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Need breakfast ideas for non-breakfast eaters

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I am having a really hard time getting my kids to eat breakfast again. They had gotten somewhat used to it when they were in school but now they are having a hard time again. I have tried simple things like toast, peanut butter, muffins, bacon. They used to drink the carnation drinks but they are tiring of that too.


They usually eat a big breakfast over the weekend, like pancakes or french toast but I can't really do that on the weekdays.


They don't eat eggs.


Simple, fast but healthy choices for breakfast.

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These are just a "shot in the dark" suggestions:



homemade granola bars


multigrain bagels


yogurt tubes

yogurt and granola


You said you serve muffins and bacon on the weekend. Could those possibly be offered during the week as well?

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I'd make smoothies first thing, then break for a mid-morning "breakfast" snack of fruit and toast or muffins and some protein. Will they eat hard-boiled eggs? ETA: Never mind. I missed the no eggs. How about rolled up ham slices or nut butter on the toast?


My ds10 and I are not big breakfast eaters. We feel best when we eat something small to get us going, move on with our day, then eat a little more mid-morning. Because dh and the two younger boys are not big dinner eaters, they need a more substantial breakfast, so ds10 and I just have a piece of toast or an egg with them during the family breakfast then eat a little more later when we feel hungry.



Edited by myfunnybunch
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Pizza and a glass of milk.


Peanut butter and banana sandwich.


Rice and beans, heated up with cheese on top.


Cold cereal and fruit.


In general, my goals for breakfast, particularly when my kids were younger, was reasonably healthy grain, protein, and fruit, preferably any combination of two early on, and they could save one for a snack later if desired.


I used to encourage "breakfast" type foods because it was important for me to know that they knew what normal breakfast food was. Now that they are older, I don't monitor it as much but still encourage variety from those three groups. And go figure, now they tend to stick with the usual "breakfast" fare.

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And they really want to eat around 10:30 to 11, so this morning they had grilled cheese for one and toast and bacon for the other. I need them to start having something around 7:30 or 8 when we are getting started. I think the smoothies is a good idea and then they can drink while we start and then maybe offer some nibble type foods later. They also break for an early lunch as they are used to eating around that 11am time.

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I made breakfast cookies with a whole grain cereal, brown sugar and dried fruit, and they went like crazy (and my kid isn't a breakfast eater either). Let me know if you'd like the (very adaptable, even for gluten-free) recipe!


We also do banapple (chopped up apples and bananas, DD named it) and a spoonful of nut butter, and sometimes graham crackers and nut butter dipped in milk.

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We used to do bananas in a tortilla slathered in peanut butter and sprinkled with granola, then rolled up. We loved them, but alas, #3 has a peanut allergy so no more PB for us (they don't like almond butter).


I make "apple pie oatmeal", the kids looooove it! http://tammysrecipes.com/easy_baked_apple_oatmeal


You said no eggs, but our latest fave is scrambled eggs with bacon in a tortilla, man they are sooo good!


Yogurt and granola parfait




Jumbo oatmeal breakfast cookies


Make massive batches of waffles and freeze leftovers. Or you could make lots of batter ahead of time and keep some in the fridge in mason jars, ready to panfry at a moment's notice.


Smoothies, I usually go heavy on the fruit and sometimes add some protein powder to beef it up a bit.


Once in a special while I surprise them with cupcakes (really just banana/zucchini/ or carrot muffins with frosting) and hot chocolate for breakfast. They are quite tickled about that one! ;)


Grilled pb and jam sandwich, or grilled pb and banana sandwich. Baked french toast (prepare before bed and throw it in the oven in the morn).

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These are all great suggestions. Thank you very much. They have done the carnation drinks for a long time, I think they are just sick of them. They do seem to do better drinking something in the morning and then following it a few hours later with some food. I'm the same way, coffee first and food later.


What do you put in your smoothies? I have done some with orange juice, yogurt and fruit but the OJ is hard on my dd's stomach (past ulcers) so we have to stay away from foods that are too acidic.


Thanks Again:001_smile:

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What do you put in your smoothies?


Ingredients I often use for smoothies, though not all at the same time, lol. I mix and match:


Frozen fruit: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries

Milk or yogurt


Mango, fresh or frozen

Ditto peaches, one of my favs

Pureed pumpkin (goes well with vanilla yogurt, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice; also yummy to mix a dollop of pumpkin with frozen blueberries)

Apple juice is good, especially if oj is too acidic, and so is carrot juice.



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Ingredients I often use for smoothies, though not all at the same time, lol. I mix and match:


Frozen fruit: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries

Milk or yogurt


Mango, fresh or frozen

Ditto peaches, one of my favs

Pureed pumpkin (goes well with vanilla yogurt, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice; also yummy to mix a dollop of pumpkin with frozen blueberries)

Apple juice is good, especially if oj is too acidic, and so is carrot juice.





Any other juices that you can mix in? I have one that can't have the OJ and one that can't have the Apple:001_huh: I have never tried carrot juice in a smoothie. They love cherry, strawberry and raspberry juices..more of the fruit punch type kids. I guess I will start experimenting. I think it's a good way to get them to eat things might not otherwise eat:001_smile:

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My nephew is like this (does not eat breakfast) I will put out bite size breakfast goodies for him; I do this for my youngest who has the tiniest appetite. I make little muffins, a cup of fruit, toast with peanut butter (cut into squares). Basically I make it so small that she/he can pick it up easily and pop into their mouth while they are already working.

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My goal for breakfast is protein and whole grains. If I can sneak in a bit of fruit or veggies I do otherwise I plan on that for their morning snack.


Right now the favorite breakfast is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes my younger asks for turkey and cheese.


It was hard to get over my preconceived notions of what breakfast should be but it made it much easier to find something they wanted once I did.

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My goal for breakfast is protein and whole grains. If I can sneak in a bit of fruit or veggies I do otherwise I plan on that for their morning snack.


Right now the favorite breakfast is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes my younger asks for turkey and cheese.


It was hard to get over my preconceived notions of what breakfast should be but it made it much easier to find something they wanted once I did.



I think that's part of my problem. What I consider as Breakfast foods or what they should eat to get the protein that they need. I will work on that.


Thanks for all the great suggestions! :001_wub:

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We usually use milk instead of juice for our smoothies- rice, almond or cow's milk.


This morning I sliced a couple apples thin and threw them in a pan with a tbsp of butter, and a 1/3 cup of brown sugar and simmered them until they were softened and syrupy. Poured this over our oatmeal and it was delish! We also do this sometimes for pancakes, waffles, french toast or crepes instead of maple syrup. It goes really great with granola too.


Warm cornbread with jam.

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