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Last LOST for the season tonight!!!

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Remember, the first hour is a repeat from two weeks ago...BUT...it will have extra footage added. I'm going to make some fresh salsa this afternoon...with tomatoes I grew from seed!!...and, plant myself on the couch munching on my snack. I might let my DH have some!


Hee, hee...


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It should be fun! Isn't this the last Lost of the series, not the season? I'll miss it.


Nope, just for this season. There are two more seasons of 16 episodes each. I hope we get lotsa answers tonight! I'm sure we'll be left with more questions!!

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Nope, just for this season. There are two more seasons of 16 episodes each. I hope we get lotsa answers tonight! I'm sure we'll be left with more questions!!


AH! I wonder where I got that idea. Well, this will be even more interesting then! Good, then there is hope of Jin and Sun maybe reuniting at some point.

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Remember, the first hour is a repeat from two weeks ago...BUT...it will have extra footage added. I'm going to make some fresh salsa this afternoon...with tomatoes I grew from seed!!...and, plant myself on the couch munching on my snack. I might let my DH have some!


Hee, hee...




Thanks for the heads up about the first hour - I probably would have thought I was losing my mind! Hope we get lots of questions answered tonight.

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I'm SOO excited! My mother is coming to town for the night and spending the night with us. I think I'll petition a date night and see if we can just close the door. Actually I have a Mother's Day massage appt for 4:15, my mother will be here so we'll all go out to a good dinner and then Lost tonight. Wow! I didn't realize what a good afternoon I have planned. :)


Now all I need is some of your homemade salsa. Is it hot? Could you send some really, really quick to Alabama? :)

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We won't be home from soccer in time to catch all the of the repeat at 8pm - and my younger ones are going to be hustled in and out of the shower and in to bed so quickly they won't know what hit them!


Poor kids - they will be glad when this show is over!

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and, drat it - kids' swim practice will make me miss the first 15-20 minutes!!!!


I have a feeling the last 10 or so will be the critical part - the jaw-dropping paradigm shifts they're so fond of! (At least I hope so!)


With their pattern of "backing up" the perspective each season - has anyone thought about how next season will look? Will they be showing us O6's perspective and whoever is left on the island (if anyone:eek:)


(Already I can't wait until next season!!!! What will I do when it's all over?)

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I was confused by our local tv guide. I knew we would have a two hour season finale tonight but our tv guide lists: 7:00 season finale part 1, 8:00 season finale part 2, and 9:00 season finale part 3. I'm hoping the 7:00 show is one of those recap show.





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