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Is anyone awake who can pray right now for my boy?

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Thank you all! I haven't slept much, at his side all night. No coffee yet. Please forgive any holes or typos.

It was looking nasty last night, and that was why I posted here. The hospital initially would not release him until he ate some toast. He has severe autism and behaves much like a 2 or 3 year old... he did not want to eat a bite, he became increasingly agitated and they did not like that... they can't see the silly tile in the x-rays. My dh brought a few game tiles with him, which they x-rayed at different angles and they barely showed up. :glare: So, when he refused to eat and became agitated they thought perhaps some sleep will help, and they sent him home for close monitoring. My concern was if it is lodged in his throat, it could move and block his breathing. They doubted that, but try to tell a mom that! Weirder things have happened! So they want us to bring him in if he refuses to eat, if he has any symptoms related to eating or digestion (such as drooling, vomiting, cramping) and he is to have another x-ray in a couple days. I spent the night in his room, and so many times I thought he stopped breathing. He woke a half hour ago and has so far refused to eat. He has grabbed his stomach and cleared his throat, so I don't know where the tile is.

Please pray he eats and keeps it down. This tile is a bit too big to pass on it's own, with the longest side being 1"... so depending on the angle of it, he might struggle there.

Off for coffee...

thank you all for praying. I do appreciate it! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Did they have the throat doctor look down there with the endoscope. When I got a piece of steak stuck in my throat, that's what they did when all else failed. But they did it within a couple hours. If he's breathing and drinking water okay, not spitting up his spit because it doesn't have a place to go down, then it's possible it went all the way down. All you have to do now is what for it to pass in bm. Otherwise, if you think it's still in his throat insist on an endoscopy.

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I don't know why I'm mentioning this, since it probably has nothing to do with anything, but my niece once put gravel up her nose and got a bunch lodged in her lungs. She had to have surgery to have it all removed. It wasn't pretty. I tell you, if she (and my big, loud, dramatic family) can survive that, anyone can survive anything.


All that is to say, I hope your precious Baby Boy is all right. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

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Thank you, all! :grouphug: We are still waiting for this letter tile to show itself. He's keeping food down fine, so we don't think it's lodged in his throat or esophagus. It's just a waiting game now.



That sounds like good news! Hopefully it will show itself soon.

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