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Do you ever get the feeling...


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That even after doing this for several years (going on 6 for me this year...) you still have NO CLUE what you're doing?


My kids are off to day-camp next week for the first time ever. It will be five days away from mom from 9-5 and I will have the time to put the house together and get my last loose ends tied up for school to begin the following Monday.


Even though between now and then I know it will all fall into place, I still feel as if I have no clue what I'm doing or how to manage all this. It is completely overwhelming. Please tell me I'm not alone on this...

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I'm sure you know what you are doing, but why are you going through with it when it takes so much time, energy (emotional and physical) and struggle is more the answer you are seeking!


Because you love your kids! You want the best for them! And, they won't be with you forever!!!


It is always hard to see the end when the beginning and middle are so difficult and it makes you want to quit.


I feel it a lot if that helps you!

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You are definitely not alone. We are going into our 9th year and I still feel like I have no clue what I am doing at times. We started school last Monday but the weekend before I was a nervous wreck. I hardly slept Sunday night, but my worry was really for nothing. School went just fine this week. It will be ok. You can do it!! :)

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:grouphug: Right there with you!


With older dd going into logic stage and ds8 needing a ton of teacher time, I just hope I am going to be able to give them what they need!


I pray for all the moms on these boards-that we would all be able to do a great job homeschooling our children!

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I swing back and forth. This is only our second year. I know so much more than I did last year, and that is fresh in my memory. I think that helps me a little with the confidence, I KNOW i will do better than I did last year. However, we are starting on Monday and I am totally panicked. Have I made the right changes, what holes am I going to fall into this year that I didn't expect? I need to be firm with our homeschool time as everyone is in the mindset that I am at home, so I can do anything other people need doing during the day etc...



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The more we learn, the more we begin to understand how much more there is to learn. Just because we are more aware of our lacks, than the people who haven't discovered how truly stupid they are yet, doesn't mean we are less competant than they are. Being less confident doesn't make us less competent, in fact the humilty and self-awareness makes us more competent.


I am often the most stupid, when I am forging ahead confidently.

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Next week we will be starting our second year. Even though I do feel a bit more confident this year, I am still scared out of my mind. I do hope that goes away eventually. :001_smile:


I honestly don't know if it ever does...but I always ask myself, "who /what is making me scared?" It never adds up to something that is of any significance...usually it is the nebulous "they" that has me worried, though lately I am starting to worry that my ds will have some organizational skills and self-motivation by the time he gets to high school.

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This happens to me pretty much every year. It was compounded this year by adding my youngest as an "official" student, in addition to doing some juggling with my part-time jobs (quitting one and training for another during August while wrapping up my summer college semester as a teacher, learning a new computer program which the university is forcing me to use and gearing up for fall semester...so I have three part time jobs this month during the transition). Did I mention that we are beginning the process of building a small apartment behind our house for my dh's 92 year old grandmother to come live in? Busy much?:confused:


Interestingly, the thing which pushed me over the edge was attempting to understand Rod and Staff grammar, level 5. It looked like Greek to me, and I gave up. I will just wait on SWB's new program (the continuation of FLL4) rather than try to shove one more new thing into my brain.:tongue_smilie:

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YUP! This is my 6th year and I still have bouts of doubting myself, usually when there is a shift in things. Like kids moving into logic stage, or adding another kid into the mix, or trying a new curriculum/schedule/methodology kwim.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Yes, as soon as I get it all figured out the kids grow up a little, LOL.

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The more we learn, the more we begin to understand how much more there is to learn. Just because we are more aware of our lacks, than the people who haven't discovered how truly stupid they are yet, doesn't mean we are less competant than they are. Being less confident doesn't make us less competent, in fact the humilty and self-awareness makes us more competent.


I am often the most stupid, when I am forging ahead confidently.





My confidence comes from holding the highest of ideals and then giving myself permission to fail. "Hemlock Mountain will stand right there just the same" if we fail in our plans. (Understood Betsy quote:lol:)

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I thought that once we had homeschooled for a few years that the second guessing would stop and I would have a handle on things.




We are going into our 8th year of hsing and I second guess more than I have ever done in the pass. I really don't like that feeling.


Exactly! I now second guess myself a whole lot more than when I first started out. For me the lack of self-confidence and doubt have grown worse over the years. :confused:

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