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Nobody ever says, "Girls" like that. Or any other group. Just boys.


Poor people.


Old people.


Little people.




Black folks.


Witches. :glare:


Nobody would do that! So why is it considered OK to :glare: at boys as a group?


Probably because it is a boy who marches into a room and announces his presence with a long, loud belch. And it is a boy who decides to moon his brother but accidentally moons the neighbor who had walked into the office instead. :lol::lol: They certainly are good for entertainment around here! But mostly my face looks like this: :glare:.


Ah, but we do still love them. :D


(I had to remove some smiles because apparently we are only limited to 8 per message! Ha ha!)

Edited by Cricket
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Oh my gosh! That link was from before I came around these parts. I have two boys and I'm married to an over grown one. I just literallly almost pee'd my pants because I was laughing so hard!!! My boys wanted to know what was so funny, but I'm afraid to tell them ~ for fear it may happen here!!

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Because poor people/old people/little people/redheads/black folks/witches don't likely pee in your refridgerator.


Because poor people/old people/little people/redheads/blackfolks/witches don't likely dig up your septic tank when they are searching for hidden buried treasure.


Because poor people/old people/little people/redheads/blackfolks/witches don't likely... (read the other linked threads)...


To the OP: As a mother of six boys, I completely inderstand what you are saying... but I love every crazy minute in this house full of boys!




I would also venture to say that if dads comprised the majority of homeschooling parents, there would indeed be threads entitled "Girls!" The first time my dd turned on her heel, ran down the hall, flew into her room, leapt upon her bed and began sobbing uncontrollably, DH looked at me in a combination of :001_huh::001_unsure::huh::ohmy::confused1::blink: and asked, "What was THAT?!" I looked at him like :confused: and replied, "You hurt her feelings!"


I mean, duh. :tongue_smilie:

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Because poor people/old people/little people/redheads/black folks/witches don't likely pee in your refridgerator.


Because poor people/old people/little people/redheads/blackfolks/witches don't likely dig up your septic tank when they are searching for hidden buried treasure.


Because poor people/old people/little people/redheads/blackfolks/witches don't likely... (read the other linked threads)...


To the OP: As a mother of six boys, I completely inderstand what you are saying... but I love every crazy minute in this house full of boys!


:D WOW, six of them :lol:


I have this great honking big 12 year old...now officially taller than me with a size 12 shoe and his voice is changing. All day long that boy has goofed off, cracked jokes, and keeps trying to beat me up (in a wrestling sort of way). Yet through it all I can't be mad at him because he's being such a cute little dodo...and making his school go twice as long!



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I would also venture to say that if dads comprised the majority of homeschooling parents, there would indeed be threads entitled "Girls!" The first time my dd turned on her heel, ran down the hall, flew into her room, leapt upon her bed and began sobbing uncontrollably, DH looked at me in a combination of :001_huh::001_unsure::::blink: and asked, "What was THAT?!" I looked at him like :confused: and replied, "You hurt her feelings!"


I mean, duh. :tongue_smilie:


Oh yeah, sometimes I'm dumbfounded by my girls too. Then it dawns on me...hormones :tongue_smilie:




PS, you cannot quote a quote that has more than 8 images either ;)

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I would also venture to say that if dads comprised the majority of homeschooling parents, there would indeed be threads entitled "Girls!" The first time my dd turned on her heel, ran down the hall, flew into her room, leapt upon her bed and began sobbing uncontrollably, DH looked at me in a combination of :001_huh::001_unsure::huh::ohmy::confused1::blink: and asked, "What was THAT?!" I looked at him like :confused: and replied, "You hurt her feelings!"


I mean, duh.


Too true! My dh AND my ds look at me and my dds that way. often!

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