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May I please bang my head against a wall now?

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I am so incredibly irritated! Let me first say that I am not a huge fan of the AWANA program, but my girls LOVE it, and they are definitely learning the word. My husband and I have volunteered for two years in the AWANA program on Wednesday nights, but we have decided to opt out this year and go on a date each week instead. This is much needed as we have only been on one date in the last year. We were really really looking forward to that time together!


Anyway, the AWANA program just started at our church 2 years ago, so there are still many kinks to work out. For the most part, I think it runs really well. The only part I do not like is the focus on AWANA bucks. The time has always been 6:30-8:30. We are home by 9, with kids in bed by 9:30. Back in the spring many parents said they wouldn't be coming back this fall if the time wasn't changed to 6-8 because their kids were getting home too late and having a hard time getting in bed and up the next morning for school. The almost funny part is that most kids were late getting there when it started at 6:30 because of the pick up kids/dinner/homework situation so I don't know how they will get there at 6.


I had no idea until 5 minutes ago that the time had officially been changed to 6-8. My problem? Last month I signed Emma up for Lyrical and Ballet, and her classes are not going to be over until 6. There is no way we can be at AWANA until 6:15 or 6:20. The AWANA director suggested we leave dance early, but Emma is going to be training with a world renowned ballet instructor this year, and this is very important to her. Leaving early is NOT an option. I don't think anything is more important than learning God's word, but I also don't want to put myself or my kids into a position of choosing between church and the only extracurricular activity they participate in and love. KWIM? Another option is to be late to AWANA, but if they are more than 15 minutes late, they don't get those stupid bucks. And then they don't get to go to the AWANA store. Ugh.


And honestly, I am so disappointed that I might not get to go on a date with my husband every week. :(


This is just a vent, I guess.

Edited by Nakia
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I would remind the director that there are exceptions to every rule and Christ would use grace in every situation. The change was after you had signed up for another class, this class is important too. Perhaps your dd could stay late and help clean up to earn her bucks?


Also tell the ballet teacher that, while this class is important, so is God's word. Do not hold class late, or force you to choose between God's word and ballet--they would not like the choice.


Making both sides take a little keeps you from being pulled as much.



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I'd go late. Either help them get over not getting the bucks & buying cheap stuff (I'm guessing) at the store...or make your own mom bucks and let them earn them at home for their memory verses and choose your own prizes.


You mentioned people have trouble getting there at 6:30, I'm betting by next year or earlier, it will go back to the old time.

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I would remind the director that there are exceptions to every rule and Christ would use grace in every situation. The change was after you had signed up for another class, this class is important too. Perhaps your dd could stay late and help clean up to earn her bucks?


Also tell the ballet teacher that, while this class is important, so is God's word. Do not hold class late, or force you to choose between God's word and ballet--they would not like the choice.


Making both sides take a little keeps you from being pulled as much.




I'd do it in writting. State that you signed your DD up for ballet based on teh 6:30 time of start since you had never hard anything offically about it changing. I'd state she is traning with a renown dancer, and not just hanging out thus making it late. I'd hit hard the fact that the Time vas JUST changed and that is a long range discision for Emma -- not her first 'for fun' class.

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I was going to suggest what Hen Jen said... I would assign Awana bucks from mom and dad... perhaps for being ready on time, cooperating in getting there and participating, learning their verses... and have one night a month where they can come home to shop at your own store. You could buy clearance toys, stickers, cool pens and pencils, cute notebooks, and keep them out of sight. I used to do this for "rainy days" years ago...


I'm so excited about your girl's opportunity! How neat!!!

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I shall hold the wall for you.


Paula, you are a true friend. ;)


I would remind the director that there are exceptions to every rule and Christ would use grace in every situation. The change was after you had signed up for another class, this class is important too. Perhaps your dd could stay late and help clean up to earn her bucks?


Also tell the ballet teacher that, while this class is important, so is God's word. Do not hold class late, or force you to choose between God's word and ballet--they would not like the choice.


Making both sides take a little keeps you from being pulled as much.




I emailed the AWANA director again, and she suggested that I speak to the leader of Emma's AWANA class and that they would be more than willing to work with us. We will see.


I don't think this is the type of ballet teacher you make demands of. That being said, she has another class directly after Emma's, so I don't believe getting out late will be a problem.


I'd go late. Either help them get over not getting the bucks & buying cheap stuff (I'm guessing) at the store...or make your own mom bucks and let them earn them at home for their memory verses and choose your own prizes.


You mentioned people have trouble getting there at 6:30, I'm betting by next year or earlier, it will go back to the old time.


Mom bucks are a great idea, and I bet your last sentence is right on.


I'm sorry you are having to deal with this.


Personally, if it were me dance would win out hands down.


We are definitely doing dance. Emma is such a shy child, and she loves dance so much. I don't want to take that from her.


I'd do it in writting. State that you signed your DD up for ballet based on teh 6:30 time of start since you had never hard anything offically about it changing. I'd state she is traning with a renown dancer, and not just hanging out thus making it late. I'd hit hard the fact that the Time vas JUST changed and that is a long range discision for Emma -- not her first 'for fun' class.


I do really wish they would have announced their decision to change the time sooner. Although the ballet class is not offered at another time, so I guess it wouldn't have mattered.

:iagree: :grouphug:, Nakia.


Thank you.


I was going to suggest what Hen Jen said... I would assign Awana bucks from mom and dad... perhaps for being ready on time, cooperating in getting there and participating, learning their verses... and have one night a month where they can come home to shop at your own store. You could buy clearance toys, stickers, cool pens and pencils, cute notebooks, and keep them out of sight. I used to do this for "rainy days" years ago...


I'm so excited about your girl's opportunity! How neat!!!


It is really neat, and we are very excited!!

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I am so incredibly irritated! Let me first say that I am not a huge fan of the AWANA program, but my girls LOVE it, and they are definitely learning the word. My husband and I have volunteered for two years in the AWANA program on Wednesday nights, but we have decided to opt out this year and go on a date each week instead. This is much needed as we have only been on one date in the last year. We were really really looking forward to that time together!


Anyway, the AWANA program just started at our church 2 years ago, so there are still many kinks to work out. For the most part, I think it runs really well. The only part I do not like is the focus on AWANA bucks. The time has always been 6:30-8:30. We are home by 9, with kids in bed by 9:30. Back in the spring many parents said they wouldn't be coming back this fall if the time wasn't changed to 6-8 because their kids were getting home too late and having a hard time getting in bed and up the next morning for school. The almost funny part is that most kids were late getting there when it started at 6:30 because of the pick up kids/dinner/homework situation so I don't know how they will get there at 6.


I had no idea until 5 minutes ago that the time had officially been changed to 6-8. My problem? Last month I signed Emma up for Lyrical and Ballet, and her classes are not going to be over until 6. There is no way we can be at AWANA until 6:15 or 6:20. The AWANA director suggested we leave dance early, but Emma is going to be training with a world renowned ballet instructor this year, and this is very important to her. Leaving early is NOT an option. I don't think anything is more important than learning God's word, but I also don't want to put myself or my kids into a position of choosing between church and the only extracurricular activity they participate in and love. KWIM? Another option is to be late to AWANA, but if they are more than 15 minutes late, they don't get those stupid bucks. And then they don't get to go to the AWANA store. Ugh.


And honestly, I am so disappointed that I might not get to go on a date with my husband every week. :(


This is just a vent, I guess.


This might not help your situation, but it's something that our group implemented in AWANA when our family participated.


We only had 2 stores each "semester".


The first store happened half way through the fall. The second store was right before Christmas; we stocked lots of stuff that would be good gifts for parents and siblings. Baby stuff to hair brushes and golf balls. Whatever.

Not just AWANA stuff either, but stuff parents had collected during the year when they saw clearance sales and gave to AWANA as a ministry. We called this the Christmas Store, and kids knew they were there to get Christmas presents. Also, we did it early enough that the kids could also buy plastic totes and small travel items that they could put in Operation Christmas Child boxes.


These were a huge success. It was wonderful watching kids save their money and totally splurge on others at Christmas.


That way, the AWANA kids aren't simply all about saving their bucks to buy for themselves, but they learned their verses in order to give to other people.


I know that doesn't necessarily help your situation, but it might be useful to others. . .or, it might help for you. Dunnoh.


I hope it works out quickly.

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This might not help your situation, but it's something that our group implemented in AWANA when our family participated.


We only had 2 stores each "semester".


The first store happened half way through the fall. The second store was right before Christmas; we stocked lots of stuff that would be good gifts for parents and siblings. Baby stuff to hair brushes and golf balls. Whatever.

Not just AWANA stuff either, but stuff parents had collected during the year when they saw clearance sales and gave to AWANA as a ministry. We called this the Christmas Store, and kids knew they were there to get Christmas presents. Also, we did it early enough that the kids could also buy plastic totes and small travel items that they could put in Operation Christmas Child boxes.


These were a huge success. It was wonderful watching kids save their money and totally splurge on others at Christmas.


That way, the AWANA kids aren't simply all about saving their bucks to buy for themselves, but they learned their verses in order to give to other people.


I know that doesn't necessarily help your situation, but it might be useful to others. . .or, it might help for you. Dunnoh.


I hope it works out quickly.


Our AWANA has store 4 times a year, I think. They do have lots of stuff for parents, teachers, etc. There is a nice selection, and my girls have bought stuff for each other and for me and their daddy several times. It's very sweet. I still don't like the focus on bucks. I really wish they would get rid of the whole bucks thing. :/

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I don't know your girls, but at 8 mine were ready to have some input into this type of situation. In my house, it would mostly go like this:


"Dance ends at 6pm, which is the same time Awana begins. Your options are to opt out of dance, or to be late to Awana knowing that you won't be earning any bucks." I'd probably explain that as the adult I tried to discuss the situation -unsuccessfully- with the Awana directress, and that these are the parameters in which we were free to make our decision.


I feel certain my kid wouldn't opt out of dance, and honestly I'd support that (and even prefer it myself). I could accept her choice if it were to opt out of dance, but I think this gives her some ownership over the decision. That ownership might make the sting of losing out on bucks, even just a little bit. I'd talk it over with my kid, empathize, and maybe do a special trip through the Sonic line for a shake on those Awana store days LOL. Hard choices warrant something ice-creamy and frothy :)

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I don't know your girls, but at 8 mine were ready to have some input into this type of situation. In my house, it would mostly go like this:


"Dance ends at 6pm, which is the same time Awana begins. Your options are to opt out of dance, or to be late to Awana knowing that you won't be earning any bucks." I'd probably explain that as the adult I tried to discuss the situation -unsuccessfully- with the Awana directress, and that these are the parameters in which we were free to make our decision.


I feel certain my kid wouldn't opt out of dance, and honestly I'd support that (and even prefer it myself). I could accept her choice if it were to opt out of dance, but I think this gives her some ownership over the decision. That ownership might make the sting of losing out on bucks, even just a little bit. I'd talk it over with my kid, empathize, and maybe do a special trip through the Sonic line for a shake on those Awana store days LOL. Hard choices warrant something ice-creamy and frothy :)


We've been talking, and if it comes down to it, we will not be attending AWANA. I don't believe this will happen, but if the AWANA director chooses not to extend grace to our family in this situation, we will be requesting a meeting with the senior pastor, just to let him know how his leaders are running the children's programs. Again, I don't think it will happen. The director is a very kind woman with a heart for children. I am going to speak more with her today.

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