center runs expensive daycamps and uses the public park as a homebase...I am thinking maybe they should just buy the park. It is also overrun on school days by busloads of schools visiting the museum and then having lunch at the park before going home.


o.k. my rant is over now...I think

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There are no shortages of parks around here, you just have to know where they are. We have a park and recreation website locally so you can find the public parks. You may do some Googling and see what you can find for your area. We only knew about 1/4 of the local parks until we started looking online.

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Most of our schools are fenced in and "off-limits" but we have great public parks around here. We have occasionally met with a large group using the public park but I usually stand my ground and watch my 3 really well while we play, too. Lately a certain private school has been at our "regular" public parkdays but I've never let them run us off to go somewhere else. I'm not going to even ask for use of public school services but I will use the public parks without worrying about what other groups are doing. I have found that our public schools have really had to cut back on their field trips this year, we have yet to run into a large mass of children and we are out all of the time at our local attractions.

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Someone pointed out in one of the Subway threads that they'd (theoretically) happily donate their playground-equipment prize to the local public school because the neighbor kids go there. I kind of agree, but more because my kids play there all the time. They're so looking forward to the outschools being off for the summer because they can use the playgrounds all day instead of only evenings. :) Does anyone else do this? We frequently meet friends at the local school playgrounds, but I've noticed in other places that they are fenced in so maybe that's not an option. :001_huh:


The majority of our district outdoor facilities are open to public. Only football/track fields are locked. If possible they should be open and enjoyed by all.

Our local ps spent $75,000 on a playscape two years ago. It's gorgeous, but outrageously expensive. Guess that's the going rate for industrial strength?

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Lots of public parks here, but school ground are locked and off-limits. We have 2 close parks in walking distance (the better one now closed for environmental clean-up), and a dozen we can easily drive to. Love those parks, particularly since we don't have a yard.

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