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Saxon users: when do you correct work?

Janie Grace

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Something that's hard for me about Saxon's thoroughness is staying on top of the daily correcting/going over mistakes. I have two kids doing Saxon (8/7 and 6/5).


When do you do this (both the correcting and the going over mistakes)? Same day, or do you correct at night and go over the next day? My dd12 (8/7) has asked if she can correct her own work (she's frustrated that I get behind and slow her down). I don't mistrust her honesty at all, but I don't want to lose touch with where she's at with math. I suppose I could let her correct and then check it every day to see what she got wrong (and then go over it). Has anyone had kids self-check as they get older?


Thanks for your help on this!

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I have a period in our schedule near the end of the day when the boys are reading and the 2 y/o is playing Starfall where I sit down and grade work. Then we have a time for corrections at the end of the day. I like to catch the errors as soon as possible to make sure they aren't letting an incorrect concept get entrenched in their brains. I also look over the Lesson Practice before letting them do the Mixed Practice, to make sure they have the right idea.

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I correct right away.


I have mixed feelings about letting dc correct their own work, mainly because of the many parents who let their dc correct their Easy Grammar lessons, and who discovered after the dc had completed most of the book that they had been getting almost everything wrong in every lesson, and so they had to start back at the beginning and do it all over. :ack2:


I suppose you could try letting your dc correct their daily lessons but you correct the tests, and as long as they're getting good scores on their tests they can keep doing the corrections, KWIM?

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Good question--this has taken me some time to figure out as well. I mark errors on the same day (often cramming this in between activities). If the errors are primarily on the new material then we go over it together and try hard to make time for this on the same day.


Usually, though, the errors are more of the careless variety on the review questions (missing signs, subtraction error, etc). In these cases I simply mark it wrong and expect her to do the corrections, usually on the same day, though sometimes there are too many and it takes longer. I don't work with her directly on these because they can almost always be fixed without me.


All that being said we're finishing up Algebra 1/2 so I do expect some more independent correcting work than I would for a younger child.


With 30 problems a day, we've had to develop some systems to encourage her to avoid the latter kinds of careless mistakes and we've had some great results, still without it taking me forever to correct. :D


Good luck!

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I've had two kids go through various levels of Saxon. I always aspired to review on the same day and give them their "re-dos" the next day, but it rarely happened. Often what I did was 2-3 lessons together and then have a "re-do" day. I never let it get so far that the test on the material (10 lessons after introduction) hasn't been graded, but I rarely got to it every day.

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I correct and they do corrections same day. I have a time for each child a day (4 in total!) where I meet with them and do one-on-one work. So with my oldest we do First Form Latin, do history questions/discussion, I correct his math, he redoes it and if need be I help him learn anything he might have clearly struggled with. I do that with all my kids. They all have to correct their math same day so we are 100% ready to move on to the next lesson the next day.

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With my dd (Saxon 8/7), I correct in the evening and then have her re-work the problems before we start the next lesson. We always do mental math and the lesson practice together. She then does the mixed practice on her own. This has worked well for her.

With ds (finishing Alg II), I correct every four lessons, then he spends one day correcting and reviewing before the test. Since his lessons take longer, it has just worked out well to do it this way.

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I correct and they do corrections same day. I have a time for each child a day (4 in total!) where I meet with them and do one-on-one work. So with my oldest we do First Form Latin, do history questions/discussion, I correct his math, he redoes it and if need be I help him learn anything he might have clearly struggled with. I do that with all my kids. They all have to correct their math same day so we are 100% ready to move on to the next lesson the next day.


So you correct it with the child sitting right there? What does he/she do while you correct, just wait?


ETA: I really like the daily one-on-one meeting idea (where you cover all subjects that aren't independent or group). I am schooling 4 as well and this makes a lot of sense, as opposed to floating around from kid to kid to kid to kid and feeling like I am going insane!

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I try to get their papers marked in the evening so that they can correct any mistakes at the beginning of their next math session. It's hard though and I often find myself staying up until stupid o'clock in order to get it done, so I think something will have to change.


The one thing I am sure about, is that it doesn't help for a conceptual misunderstanding to continue, so that the child keeps on making the same mistake lesson after lesson. I've already been down that road and it causes so much angst and extra work for everyone - pointless.



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My DD and I correct her work together before starting the next days lesson. If she has any wrong, she reworks them on a small whiteboard. We then go over the new material and she starts the problem set for that lesson. She has 1 hour for math so she does as much as she can and the rest is homework.



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My DD corrected her own work for the last 2-3 years when we used Saxon, but she was required to report to me how many had been missed AND what was wrong with the problem that she missed it. The nice thing about this was, it took very little of my time unless she had an actual conceptual misunderstanding. It IS a little weird to be doing dishes or folding laundry or whatever and have her come up and go 'OK, Mom, number 2, dropped a sign by accident, number 17, read the problem wrong and thought I was supposed to ADD instead of DIVIDE, and number 25, I have NO idea, you'll have to look at it.' :D !!! I know it sounds a little strange, but it worked really well - I was able to keep up with what she was doing easily, I knew right away if she didn't understand something (like number 25 in the above 'report' :) ), or if her careless mistakes were getting out of hand, and it really took none of my time unless she had a problem. It also helped her take more responsibility for her work and become more independent. We aren't using Saxon this year for math, but she still does this for Saxon Grammar, and for her spelling program.

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They do math in the mornings, I correct by the afternoon. The next day they need to have made the corrections and hand them in with the new lesson. I let them check the answer for the corrections and some questions that they are stuck on. They have to show their work anyway and we're all in the same room for most of the day so I'm not worried about them cheating. It'll show up in their test anyway, if they were cheating.

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I have my son do all evens or odds 1-30 and all the a-h stuff before that with Saxon 7/6. I go over the answers for him and mark the ones wrong and have him redo those. Sometimes he insists that one is right, when I say it isnt and its usually careless mistakes or that he wrote his answer in a form its not asking for. I think it will be awhile before I let him grade his own, although I dont think he'd be dishonest. I simply think he would think its more work to check his own. Try her out doing it on her own and maybe go back over her grading for awhile to see how its going. I think it could go either way.

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Dd did her math, then the next morning, went over it again to catch any computation errors. After she'd had the chance to look it over with "fresh eyes," I'd correct it, usually while she was sitting there. (It only takes a couple of minutes with the answer key.) THEN, I'd have her go back over the ones she got wrong--sometimes she totally reworked it, sometimes I could just point out a simple error and she'd orally correct it. (I'm talking two years ago, when she did 6/5 and part of 7/6. For Saxon 3 and under, I usually corrected the next morning and we went thru it together before the math lesson--if I recall correctly!)

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I suppose you could try letting your dc correct their daily lessons but you correct the tests, and as long as they're getting good scores on their tests they can keep doing the corrections, KWIM?


:iagree: This is what we're doing. They grade, then bring me the book and we go over the missed problems. I grade all tests. There needs to be some accountability because otherwise the kids will simply make mistakes and move on, never learning from their errors. :glare:

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My dd is working in 5/4. We tried correcting the same day but she went into overload trying to do the lesson and correct the same set of problems. Lately she's been correcting "yesterday's" work at the beginning of "today's" lesson. That has worked out soooo much better for us.

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I have 3 doing Saxon - 2 in Algebra 1 (different places in the book) and one in Algebra 1/2. I try to mark on the same day, preferably in the morning so they can correct mistakes on the same day. They bring their math books to me when finished their lesson so that, even if I'm working with one of the younger kids, the finished work is right there so I can mark while waiting for younger child to finish a page, or between lines of a dictation etc :001_smile:. Once they've made corrections, they have to bring their work back to me to check again.

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We correct at the end of each lesson for both of our kids using Saxon. I hold the TM and the child calls out their answers. When we get to one that is incorrect we go over it. Honestly, it takes very little time and ensures I never get behind in grading. They like to put check marks next to the problems they got correct. By the time the math notebook is put away the lesson is truly complete.


I tried other ways over the years, but this has been most effective and has been the method I have used the last 3 years.

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