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S/O: Do I think I'm fat and Before/After

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I'm attempting to show a picture lol of me at same weight but two different body measurements.


This is why one person can think they are overweight and another not at the same exact weight!


So if this works right:


This is me at 154 pounds right after the WTM conference.





Edited by AuntPol
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SO you can see -While me weight hasn't changed, my body composition has. In the first picture, I was weigh over what is considered healthy in my belly fat. After 6 weeks of working out/dieting, I am just within healthy regs.


I intend to improve it even more.

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I need to find some motivation!!! (And time, and energy, etc., etc. :tongue_smilie:)


I know what you mean, though. This last baby has thrown me out of whack but, in the past, I've been known to "hide" my weight well, and have looked very different at certain weights/different fitness levels. People don't tend to believe me, either, lol.

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Are you T-tapping?


I hike with my daughter for 2 -2.5 miles a day (4-5 times a week) at a very, very slow pace lol. It's our morning bonding time/walk the dog time.


I do Cross Fit 3 times a week (very modified and I still come in last lol) w/extra class to show me how to do lifts 2X a week.


and I'm doing a Primal Blueprint Diet (but not perfectly lol -have had a few cheats and overdo some of the once in awhiles lol)

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I've done the same thing. I went down 4 sizes but stayed around the same weight. That's what 6 months of Jillian Michaels can do for you. And still pounding away!! You look great by the way.


I've gone down two sizes myself.


I have lost:

5 inches around navel

2 inches of hips

3/4 inch off hips

1/2 inch off thighs

and 1 inch off my bra band measurement (thankfully not cup yet lol)

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You look fantastic!! I can't believe how much your body shape has changed while you've stayed the same weight. Absolutely awesome - good work!!





And Tricia, congrats to you also. :D


Muscle takes up much less space and is so much healthier than fat. For every 10 lbs. you lose by dieting alone, you go down one dress size, but if you also exercise, for every 15 pounds you lose TWO sizes!




What's frustrating and annoying is that health insurance companies, doctors' offices, etc. - all or most of them focus on weight and BMI rather than on body composition and waist measurement :glare:.


Scientists from the Mayo Clinic were questioning the accuracy and usefulness of the BMI. Reviewing data from 40 studies involving 250,000 people with heart disease, they found that while severely obese patients had a higher risk of death, overweight people had fewer heart problems than those with a normal BMI.

Because muscle weighs more than fat, many physically fit people are mistakenly classified as "overweight", while they are actually less likely to die young than a "normal" weight individual whose excess weight is mostly fat.

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SO you can see -While me weight hasn't changed, my body composition has. In the first picture, I was weigh over what is considered healthy in my belly fat. After 6 weeks of working out/dieting, I am just within healthy regs.


I intend to improve it even more.


there is a gal at church who became a personal trainer. she gained 12 pounds. she LOST three dress sizes. (she was thin to start with) so yeah, it goes back to muscle has less volume than fat.


Because muscle weighs more than fat

1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat. the VOLUME is what is different because muscle is much more dense.

Edited by gardenmom5
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What's frustrating and annoying is that health insurance companies, doctors' offices, etc. - all or most of them focus on weight and BMI rather than on body composition and waist measurement :glare:.


Scientists from the Mayo Clinic were questioning the accuracy and usefulness of the BMI. Reviewing data from 40 studies involving 250,000 people with heart disease, they found that while severely obese patients had a higher risk of death, overweight people had fewer heart problems than those with a normal BMI.

Because muscle weighs more than fat, many physically fit people are mistakenly classified as "overweight", while they are actually less likely to die young than a "normal" weight individual whose excess weight is mostly fat.



I found Top 10 Reasons Why BMI is Bogus interesting. I especally was interested in the insurance companies lobbying to keep BMI as an indicator so they can charge higher insurance.

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1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat. the VOLUME is what is different because muscle is much more dense.

Kristen, thank you. My mistake ... ;)


I found Top 10 Reasons Why BMI is Bogus interesting. I especally was interested in the insurance companies lobbying to keep BMI as an indicator so they can charge higher insurance.

Thanks for this link. Off to read it. Hate those insurance companies :glare:.

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Thank you so much for posting! I've been working hard since Memorial Day weekend to lose fat (I don't say lose weight anymore) and get healthy. I've been so stinking frustrated that I have dropped clothes sizes and inches and can feel the difference in my energy levels and moods yet that stinking scale won't budge more than a few pounds. While I know that the scale can't tell me the difference between fat and muscle and obviously the stupid BMI doesn't make that distinction either, it still hurts to work so hard and see that number just slowly inch it's way down.


You've help remotivate me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As soon as I'm over this case of tonsilitis I have (sickness and summer are a bad mix) I'm getting back to work!

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Nice job! Getting rid of the middle section is not easy.


That happens to a lot, btw. People's weight don't change but they look different. It is sometimes hard to get them to believe that they are improving when the scale hasn't budged or has even increased.


I try to remind them that a pound of top sirloin looks a lot different that a pound of potato chips.

Edited by LG Gone Wild
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Thank you so much for posting! I've been working hard since Memorial Day weekend to lose fat (I don't say lose weight anymore) and get healthy. I've been so stinking frustrated that I have dropped clothes sizes and inches and can feel the difference in my energy levels and moods yet that stinking scale won't budge more than a few pounds. While I know that the scale can't tell me the difference between fat and muscle and obviously the stupid BMI doesn't make that distinction either, it still hurts to work so hard and see that number just slowly inch it's way down.


You've help remotivate me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As soon as I'm over this case of tonsilitis I have (sickness and summer are a bad mix) I'm getting back to work!



I'm so glad to help.


I printed the pictures to look at when I am having a pity party that makes me want to indulge in whatever comfort food I know isn't good for me or want to skip "just this one" workout.


In the two weeks since this photo, I have dropped 4 pounds so the scale finally moved. The inch loss is going slower but still another inch off waist and another off the belly.


In the mirror, I can finally see that my butt is not as flat as it was two months ago but otherwise I don't see much difference. Clothing wise, my size 10's are practically falling off me.


This week I bumped up my Cross Fit to four times a week and I'm going in the mornings now that the kids activities prevent me from going in the evening. I have had huge gains in strength and mobility. What was once impossible is becoming possible, what was once hard is becoming easy (and so having to increase weight or something to make it hard again lol).

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