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s/o mattress~Sleep Number Bed

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HATED sleeping on the one MIL had in her guest room.


HATED sleeping on one in a hotel room last year.


HATED sleeping on one in the guest room at an Aunt's house.


To me, they're just uncomfortable.


That said, MIL loves hers....and so does my Aunt.

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My dh loves ours. Tremendously. I thought it was ok. Until my side stopped holding air. That warranty. Well, it would give us just a little $ towards a replacement due to the age. And, we would need to replace the foam which is only expected to last 3 years. Dh still loves it. I go to sleep with it pumped to 100 and wake up on 0.

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I travel for work, and some of our hotels have sleep number beds.


Most of us hate them.


If you have a Radisson near you, it may be a worthwhile investment to stay for a night to see how you like the bed. Have an anniversary or birthday coming up soon? Two for one :D


I don't mind the bed. I wouldn't ever buy one for my home, but I don't mind it at a hotel. I like a very firm mattress, though, and I can achieve that with a Sleep Number. Most hotel beds are too soft for me.

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I love my sleep number bed so much I can barely sleep anywhere else. Truly. No more back pain. No more hip pain. I actually just gave my "old" one to my daughter and bought an new one. I can't imagine having any other type again, ever.


One of my sisters, a couple of my aunts and uncles and several of my friends feel the same way.


BUT....obviously they aren't for everyone. I'd say go find a store and lay down on a few different models for a while. See if it works for you.


Also, you may want to do a search on the forum. There have been a few other threads on this very subject and there are many more who feel the same as I do right on these boards! :D


Oh...and as I was reading the thread on Tempurpedic, I was chuckling because the feedback was primarily positive, but I've never slept worse than when I'm on those types of beds. Can't stand them. Variety is the spice of life!

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I would take the advice to try it out at a hotel.


I've slept on them and don't mind them.


My dad LOVES his and says most of his back pain went away when he got it. He's had it for years and years.


He bought one for my sister and her husband and they didn't like it so it's in their guest room.

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We've had ours for 20 years. I love my bed! I'm always so happy to come home and sleep in my own bed. I know it won't bother my back or my shoulders, or my feet, or any part of me. I like it pumped all the way, for a firm foundation, then a soft pillow top to prevent hard spots. I'm a side sleeper, and my shoulders bother me if the bed is too soft. My bed never bothers my shoulders. I had lower back problems for years, and had a miserable time in any other bed because they "hammock" (sag under the heaviest body parts). The Select Comfort doesn't do this at all if it's pumped up to Firm.


I've never heard of mold problems, but we've always lived in arid places. If you live in a humid place, you will need to consider that. I don't know why it would be more moldy than any other mattress, but that's something to look into.


I have been on a hotel one (just visiting -- didn't sleep the night), and it wasn't like mine at all. It seemed like a box with a hole in the middle. Perhaps my friends kids had let all the air out. Or, maybe they have different models for hotels. Don't base your opinion on a hotel bed. Go to a store and try it out.

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We've had one for over five years and like it very much. I agree with a previous poster that trying one at a hotel is not necessarily the best way to decide if you like one. My parents stayed at a Radisson that had them and when I compared the model numbers, the hotel bed was one of the lower-end models.


Erica in OR

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We stayed at a hotel with one for a few nights. WORST few nights' sleep in my life!!! It was a glorified air mattress! I could NOT get comfortable. I wanted to like it too - dh likes wimpy soft beds and I like the harder ones - so it seemed perfect. Neither of us liked it.


This, exactly. The only positive thing about it was that it entertained the kids. I adore my Tempurpedic!

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We've had ours for 20 years. I love my bed! I'm always so happy to come home and sleep in my own bed. I know it won't bother my back or my shoulders, or my feet, or any part of me. I like it pumped all the way, for a firm foundation, then a soft pillow top to prevent hard spots. I'm a side sleeper, and my shoulders bother me if the bed is too soft. My bed never bothers my shoulders. I had lower back problems for years, and had a miserable time in any other bed because they "hammock" (sag under the heaviest body parts). The Select Comfort doesn't do this at all if it's pumped up to Firm.


I've never heard of mold problems, but we've always lived in arid places. If you live in a humid place, you will need to consider that. I don't know why it would be more moldy than any other mattress, but that's something to look into.


I have been on a hotel one (just visiting -- didn't sleep the night), and it wasn't like mine at all. It seemed like a box with a hole in the middle. Perhaps my friends kids had let all the air out. Or, maybe they have different models for hotels. Don't base your opinion on a hotel bed. Go to a store and try it out.


We're going on 11 with ours, and I LOVE it. I used to have lower back pain almost every morning, and that disappeared completely with our sleep-number bed. I, too, love getting home and back to my bed. We've had zero problems with the bed, and would definitely get another.


Don't try one in a hotel - go to the store and check it out. Plus, if you and your dh like a different level of firmness, it's great.

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I've (not) slept on SIL's mid-range one and IL's super-awesome top of the line one... I hated them both. Honestly, I can get comfortable and sleep just about anywhere (think gate seating at the airport - snowed in, not waiting for my flight) and I spent all my time rolling around and fidgeting with the "number", trying to get marginally comfortable on those.

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I enjoy mine. It's really helped with my upper back and neck pain. I sit on my bed alot in the winter and work with my laptop. Any conventional mattress would soon develop a hole where my backside resides when I sit. Not so with the sleep number. That alone has saved us a bundle in replacing mattresses.


Well worth the investment for us. We've had ours 8+ years.

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We first slept on one 4 years ago at a Radisson. It was just for 1 night and I LOVED it that night.


Fast forward to last summer. We moved back to the States and needed a new bed. We remembered liking the Sleep Number we slept on, so we checked them out. Sales guy was a smooth talker and they were pretty comfortable to lay on at the store. So we bought it.


I'm not liking it so much now. It hasn't helped my back pains. I can feel my husband when he gets up or lays back down (as in the air levels on my side go up or down when he moves). It doesn't hold air like it did when we first bought it.

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LOVE our Sleep Number!


It has completely taken away my back issues, as well as Dh's. We got this mattress before I got pregnant and it is incredible how much better I feel towards this end of this pregnancy. Last time my back was horrible and I could only sleep on the couch.


There are 2 downsides, though, that I've found.


1) DH and I are cuddle sleepers and there is a definite ridge in the middle of our bed where the two air bladders meet. This usually bugs the fire out of me. Right now, though, that ridge is the best thing that has happened to me because I can lay right in the middle of it and my big baby belly is propped up :D


2) Depending on the weather and your weight, you have to keep adjusting the number to suit you. It's only every few weeks or so, but you have a couple of nights where you can't figure out why you are sleeping so poorly and then you try to adjust your number and it's all better.




Anyway, we love our bed, but fully know that it's a give and take. FWIW, I hate all memory foam type mattresses, so maybe you either like one or the other?

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