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"The Heartbreaking Point"

MIch elle

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I have looked at the schedules of some classical schools in the US and I was shocked to see the duration for kindy classes (6-7 hours)!

In my DD's school, Jr Kg (K4) was 3 hours and Sr Kg (K5) was 4 hours. This included snack time, and gym time, art time and music time (one each day).

ETA: I meant, snack time was daily and enrichments were one a day.


Also, we watched her carefully over the years - she was always eager and willing to go to school. At the slightest hint of reluctance, we would have investigated why and would have considered keeping her at home if necessary.


I think parents who are able and willing to homeschool their children are so fortunate, and the children are, too.

Edited by nansk
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Thank you for this article. Dd4 is starting Pre-K tomorrow at a Montessori school.. She just turned 4 in late July, and she's excited to go. She'll only be there for three hours, as it's a VPK program. Tonight before she went to bed, she told me she was going to miss me.. We hugged. It's the first time I'm sending a child to school, and I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Ds7 has always been homeschooled. Dd4 fits perfectly with the Montessori method, and I think she will thrive. I can get third grade stuff done with ds for the three hours.

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