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Maybe TMI but "cycles" after miscarriage/ectopic...?

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Ok, so, I always used to get my period around the third week of the month- the actual day varied somewhat but on average maybe around the 23rd to 25th, give or take a few days.


In June, I found out I was pregnant, but it ended up being ectopic and at the very end of June, I had to have a shot to end the pregnancy. (June 28th).


About a week later, around July 9th or 10th, I got what seemed like a period. The doctor said that probably wasn't really a period, even though it seemed just like one- lasted about six days, then stopped.


Then pretty much exactly a month later, on August 9th I got a period again. Lasted about 6 days and stopped, like a normal period.


I started thinking maybe my cycle got changed up due to the ectopic and that I'd get my period earlier in the month from then on and that I'd get it around September 9th or 10th.


But now it's 9/17 and I haven't gotten it yet this month. Is it probably just reverting back to normal at this point and I'll get it in a few days? I have had some PMS-y moments on and off over the past week. I took a pg test just in case like 2 days ago and it was negative.


Is it normal to fluctuate a bit like this for a while after a miscarriage or ectopic...?


I'd like to start TTC again now so I hope this is just a matter of things getting back to normal and that it'll come the third week of this month sometime like it always used to, and that this isn't a sign of some sort of problem. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.

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I had some longer cycles immediately following my miscarriages, but things eventually settled back down to my normal cycle length of 34-35 days.


You might want to take a look at the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility to learn how to chart your cycle and get a better feel for when to expect your period, when to know if it's a "real" period (that is, a period following an ovulation, as opposed to breakthrough bleeding without ovulation) and better time your... attempts... to correspond to your fertile times so that you can get back to TTC as soon as you are ready.


Doctors vary on their advice, but most want you to have one "normal" cylce before starting to TTC again. Since you've had two periods since your miscarriage, the second was probably a "real" period and you are probably free to TTC if your doc is on board with that!


Best of luck. I am so sorry about your miscarriage. :grouphug:

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Nance, I had my m/c at 10 weeks in mid July. My cycle returned in mid August and now mid Sept. It was previously in the beginning of the month. My cycles have always been crazy clockwork. You can begin ttc anytime after. I know they say 3 months, but iI have several friends who got pg the month after, 3 actually, and all were FT pgs. We're still undecided about ttc. I had a tough m/c. I'm also 38 btw.

Edited by JenC3
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I never got a period after my miscarriage before getting pregnant again with ds 13. Seems as if you got two periods and now not.


On another note, then my periods have been goofy the past five years while I wanted to conceive (got pregnant twice, though, but they took 7-9 months to happen).


Take care, Nancy.

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Nance, I had my m/c at 10 weeks in mid July. My cycle returned in mid August and now mid Sept. It was previously in the beginning of the month. My cycles have always been crazy clockwork. You can begin ttc anytime after. I know they say 3 months, but iI have several friends who got pg the month after, 3 actually, and all were FT pgs. We're still undecided about ttc. I had a tough m/c. I'm also 38 btw.


I was told 3 "normal" cycles because of the Methotrexate, it can drain your folate levels and increase the risk of neural tube defects if you get pregnant to soon afterwards. Without Methotrexate you are still encouraged to wait at least 2 "normal" cycles after an ectopic pregnancy so I can understand why you are hesitant and anxious to get on with ttc, I hope your cycle staightens out soon.

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