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Controversial thread #2....

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[?], but I prefer straightforward, even blunt communication, ... the occasional spoonful of vinegar is probably good for the body.) ;)



And this is the only reason I have any friends at all:001_smile:

A few tolerant gems who can stand "straightforward" communication!


Ann's blog is beautiful.

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I don't think you're the first to say that. I've not read it myself, but I remember from a previous thread that she had a strong voice and some didn't like it. But better to have a strong voice that some don't like than none at all, or worse yet, one that's forgettable.


This is my first post on this board. Wow. Some of you ladies are really mean. Ann is a very close friend of mine and she would be terribly hurt to be reading your words here on a public board. Of course not everyone will like every book out there. But we have to remember that authors are people, too, with very real feelings. Ann doesn't deserve this.


That post I quoted previous is what I said upthread. It's the truth. As a person who has been flamed for what I've written, it's hard to take, but you need to develop a thick skin. And what I said is the truth. Better to be loved or hated, but the worst is to be forgotten.

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I like her blog--I think it's lovely, and some days I just need some beauty in my life.

But it's sort of a "small dose at a time" thing for me.

If I did read her book, I doubt I'd read the whole thing in a couple sittings--more like pick it up, read a few pages, put it down for a while--because it's probably also something to contemplate, small bits at a time.


But y'all are entitled to your opinions, and I doubt Ann would be hurt. She's got big girl panties and it sounds like they fit pretty well. :D


I can't take the background music myself. I hate to admit my sillyness but background instrumental music is just like images of teddy bears with angel wings...I immediately turn and run away. :D


Probably sounds shallow but I tend to think the images and style of a blog generally reflect the content. If the styling of it doesn't appeal to me then generally the content doesn't either.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Reading tastes are subjective. There are countless books that some love and others hate. What is the point of creating a thread for the sole purpose of trashing a book and its author?


I'll pretend "trashing" means "criticizing" and answer the question.


Because, "Reading tastes are subjective. There are countless books that some love and others hate." And sometimes people like to discuss what they love and hate and share their opinions with others that are of the same or of a different mind.


Really, we do it every day here with curriculum.

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I can't take the background music myself. I hate to admit my sillyness but background instrumental music is just like images of teddy bears with angel wings...I immediately turn and run away. :D


Probably sounds shallow but I tend to think the images and style of a blog generally reflect the content. If the styling of it doesn't appeal to me then generally the content doesn't either.


:iagree: The quickest way to get me to leave your blog is to have auto-play music.

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I can't take the background music myself. I hate to admit my sillyness but background instrumental music is just like images of teddy bears with angel wings...I immediately turn and run away. :D


Probably sounds shallow but I tend to think the images and style of a blog generally reflect the content. If the styling of it doesn't appeal to me then generally the content doesn't either.


Haha--I don't have my speaker on.

I really like the music on Stephanie's blog, Enduring With Grace. That's the only one I turn the speaker on for. :D

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I'll pretend "trashing" means "criticizing" and answer the question.


Because, "Reading tastes are subjective. There are countless books that some love and others hate." And sometimes people like to discuss what they love and hate and share their opinions with others that are of the same or of a different mind.


Really, we do it every day here with curriculum.


Uh, yep.


And because I just felt like "coming out of the closet" on this. Everyone was so gaga over this book that I felt like there was something wrong with me because I didn't like it.


But I also don't like Karen Kingsbury. Or Saxon Math.


I'm such a rebel. :D

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I am reading it now. I do not care for her poetic writing style; I think it is over-used and it makes me tired in my mind's voice to read it.


However, I know without a doubt that the Lord is using this to help me become a more grateful person. It is resonating with my life.


When I first borrowed it, I was not wanting to read another Christian self-help book, so I was pleasantly surprised and drawn in with her personal narrative. The chasing-the-moon was over the top for me, but I found small nuggets of wisdom that I know God needed me to read. So, I am reading it slowly (sometimes just half a page!), letting God speak to me, journaling about it, praying.

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I haven't read the book. Haven't even seen a copy of it in my neck of the woods. I don't intend to read the book though as I find her writing style a tad over the top for me. I think she has some AMAZING descriptions & metaphors, but I don't think one needs to use them in every sentence. I feel it actually takes away from the beauty and meaning.


That's my opinion, but clearly there's many people who feel differently. It's okay not to agree all the time. :)

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And why, oh why, do they have to take everything to the extreme? And why, oh why, do they get to pick and choose - you have to tithe but we don't stone anyone more - and I can't.


HA! I say this all the time when someone gets on their soapbox about a literal translation from the Bible. How can you "cut and paste" the Bible so you take literally some parts but not others??

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