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Weird Dreams? You have them?

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Went to a fabulous amazing restaurant last night. Very spicy foods. Super stuff!


Came home, was poking around the net looking for a new sort of puzzle to show the little one for mornings..found Sudoku..I've seen this game but never played it.


Taught myself how to solve them.


Went to bed and whoa! I've never dreamed in Sudoku number puzzles with music before. I was dreaming this sound/track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZtYa7UhCWc (Guster, You're My Satellite)


The site I used to learn Sudoku was this one: http://www.sudokudaily.net/ - so ya, that was the image/visual I had going on what felt like days on end. Strange!


What was in that food anyway?


That was so disturbing I woke myself up and am up three hours before usual. I'm staying up too! :)


Think there was a link between the odd spicy foods + math = weird dreams.


Have you had any super weird dreams lately?

Edited by one*mom
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I have a memorable weird dream about once a month. In my dreams I sing songs that don't exist, I can speak French fluently, and I spend a lot of time looking for a clean restroom.


I had one a couple of days ago. In it a person, who is quite nice in real life, was insulting me. I threw my food in his face then smashed the paper plate on his face with my hand. I was so upset that I woke up and began to cry. Of course nothing like that has ever happened in real life.


A few weeks ago I remember desparately trying not to wake up because I was just beginning to get a glimmer of an answer to the meaning of everything, lol.


What I want to know is why don't I speak Spanish in my dreams? I know a lot more Spanish than French.

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I have weird dreams pretty often but mostly on restless sleep kind of nights.


In them, I often realize, within the dream, that I am dreaming and tell myself that while still asleep then make the dream go in a way I would like it to go. For example, if something in the dream is horrible, I will re-arrange things and not have the horrible happen. I always slowly wake up when having these kinds of dreams.


Sometimes I dream things and later, irl, something happens and I remember dreaming it but this happens rarely.


I used to have dreams about snakes whenever I was stressed while in PT school. The snakes would jump and bite at me or I had to walk across a grass area full of snake heads or I'd jump in a pool only to find lots of snakes in it. Very strange.

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When I'm really stressed I dream about tornadoes that can think and have it out for me..been doing that since I was about four years old.


I really hate tornado dreams.


I get the answer reveal thing. I had one once where I sat with the Dali Lama in a small hut. We sat just looking at each other dead square in the eye from sun up to sun down, never speaking, never moving. And I could really "feel" the sense of "time" in it.


At the end of the dream, he lifted up his hand, turned it palm face up, and in his hand were 3 small silver objects...like Monopoly pieces almost..


"it is not this one.." and he set it down


"nor this one.." and he set it down


"it is this one you want.."


and poof, end of dream, I have no idea what shape it was or form


I could save the world if I had that last one I think. Ha.

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I'm always having weird dreams. They get MUCH more vivid/worse when I've had ice cream close to bedtime. Odd.


In fact last night I was dreaming about holding this baby that was really an alien with razor sharp teeth. I kept watching it to make sure it wouldn't morph into alien mode and bite me. :confused:

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I do. Last night I dreamed that dh and I bought a huge, beautiful yacht. You know, with our spare $50 million. Also, we live 1,000 miles from an ocean.


Several months ago I dreamed that I was in a school because of a mandatory evacuation. While there I helped Willow (from Buffy) give birth to her demigod baby (a Greek god was the father). When I called out to ask if anyone else in the shelter was experienced with birth, the genocidal doctor from Battlestar Gallactica came to assist me. I kept a careful eye on him to make sure he behaved. ;)


Another dream I had was that I had died, but in order to cross the River Styx I needed to wear my Euro Disney chocolatier uniform. :confused:

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I think dreams are weird anyway. I mean, how often does someone just dream their everyday life? Even if it is everyday life, there's usually some weird twist to it. :D


That said, I've had very weird dreams when on certain medications. Often when I checked the side effects, I found that "vivid or unusual dreams" was on the list.

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