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please help me not drive my dh crazy....

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How can I get this hormonal mess under control?


I've had bloodwork done, and have been assured it's normal :glare:


However, for 2-3 days each month I turn into a crazy person, and it's getting worse with age. I get migraines that make me feel like a drugged up stroke victim. Symptoms include speech trouble, dizzyness, nausea, and extremely fuzzy thinking. Then there are the mood swings, the complete inability to make a decision without breaking into tears, and a general woe is me attitude that I seem to have no control over :(


What can I do, naturally if possible, to get this mess under control? Or should I just find a deep, dark cave with a supply of chocolate every month?

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For example....yesterday ended with a hum-dinger of a migraine that, after medication, calmed down to mere vertigo. Then I get up today with a low grade throb, but very fuzzy head. Make it through most of the day (by holing up at my desk) but then we go see a movie. On the way to the movie, my teeth start throbbing, and I'm getting a little grumpy. My dh, who had to take a pain pill during the movie asked me to drive home. My teeth throbbing self gets a little miffed...for no reason. Then, while making my way through a round about (which stress me out on a good day) I nearly take out a car in my blind spot and miss my exit. I got MAD because dh told me there was a car there. :001_huh:


I get home and stare in the freezer for 10 minutes trying to calm down, and decide what to make for dinner. Completely frozen by the choices I have to make, I grab some leftover chicken with no clue what to fix with it. Dh comes in and asks me if I need any help and I snap at him that NO, I just need a brain! then I promptly break into tears. He (thankfully) helped me pull together dinner (while force feeding me chocolate chips and excedrin :chillpill:) Poor man.


So now I sit, everyone is avoiding me, and I'm trying to not fall out of my chair from the dizzy.

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Apryl, can you find a naturopath who can do a saliva hormone test? Many docs believe those are more accurate. There are a number of supplements that can help.

Also, you have a lot on your plate right now if I remember correctly from a previous thread. Could it be stress as well?

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Apryl, can you find a naturopath who can do a saliva hormone test? Many docs believe those are more accurate. There are a number of supplements that can help.

Also, you have a lot on your plate right now if I remember correctly from a previous thread. Could it be stress as well?


Eh, could be I guess, but my life has never been LESS stressful than it is right now, I've had a pretty stressful life..lol


I guess what bothers me is the pattern I see, and the progression of it. I'm young...I'm afraid I'll be a basketcase before menopause sets in.


Perhaps I should get a test done.

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It is interesting that you say it is worse now, and your life is less stressful than before. I am falling apart right now too in my least ever stessful period of life. The docs don't know why, but I wonder if I am just processing all the craziness of life. One thing that has helped mee is taking magnesium. A physicians assistant told me that it helps calm the muscles and relax us, and it does seem to be helping.

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definitely not natural, but for me, the Pill, with no break (and therefore no PMS) has been a wonder drug! The doses are a LOT lower than they were several years ago. But I have no more migraines, no more Monster Mom, and a much pleasanter life, in general.

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It is interesting that you say it is worse now, and your life is less stressful than before. I am falling apart right now too in my least ever stessful period of life. The docs don't know why, but I wonder if I am just processing all the craziness of life. One thing that has helped mee is taking magnesium. A physicians assistant told me that it helps calm the muscles and relax us, and it does seem to be helping.


Very good point. I always struggle and fight through the horrible times and then sit under a tree in a perfectly good year and cry...

Magnesium couldn't hurt.

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I'm like that when I skip chiro appointments. Try scheduling one just before you are due for the next few months and see how you go. My dh doesn't believe in chiropractics and thinks it is the placebo affect, but he doesn't want me skipping any more appointments either. :lol: The last time I did, I spent the week in bed because I was too venomous to even venture into the lounge room, let alone out of the house into the world.



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You might consider asking them to look for uterine cysts via ultrasound.

I started thinking I was destined to horrible migraines and being a hormonal mess once a month until I had a huge chocolate cyst burst. Then within a couple of months I was feeling better than I had for a long time!!!


My other symptom in retrospect was bladder urgency. I had to go all the time and when I had to go, I had to run!!!! That should have been a major clue, but I was in denial!:tongue_smilie:


You might also rule out thyroid problems ...

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