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Are we the only ones with an abundance of Christmas mugs?

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Seriously. Half of the mugs in our cabinet are Christmas mugs.


I'm an educator. Dh is an educator. I think Christmas mugs are an easy present for someone to let us know they remember us on the holiday. I am NOT complaining. We use them -- all of them. We drink coffee and hot tea all year. And cocoa every cold morning. :D


I'm not uptight about using them out of season. It's just funny to me that the "Hawaii" (my parents' trip) and the "I love Mom" and the "Life is a garden . . . " mugs get broken, while the Christmas mugs seem to last forever. The set of four matching mugs that came with our dishes? Only one left.


And I wonder if my friends think I'm a nut when I offer them coffee and they open the cabinet to see my collection. :lol: It's not a huge collection, and we use almost every one every day. At least it looks like that when I run the dishwasher . . .


No. My friends already know I'm nuts. :lol:


What about YOU? Do you have Christmas mugs, too? Do you use them all year or keep them packed away until December?


Just wondering where I am on the continuum . . .

Edited by BamaTanya
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I'm an educator. Dh is an educator. I think Christmas mugs are an easy present for someone to let us know they remember us on the holiday. I am NOT complaining. We use them -- all of them. We drink coffee and hot tea all year. And cocoa every cold morning. :D



What about YOU? Do you have Christmas mugs, too? Do you use them all year or keep them packed away until December?



I was a teacher, and had quite the collection of Christmas mugs. Students and colleagues all seem to think they make a perfect gift. :001_smile: I weeded them out a few years ago. We now have one set of 4 Christmas mugs, and 3 extra mismatched ones. They get packed away with the Christmas stuff. When the Holiday season rolls around, I use one or 2 decoratively and we use the others for hot chocolate or tea. I still use my regular mugs for morning coffee.

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We have christmas mugs and filet trip mugs. I dont know WHERE the Christmas mugs came from because i never bought one. If we go on a field trip without DH, we bring him a mug. Recently, I moved the christmas mugs to the basement with the Christmas stuff because my cabinets were getting too cluttered.

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My mother loved Christmas mugs. She had a lot of them. When she died, we counted more than 20 for a single woman, often they were gifts. We kept nearly everything from her apartment in boxes in our garage for nearly 2 years before I had the ability to sort and get rid of stuff. I finally got rid of most of those mugs, but I kept one for each kid. :001_smile:

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Yes! My husband is an educator also, and every year we ended up with a minimum of 10 Christmas-themed mugs.


We use all of the mugs, winter or not. Several are so large they can hold an entire can of Progresso soup.


We too, get odd looks (off season) when we serve coffee or hot drinks in these mugs.


Our mug collection takes up an entire cabinet that is larger than the one we use for regular drinking glasses.



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We used to, until they all went to live at Goodwill, along with about a zillion OTHER mugs that we didn't need. Mugs seem to be one of those household items that reproduce like rabbits in the kitchen cabinet. I have a favorite, hubby has a favorite, DD has a favorite, & DS doesn't generally use mugs. Yes, occasionally I have friends over for coffee, so I like to have a few that match my everyday china and don't have chips in them. So I kept about seven mugs and sent the rest to bless someone else. Or overcrowd their cabinets. Whichever. :D


With regard to Christmas and other holidays, I use solid white (everyday china) or ivory (special-occasion china) mugs/teacups and accessorize with placemats, centerpieces, and other decor for the specific season. Much simpler and less space-consuming, IMO, and easier/cheaper to change the look as my tastes/interests change.



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