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Age appropriate household chores for 7 yo girl and 9 yo boy

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I'm embarrassed to say, that my two kids don't really have "chores" that they are assigned on a regular basis. This needs to change. Both kids love to help and I think they're both capable. They went to Montessori for several years and all the kids there cooperated and they love to work. My son does have add/adhd and needs a LOT of redirection.


What are age appropriate chores for a 9 year old boy and a 7 year old girl?


I can see my little girl putting on big time drama over this, but not really my son.


Also, do you give allowances?

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No allowances. We all work for the good of the family so the team can play. IF my kids had no available $ of their own, I might consider an allowance but they do and I don't. I DO give $ for chores above and beyond the call.


Help fold clothes, take out small garages, feed pets, do laundry, rake, weed, dust, wash woodwork, water plants, put groceries away.


If they put their littlest sister's clothes away they get a $. If they match socks, they get 2.


I DON'T let my little kids unload or load the dishwasher because we have really high cabinets and they cannot reach. Heck, even I can't reach some.

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Technically, we don't have "officially assigned chores." The kids help when it's needed. But my 8 and 9yo dds will:


Dry and put dishes away

Move laundry (into washer, into dryer, into drawers... they don't run the washer or dryer unless something needs an extra round that's already programmed.)

Feed the pets

Clean out the bathroom (clothes, garbage, etc. Ds and I take turns scrubbing.)


Help contain the baby toys

Pull weeds

Take out trash/recyclables, bring cans from the curb

Polish furniture

Entertain the little boys if needed

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We pay for "training" or learning how to do each chore. I work with them the first time, then monitor the work a few times. I pay well for that training, and I don't feel bad having them go over anything they missed. Once trained, the chore becomes part of what we do together as a family and isn't paid. We pay for additional jobs around the house.


I assign chores each morning for what needs to be done.


Here's what my 9 year old has learned to do:

fill/empty dishwasher

hand wash dishes

take out garbage

fold and put away laundry



clean bathroom (except tub - gotta do that training)

water plants outside

clean her room

sweep floors

wash floors (with assistance)

scrub baseboards

weed yard

clean patio


HTH! :)

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My 11 year old can do any chores I can, and my younger boys put away their laundry, clean the bathroom (other than the toilet, because they make a mess cleaning ou the bowl ewwwww), load the dishwasher, pull weeds, put away groceries, well you get the idea, I keep them busy lol.


We do allowance once a week. For us chores are their job at this point, and with the money tied to performing chores they know they can lose it so it is not an entitlement. Just my .02.

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I've considered official chores but prefer that everyone pitch in and does what is needed. I do follow the Motivated Mom chore list generally speaking and pull things off of there daily. I have a just turned 7 yo boy- different chores he does;


Clean his bedroom, including bed, and floor, sweep and mop(clean and bed daily other as needed)


set table

unload dishwasher

take out and burn trash(burnables that are non-recyclable- few times a week)

clean van(empty out whatever doesn't belong, wipe off- weekly)


fold clothes(working on adopting this full time)

put away own clothes(always does)

clean bathroom- 2x week- toilets, wash floors, sinks, tubs(sister helps with this)

feed and water rabbits- usually daily-although I do it some

set table/clear table- that is a whoever is around job- sometimes I do it, sometimes I have them do it

straighten up- as needed daily

some sweeping- not the best at this



puts away own clothes(always)

cleans her room(mostly on her own but I have to help sometimes)

washes walls

helps brother w/ bathroom

peels veggies- brother does this as well but she usually asks first

helping w/ table setting and putting away dishes

vacuum- if I plug it in.

Edited by soror
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All of my kids are responsible for cleaning up after themselves (putting dishes in dishwasher after meals, putting dirty clothes in hamper, putting away toys, etc).


My 7 year old dd wipes down all three bathroom counters each day (including the sink). She also vacuums the living room daily. She and her ten year old brother alternate days with sorting our recycling. She is responsible for hanging her clothes and putting away her folded clothes each day. She also cleans off the table after each meal (wiping off crumbs, etc).


My just turned 10 year old son cleans all three toilets daily (I know--it's probably overkill to clean them everyday, but I like the habit of doing chores daily). He also sweeps the kitchen once per day (I do the other times). He alternates taking care of the recycling with his sister. He is responsible for putting away his clean laundry each day (I wash and fold). His seasonal chores include watering the floors and skimming our pool daily. He also vacuums his bedroom. He will empty the dishwasher if his older sister is not home (that's normally her chore).


We do not give allowances for daily chores. For us, it is about being a contributing member of our household. If the kids do something above and beyond the ordinary, we may pay them for something (like raking leaves or picking up tree limbs, etc).

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Hi Julie


I saw your other post about losing your "Alice". :grouphug: Hugs to all of you as you transition into some changes around your home.


I would encourage you to work alongside the kids, teaching them what you'd like for them to do. Be patient with yourself if it doesn't go smoothly for awhile. Baby steps might be the way to tackle this.


Kids 7 and up can handle quite a few different chores short of handing them a chainsaw and the like. The trick is to figure out what you want them to learn, and what you need them to do. It'll be a process.


Maybe move from one bedroom to the next, everyone working together to make beds until they transition to being able to do their own. Pick up and sort dirty clothes together for awhile, and then let them be responsible for their own at some point. Fold and put away laundry together. Take out garbage, care for pets, set the table, etc. These are just sample chores, of course. The point is, by working together you'll spend quality family time (! ;) ) getting some stuff done, and learning which chores are important to you and who tolerates which chores better. That will make for a more efficient system eventually. I personally am not a big bed maker and don't have a problem with us all ignoring ours. On the other hand, horizontal surfaces covered in effluvia bring out the beast in me. So cleared surfaces are a priority for me. And I can clean toilets all day long, as long as someone else takes over the dusting! You'll find out what your own priorities are for your home, and that's all that matters.


Good luck to you as you are hammering this all out. Remember, baby steps!

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DD9 feeds the cat/dog, cleans litter box, walks the dog every day, takes out the trash, empties dishwasher, cleans her room, picks up other rooms when I ask, occasionally makes a meal, runs the stuff into the post office, moves clothes from washer to dryer and brings upstairs. I don't pay her an allowance for that but will pay for 'extra projects' like cleaning the car, or cleaning the whole house when it needs to be done and she wants money, raking leaves, etc.

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Some chores my dc have had at that age:


unload dishwasher (we moved the dishes to lower cabinets so they could do this)

take out trash

make their beds

do their own laundry (I think I started them when younger was 8yo)


wipe down baseboards

vacuum the carpet (they're not perfect but at least they're getting the high traffic areas)

sweep the kitchen

set/clear/wipe dining table

tidy their rooms


It's hard at first because you have to spend time training them and it's so much quicker to just do it yourself. But persevere--it will pay off in the long run. Good luck with your transition!

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Accountable Kids


It's awesome. I'm a happy mom.


They earn privileges (computer games, movies) for doing their daily chores(general pickup of the entire house, getting ready in the morning & night) on time and without reminders.


They lose privleges for misbehaving (fighting, asking more than once).


They earn money when they do the money chores (for my dd7 & dd5: sweeping, vacuuming, bathrooms). No allowance. It's all earned.



I no longer yell, remind over and over and over, or nag. :D

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No allowances here, but my 6yo and 9yo are responsible for the following things:


-make beds, tidy rooms, bring laundry baskets downstairs

-empty trash cans from around the house (6yo)

-take out trash, recycling, and compost bucket (6yo)

-empty dishwasher (9yo)

-feed cats (9yo)

-clean up toys and other things around the house

-help 2yo get ready to go, buckle/unbuckle 2yo in van

-hold/care for infant while I shower

-occasionally cook breakfast (9yo)


Our washer is really deep, so it's tricky for me to get clothes out of it, much less the kids. They do sometimes put away their clean laundry though. I'm also working on having them assist with clearing dishes after meals. They do know how to vacuum and sweep and have at times cleaned the bathroom, but usually, I do those things. I don't really mind doing the cleaning; I prefer that they clean up their toys and stuff instead.

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We don't give allowances and most of our cleaning is done as a family on the weekends. During the week:


dd7 (almost 8 ) and ds 6:


pick up room and make beds each morning before breakfast

clean up after selves following breakfast and lunch

participate in a 15 minute quick-clean when asked

clean kitchen after dinner (wash, dry, counters, sweep, etc.)

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