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MMR/mumps vaccine especially those who don't vaccinate

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Are you concerned about the lack of mumps immunization in your ds (as far as possible sterilization)?


My ds (just turned 10) had an anaphylactic reaction to the DTap vaccine at age 6 so have not completed the 2nd round of vaccines (MMR and Varicella). He did not have a reaction to the first 4 doses of DTap but to the 5th. I'd forego the measles, rubella and chickenpox but am concerned about the possibility of sterilization of a male getting mumps (during/after puberty). Another concern is that ds is allergic to eggs and the MMR (I think) is still egg-based. For the first dose, the allergist injected a little at a time over a couple hour period.

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AAnother concern is that ds is allergic to eggs and the MMR (I think) is still egg-based. For the first dose, the allergist injected a little at a time over a couple hour period.


Did he already get the first dose? If he did, get his titers checked and he might already be immune. With measles, over 90% get full immunity from the first dose; the remaining doses are to catch the ones who didn't the first time. I'm not sure what the stats are for mumps, but it's worth checking.


My dd had a reaction to her first measles shot (I was able to get the shots separated), and I checked her titers and she is immune.

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For the mumps vaccination, you only need one shot of the MMR for immunity, same with the rubella portion. It's the measles portion that needs two shots. They just give two of the MMR since it's convenient.


If you were to break the shots out, it's one mumps, one rubella and two measels, so four shots total versus two with the MMR combo. Your DS should be okay since he had one of the two MMR shots. Measles is the one that he *might* not have full immunity to, but even having one of the two shots should give some protection.

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If he had the first dose of MMR, I would have his titers drawn. The second dose is just to catch the 5% of the general population that did not become immune from the first dose. Odds are your DS is protected.


(FWIW, I only had one dose of MMR as far as I know and that protection stretched through my 20's as I was tested in each pregnancy for Rubella immunity and was still showing protection).

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Did he already get the first dose? If he did, get his titers checked and he might already be immune. With measles, over 90% get full immunity from the first dose; the remaining doses are to catch the ones who didn't the first time. I'm not sure what the stats are for mumps, but it's worth checking.


My dd had a reaction to her first measles shot (I was able to get the shots separated), and I checked her titers and she is immune.


He tested in 2007 for mumps EIA value 4.18 (which sounds pretty high to me - < or = 0.90 negative, 0.91 to 1.09 equivocal, > or = 1.10 positive). That was when he was 6 years old. I guess I'm getting nervous as he gets closer to puberty - wondering how long the immunity lasts, does it wear out as he gets older, etc?


Where would I check (website) to find out what the stats are for mumps?

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I found two sites about side effects of mumps, inflammation of testicles is mentioned but on this site it specifically says the inflammation does not result in infertility and it seems to be a rather pro-vax site:



This site give a different percentage of males who get mumps who experience inflammation:



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Are you concerned about the lack of mumps immunization in your ds (as far as possible sterilization)?


My ds (just turned 10) had an anaphylactic reaction to the DTap vaccine at age 6 so have not completed the 2nd round of vaccines (MMR and Varicella). He did not have a reaction to the first 4 doses of DTap but to the 5th. I'd forego the measles, rubella and chickenpox but am concerned about the possibility of sterilization of a male getting mumps (during/after puberty). Another concern is that ds is allergic to eggs and the MMR (I think) is still egg-based. For the first dose, the allergist injected a little at a time over a couple hour period.

Not remotely worried about this. There aren't a vast majority of sterile men from my era, where everybody got mumps. So this isn't an issue that would remotely concern me. In fact, it is just as likely that sterility could happen from a very high fever, which can be caused by any respiratory illness or infection.


Mumps is very scarce today anyway, so no, this would not be even on my radar. If your son is allergic to egg, STOP. Allergies only strengthen with repeated exposure, your doctor should have mentioned.

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Yes, mumps can cause testicular atrophy in boys/men. About 20% of males who are postpubertal who get mumps have inflamation of the testes, and about half of these people develop testicular atrophy subsequently.


I would be more worried about the measles since it is more likely to cause death than mumps. The percentage of unimmunized children in our country is increasing so that we are getting close to being able to sustain a measles epidemic. Every now and then I hear of measles cases starting to occur in various places. People don't realize how dangerous measles can be, and hence they are more fearful of vaccines than the diseases that they prevent.


Obviously, it would not be wise to give your child a vaccine if it may cause a dangerous reaction. I would talk to your doctor about getting titers and whether or not your child needs any boosters. Perhaps he doesn't, but it would be good IMO to know for sure.

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I agree with getting the titer.


The separate M, M, and R vaxes are still available abroad so I've not given up hope yet that they will put them back in production here by the time my boys hit puberty. There is also on manufacturer (can't remember the name of hand) that produces the MMR both separately and combined without egg. But it's not available here. :(


I'm not anti-vax, I just prefer a slower introduction to the vaccines to a growing child's body. I wish Merck hadn't stop production of the single vaxes, thus taking away my choice to do so.


I've called them and requested that they put the single vaxes back into production and I think it would be great if a everyone who wanted them would call. Right now ds4 has not had any of the MMR and I would certainly give it to him if they had it available singularly and I know many other families that would also vaccinate for measles, mumps and rubella if they had the one-at-a-time option.


Ds7 had a bad reaction to his MMR at 12 months and I would never give him any more vaccines. I was told his egg allergy was not very severe so I wouldn't have to worry about the vax. THEY WERE WRONG! So I'm trying to be more careful with ds4.


How old is your dc? If you have time before puberty hits, I would try to contact drug companies and request them to produce an egg-free and singular version. Hopefully if they get enough of a demand for it they would consider it. If another manufacturer can do it, they can too.

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I agree with getting the titer.


The separate M, M, and R vaxes are still available abroad so I've not given up hope yet that they will put them back in production here by the time my boys hit puberty. There is also on manufacturer (can't remember the name of hand) that produces the MMR both separately and combined without egg. But it's not available here. :(


I'm not anti-vax, I just prefer a slower introduction to the vaccines to a growing child's body. I wish Merck hadn't stop production of the single vaxes, thus taking away my choice to do so.


I've called them and requested that they put the single vaxes back into production and I think it would be great if a everyone who wanted them would call. Right now ds4 has not had any of the MMR and I would certainly give it to him if they had it available singularly and I know many other families that would also vaccinate for measles, mumps and rubella if they had the one-at-a-time option.


Ds7 had a bad reaction to his MMR at 12 months and I would never give him any more vaccines. I was told his egg allergy was not very severe so I wouldn't have to worry about the vax. THEY WERE WRONG! So I'm trying to be more careful with ds4.


How old is your dc? If you have time before puberty hits, I would try to contact drug companies and request them to produce an egg-free and singular version. Hopefully if they get enough of a demand for it they would consider it. If another manufacturer can do it, they can too.


I too hate the combination vaccines. He had the reaction to the TDap so I've no idea which one he's allergic to and am afraid if he steps on something later and it's recommended that he has a tetanus shot (supposed to be every 10 years). I don't hold out much hope for drug companies producing an egg-free singular version - they're driven by profit and that would cost them a lot of money to develop.


Didn't know about the MMR being 1 dose Mumps, 1 dose rubella but 2 doses measles (needed). If that's the case, then he won't need a 2nd dose mumps. And if the immunity lasts through the 20s as (previous poster's) rubella did, then hopefully it'll take him through his "child-bearing" age. So we'll probably check the titers every 5 years or so.


The titers show that he's not immune to chicken pox. He would need a 2nd dose to get into public school. This ds is very social and the last child and he'll be alone at home starting 6th grade (older brother will be in high school by then) so we'll see how that goes..


This forum is soooooo helpful. Thanks a lot everyone - my mind's a bit more at ease.

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