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How Does This Happen?!

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Princess lost a shoe the other day. Tore the house apart, no flipping idea where it went. We finally gave in and ended up buying her another pair, since we couldn't find the dang thing. Still hasn't turned up.


And guess what? Go to send the Littles outside this am to burn some energy before starting school work, and guess what's missing?


Yup. One of her new shoes.




We have a small place. There's just not that many places it could darn well be...of course, if she put them on the shoe rack where it belonged, and as she was constantly reminded, it wouldn't be an issue.


Two missing shoes in four days. I'm gonna lose my mind.

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I'm starting to wonder if someone isn't pulling a 'prank' and hiding her flipping shoe.


Kids have been informed that if its not found before Daddy gets home, all holy heck is going to break loose.


I am NOT buying a 3rd pair of shoes. She can be in the house from now til winter boot buying time.


Yeah, I'm that frustrated.

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When I informed Diva and Tazzie that I believed someone was 'pranking' and hiding Princess' shoe, and that everyone was going to be punished if it didn't show up...Diva went immediately to her room and 'found' it.


Children have been informed that if anything more goes missing, Mommy's mind will as well, and life will become very unpleasant.



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A few years ago, dh took dss to the pharmacy around the corner. He came home wearing one shoe.




Apparently, when he was getting back in the car, one of his sandals slipped off, and he didn't bother telling dh. We drove right back up there (it was literally around the corner), and his shoe was NO WHERE to be found.




SO weird. And dss was like, 11 or so at the time. Why the boy didn't say something when they got in the car, I'll never know. :tongue_smilie:


(Just a story to let you know you're not alone. :D)

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When I informed Diva and Tazzie that I believed someone was 'pranking' and hiding Princess' shoe, and that everyone was going to be punished if it didn't show up...Diva went immediately to her room and 'found' it.


Children have been informed that if anything more goes missing, Mommy's mind will as well, and life will become very unpleasant.





Hmmm. Does Princess dislike her new shoes, and possibly think 'losing' one would mean another pair that she'd like better? Just and idea.

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Hmmm. Does Princess dislike her new shoes, and possibly think 'losing' one would mean another pair that she'd like better? Just and idea.

Nope. They're pink. Princess adores pink. :tongue_smilie:


I'm thinking Diva pulled this stunt, just to cause havoc. Its something she'd think is funny, to hide the shoe and watch ppl get frustrated.


That she literally went directly to the shoe and found it when it was announced that she'd also be in trouble if it wasn't found just kinda confirmed my suspicion that the shoe had 'help' in getting lost. :glare:

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My son does this with underwear. I'm reasonably convinced he's trying to see how long he can go commando without me noticing. Unfortunately for him, I count underwear when I do laundry. And then he has to do another load after he magically discovers where all his dirty underwear has been 'hiding.' :glare:


Glad one shoe has been found.

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Hmm, or is brother trying to pull a prank on her. Check the freezer. Don't ask why I suggest that ;)


Usually when we are missing 1 shoe here (and not from someone hiding it on purpose), it is in 1 of 4 places, in one of the kids rooms, in the bathroom, under the couch, or under the computer table.

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Nope. They're pink. Princess adores pink. :tongue_smilie:


I'm thinking Diva pulled this stunt, just to cause havoc. Its something she'd think is funny, to hide the shoe and watch ppl get frustrated.


That she literally went directly to the shoe and found it when it was announced that she'd also be in trouble if it wasn't found just kinda confirmed my suspicion that the shoe had 'help' in getting lost. :glare:


:lol: Posted before I saw the update. Cheeky little monkey. Here I suspected the brother pulling a stunt not big sister.

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