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totally off topic: anyone got any Chrismas or other projects in the works?

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'd love to hear what you are working on this summer. I need to think up some things to keep myself busy. It would be especially good if they are low cost/no cost things that I can do with stuff I already have.


I was cleaning out kitchen drawers and found a bunch of old candle pieces, so I'm thinking of making pinecone fire starters. I'm also finishing up and old quilt project I started years ago.


So what plans do you have?

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In light of my inability to accomplish any scrapbooking, I'm planning to make some of those books where you go online, download photos, arrange them, and order up bound books. Ideally, I'll do one each year for each DS, working backward from 2007. I've decided that the cost is justified by the joy my DSs will get from looking through self and family photos. I feel so bad that I have no scrapbooks to show them!

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Always got projects in the works, too many to even list. Specifically Christmas ones though? I'm working on a beaded kit Christmas decoration. It's my aim to have an advent calender containing a decoration for each child, for each day, by the time they are old enough to know what's going on. Not sure how I'm going to make it yet, and intend to worry about that later. In the meantime, I've got a bunch of cute ideas for decorations. So I can work on them. I'm also doing my best to illustrate a picture book I wrote a few months back. I'm going to make Waldorf style dolls for my dd, my cousin and nephew. Now, we all know dolls are GIRLY (at least that's what their dads will say) so I wanted a nice book about boys and dolls to go along with it. Couldn't find anything suitable, so in a burst of inspiration (the Muses must have been lurking in my house that day) I wrote one.



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This week I am recovering our dining room chairs. So far I have ripped off the old fabric and foam and stapled on the new webbing. I hope I can finish them this weekend. We homeschool at the dining room table and really miss our chairs.


Next week I am starting on a cornice and drapes for the dining room and a swag and tail window treatment for the living room.


We have house guests coming the end of June so hopefully I'll get everything done before they arrive.


This is fun to read about everyone's projects. You guys are so creative.

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Well.....I gave my family (9 women) "birthday calendars" for Christmas. They are made out of manilla envelopes decorated with month and dates so that you write birthday's on the correct day and insert cards as you find them.....WELL.....I had to hand them to them and say...I will finish them soon...obviously that was 12/25/07....I still have not completed them due to my crazy life so I am planning on finishing them in the next couple of weeks..now that we found my cricut.


Then, I want to learn to knit.....that would be fun....


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I'd love to hear what you are working on this summer. I need to think up some things to keep myself busy. It would be especially good if they are low cost/no cost things that I can do with stuff I already have.


I was cleaning out kitchen drawers and found a bunch of old candle pieces, so I'm thinking of making pinecone fire starters. I'm also finishing up and old quilt project I started years ago.


So what plans do you have?


I'm working on a Christmas stocking for my youngest.


In fact, it's the SAME EXACT ONE that I finished in early Jan of this year that took me 4 years to complete (2 transcontinental moves, and another in country move really messes up my stitching groove)!


But, in the process of the final assembly of it, I utterly ruined it. . .


My goal is to finish it this year. . . .My husband declares he's been dumped for a whole caboodle of "exes". ;)

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I'd love to hear what you are working on this summer. I need to think up some things to keep myself busy. It would be especially good if they are low cost/no cost things that I can do with stuff I already have.


I was cleaning out kitchen drawers and found a bunch of old candle pieces, so I'm thinking of making pinecone fire starters. I'm also finishing up and old quilt project I started years ago.


So what plans do you have?


In scouts, to make firestarters, we take cardboard egg cartons, fill them with dryer lint and then pour melted wax over them. They probably aren't as pretty as the pinecone kind but they sure work!

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I'd love to hear what you are working on this summer.


I'm crocheting a baby set for my cousin, who is due in late June. I figure a summer baby might need a blankie and booties, but not much. BY next Christmas he/she will need a whole lot more, so I'm working toward that as well as the birthday gift. My cousin's mother died just a couple of years ago, so I feel especially maternal toward her.



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