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after your due date would you purchase tickets to an event?


I'm due with kiddo #3 somewhere between October 17th and 27th (I came up with around the 20th, at first docs said 27th, then 17th, and then 27th again :glare:). There's a theatrical production across town on November 8th that I'd love to take my kids to. But I'm not sure I'll be ready to venture out with a newborn and 2 children at that time....it's a 45 minute drive away.


I'm thinking I should probably opt out, but what do you guys think?

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It really depends on how comfortable you are after birth. I am usually out and about (within reason) within days of birth. I look lumpy, but I usually feel fine after delivery. How have you felt after delivery before? Does it take you a while to recover or do you feel fine within a few days? Personally, I would go. It is a theatre production, so it will be dark inside, which will make nursing easier. And, you're in Florida, so you won't have to deal with cold/flu bugs. If you think you will be up to it, by all means go.

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I nest way too long after birth to plan for that. I would buy the tickets and send DH. Or, if they're not too pricey, buy one for myself too but then stay home and send DH with the kids if I didn't feel up to it.


:iagree: If the tickets aren't too expensive, I'd buy them, but I wouldn't want to feel pressured to go that soon after giving birth. If you feel up to it, go. If not, stay home. If they tickets are expensive, I probably wouldn't buy them.

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Well, normally my pregnancies are fairly easy (I said normally, this one is breaking that streak :glare:) but my labour/delivery/recovery are fairly nasty. Worst was w/Princess, I ended up back in the hospital via ambulance and stayed for 4 days.


So, for *me*, I'm not planning/committing to diddly squat until about Jan, at the earliest, and I'm due mid Nov. I'd rather not make the plans than disappoint by canceling.


But, I'm a freak. I honestly haven't run into many women that seem to have the issues *after* the baby is born that I do.

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I would opt out not because I was physically unable to manage this, but because I would be emotionally wrecked by driving a screaming newborn for 45 minutes, nursing in the car, getting the other kids out, and repeating the screaming newborn routine for 45 minutes on the way back. That would be enough to make me take up drinking. The long car ride, for me, would be the biggest variable here.

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DH won't be able to take the kids since it's during the work week....and he will have just taken off a week to be with me after the baby is born. So I think I'll jut forego it.


Good call. There will be other performances. One day of overdoing it can lead to several weeks of exhaustion/heavy bleeding (in my experience).

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Opt out. As a mom of 3, I couldn't even imagine having the ENERGY or motivation to leave the house with 3 kids, 1 being a newborn. Since I cloth diapered and breastfed it would be ALOT for me to do so soon after the birth with the other 2 kids needing my care and attention out in public too. I nest inside after the birth of my kids for a couple months. I guess I'm a hermit! Once I get things adjusted and everyone back onto a schedule of some sort I feel much more sane to venture out by myself with all the kids.


Still NOW with 3 kids...ages 8, 6 & 2.5....I still have to really ready MYSELF for the venture out with all of them. It's just ALOT of work and takes ALOT of patience and energy that I had TONS of with baby #1 and even had with baby #2...but wow with baby #3 it shuttled to another universe and only returns on rare occasion. LOL!

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I would opt out not because I was physically unable to manage this, but because I would be emotionally wrecked by driving a screaming newborn for 45 minutes, nursing in the car, getting the other kids out, and repeating the screaming newborn routine for 45 minutes on the way back. That would be enough to make me take up drinking. The long car ride, for me, would be the biggest variable here.


Ha! I am snuggling a 2-week old as I type, and this is exactly what I was thinking. We had to drive about an hour to the midwife last week and I was a blubbering mess listening to the newborn cry while waiting for my husband to find a place to pull over so I could nurse her. I'd have been a danger to other drivers were I behind the wheel!

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People in Florida don't get colds or the flu?



It won't be cold in November. When I lived down South, Nov. was a nice month to be out and about. The normal winter cooties are not out and about at that time and the weather is finally bearable.

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