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Happy Birthday To Me *groan*

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Good grief!


I can't believe this. Our flipping gas was turned off. I never received a call or notice. I automatically pay it w/our other bills, early, b/c the billing cycle has always been 'off' compared to the other bills.


Looking back, I realized I haven't seen an actual bill in a bit. The exact same addy exists a block or so away, and I know they've gotten our mail and vice versa before.


So, for a whopping $126, they cut our gas. I called, paid while I had them on the phone...and they can't send someone out to reconnect until Thurs.


All we're dependant on gas for is hot water...but when I have a dh in landscaping, hot water is a wee bit important.


I'll actually end up paying MORE in reconnection fees than what I owed. I can't believe this...cut for less than $200. Give me a flipping break.


Wolf is going to be ticked at me. I'm the one that does the bills.




Happy freaking birthday. :glare:

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This same thing happened to me a couple of summers ago. Our gas meter is inside our garage, so if I wasn't home, the reader couldn't read it. I could have read it myself and called in the number, but that was a giant PITA, because it's up so high it involves a step ladder. Anyway, since they only read the meter every few months, I would get an estimated bill. It was always ridiculously high, so I would only pay a portion of it, and when they actually read the meter, I would get an adjusted bill and usually have a credit. So, one time, they never read it for like 6 months, and I kept sending in only a portion of the bill. I woke up one morning to not hot water, etc., and finally figured out my gas was off. When I called to find out what the deal was, they told me I was in arrears. I told them to look at my account history and see that they always overcharged me and that when they eventually read the meter I would have a credit. Even so, they insisted I was in arrears and had to pay the back money owed, plus a re-connection fee. So, I did, and when the guy came out to turn it back on and read the meter, I of course had not used anywhere near the amount of gas they had charged me for. I tried to get my fee back, but they wouldn't and I didn't have the energy to fight harder to get it back. I ended up with a credit and no gas bill for about 5 months after that. :banghead:


I did pay to have a remote reader installed, though, so now that doesn't happen.

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I would have fought that. I wouldn't have agreed to pay the hook up fee because you DID NOT obtain a bill from them. While it's not THEIR fault it was miss delivered it's equally NOT your fault either. Kwim? I might go after the post office for a refund on the excess you paid.. I certainly wouldn't take it sitting down though!


Happy Birthday!

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