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S/O Which Writing Programs Do You Currently Have?

Crimson Wife

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I came home from visiting our virtual charter's lending library with not one, not two, but *THREE* different writing books. :tongue_smilie:This is on top of the 2 books that arrived from Amazon the other day, and the numerous other writing programs I have on my shelf. Clearly I've got some major anxiety about this particular topic!


Write Source Grade 4 (from lending library, I don't think I would've bought this)

K12 Writing in Action Levels E & F (ditto)

WWE Strong Fundamentals and Level 1 Workbook

sample of WWS

Bravewriter The Writer's Jungle

MCT's Paragraph Town

EPS' The Paragraph Book series

Paragraph Writing Made Easy

Writing in Narrative Writing Man

Wordsmith Apprentice

Spectrum Grade 5 Writing

Adventures in Fantasy: Lessons and Activities in Narrative & Descriptive Writing

The Lively Art of Writing

The Art of Styling Sentences


The 2 Killgallon books could be considered writing books as well.

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LOL I thought my list of writing curriculums would be bad, but I feel better after reading your list.;)


I've got...

Writing Strands 1,2,3

IEW Ancient History Based Writing

IEW American History Based Writing

Writer's Jungle

Jump In

WWE text and workbooks 1 and 3

Writing Tales 1

Steps to Writing Well

Writers Inc

Any Child Can Write

Effective Writing


Lightning Lit 7 and 8 have composition in addition to literature, so could be considered writing as well

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These are the ones I can recall now:


WWE Strong Fundamentals and Level 1 Workbook

Any Child Can Write

Classical Writing Primer

Writing Tales 1

Games for Writing (Peggy Kaye)

The Writer's Jungle

MCT's Sentence Island, Paragraph Town and Essay Voyage

Igniting Your Writing 1 and 2

The Research Paper (Amsco School Publications)

Dr Ed Vavra's Essay Writing Course

The Little Red Writing Book

Some Evan Moor graded e-books

Some vintage composition e-books


I have not included all the grammar books I have. And I am not done buying books on writing yet.

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Since I have a writing phobic 2nd grader, I just have these:


Writing With Ease instructor text

Writing With Ease 1 workbook

Writing With Ease 2 workbook




However, next year, I'll be adding MCT Island, and eventually I'll probably get one of the Kilgallon books. We just aren't to the stage where we need much writing yet. We're still working on how to "write with ease". ;) I definitely plan to use Writing With Skill when we get there!

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I have:


Voyages in English 3 (Writing and Grammar- not using the writing portion, only as a reference)

Sentence Composing for Elementary (waiting to do this next year)

WWE text (using this this year, starting with Level 2)


The Paragraph books look good but I keep telling myself, how many writing programs do I really need? I don't have much shelf space already, my shelves are full and ds is just starting third grade this year! I want to have something I'll really use. We use PLL as well, which works on copywork and dictation too.

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Rod & Staff 3, 4, 5 (I use them for the writing instruction)


Writing Tales 1, 2

Writing Strands 3, Evaluating Writing

Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing 3 & 5; Paragraph Writing for gr. 2-4; Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs for gr. 4-6+, How to Report on Books for gr. 3-4

Writing With Ease Strong Fundamentals, and Workbooks 1 - 4

Writer's Inc.


That's not counting the things tucked away in rubbermaid bins because they are not the right grade level yet, or things I've ordered that haven't arrived. Off the top of my head, I've got 2 poetry writing books and 2 outlining books (2 for 2 different grade levels)... some of which I've already decided to wait & see if it's really needed before diving in... :tongue_smilie: Oh ya, and then there's the books (actual paperback books just to read, such as Writing Down the Bones and Room to Write) about writing on my shelf in the living room... do those count?

Edited by Annabel Lee
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I learn so much here. I have just the following :

WWE 1,2 Writing Strands 1, 2 Spectrum Writing 1

I have been thinking of getting something else on paragraphs but felt I needed to work with what I had. I am getting good ideas on what to possibly get in the future. I just wanted to add I like WWE I think it helps with gathering thoughts and reading comprehension. Dd really likes Writing Strands she likes the building on sentences. I combine a few exercises from both on days I just do copywork and dictation in WWE. I did not like Spectrum it was not detailed enough for me and they give very little space for writing.


Which are your favorites and why?

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We only have what we're using...


4th grader uses:


Classical Composition - fable level

Sentence Island (but I don't really view this as a writing curriculum)


3rd grader and 1st grader are using different levels of:


Writing with Ease

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we've tried a lot. i've even purchased things we never really used:001_huh:. i've sold almost everything though, as we just recently moved.


currently we use & love:


bju english 3 (saved for next year with my son)

bju english 4 (using this year with my daughter)

spectrum writing 1 (using this year with my son)

R&S 2 (using this year with my son)



WWE 1 (need to sell)

WWE 2 (need to sell)

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WWE 2, 3

sample of WWS

MCT's Paragraph Town, Essay Voyage and AAW1

Writing Magic

Barbara Mariconda's Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever

IEW TWSS and Ancient History Writing

The Lively Art of Writing

Nonfiction Matters

Pattern-Based Writing

Thinking in Threes

Image Grammar

Schaum's Writing Great Research Papers

Ralph Fletcher's Writer's Notebook, How Writers Work, Live Writing

Killgallon: Story Grammar for Elementary, Grammar for Middle School, Sentence Composing for Elementary and SC for Middle School


I think one year we briefly used a Spectrum book that I have since gotten rid of. I'm also planning on getting rid of all the IEW stuff and the Sentence Composing books (decided to just do their Grammar series - both is overkill).


Feel better now? :D


Of course, my kids are older, maybe you'll catch up. ;)

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I have:


Writing With Ease 1

Winning With Writing 2

Oak Meadow 2

Writing Road to Reading

Galore Park Junior English 1

Moving Beyond the Page lit units for 7-9 (just a couple of these)


I have also seriously considered getting The Writer's Jungle and just recently sold WWE2. I guess I'm not quite as worried about writing as I was about math. :lol:

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You MUST have Step Up to Writing and Understanding Writing to have anything close to a complete collection :-)



Step Up to Writing was actually a program that I liked the looks of, but the $125 price tag for the TE made me pass. For all that I have a ton of writing curricula, they're all relatively inexpensive (I got Bravewriter at HSBC).

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Can I say that I'm soooo envious that you have a library where you can loan homeschooling stuff!! :drool:


I have major anxiety about writing too, and I can't find any writing programs in Dutch, but my English is not good enough to use the upper levels of an English writing program :banghead:.


I own:


WWE (hardcover, workbook 1 & 2)

Classical Writing Aesop

Classical Writing Homer

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Okay this is making me crazy. When I type this the abbreviations are all in capitals, but then when I post it makes them lower case. I keep trying to edit and it does the same thing. This has never happened to me before. Any ideas?

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I own...

- WWE 1 & 2

- Rod & Staff 4 & 5

I am planning to get MCT, I just didn't order the writing book yet because we are still using the grammar one...I am thinking of getting Writing Aids because we are using TOG...

That being said, we are only using MCT right now and my oldest is using WWE 2 for narration practice...I may eliminate it if I find his narrations for science and history are enough...I am still debating on Writing Aids...

Writing and grammar are both giving me the most grief right now...I will have to make up my mind about it, we already started school!

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Step Up to Writing was actually a program that I liked the looks of, but the $125 price tag for the TE made me pass. For all that I have a ton of writing curricula, they're all relatively inexpensive (I got Bravewriter at HSBC).


I think I paid $6.00 for my copy ppd :-) Someone in the UK was selling it with a misspelled title, and had dropped the price to nothing.

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LOL, I currently have:


Story Starters (Karen Andreola) for my dd

IEW SWI C for my son

Writing Strands (not using, but not tossing yet!)

The Writer's Notebook (hoping to interest my dd in this sometime)

Writer's Ink (reference)

Help for Highschool (from Bravewriter, haven't used yet)

and used to have The Writer's Jungle but sold that. We got good use out of that for several years.


Merry :-)

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