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Need help choosing an AKC name for our puppy...

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DD named him Miles and will be training him in showmanship, obedience, agility, and rally through 4h and junior handling classes. So, now we are getting ready to send in our AKC form and need to choose a name for him.


DD wants to name him Miles Standish b/c one of the dogs who survived the trip on the Mayflower was likely an English Springer Spaniel and Miles Standish also was on the Mayflower. Puppy shares the character traits of Miles Standish like fearlessness and an outgoing temperament.


I like Miles-to-Go because we will be focusing on agility and he has endless energy. I took the phrase from Robert Frost's "and miles to go before I sleep" in the poem Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening. I recite it almost every time we hike as a family, so it has a special meaning to it.


So, which name do you vote for? Here's a photo, if that helps.





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I like both of them. :-) But since your dd will be handling him, I'd tend to go with her choice (and that was a well-educated choice, BTW. Well done. :001_smile:).


Thanks, Ellie! I know, Dd makes a compelling argument for her choice. Dh thinks we will have to let her choose, too. But, he also likes Miles To Go, and I really like it too. Maybe I just needed to hear someone else tell me what to do! :001_smile:


Anyone else have an opinion either way??



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I like both of them. :-) But since your dd will be handling him, I'd tend to go with her choice (and that was a well-educated choice, BTW. Well done. :001_smile:).


:iagree: I personally prefer Miles-to-Go as it has a uniqueness to it. But if it's your dd's dog I'd let her choose.

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I like them both but would either go with your daughter's choice, on account of its being her dog and all, or name him Miles Standish to Go. There are certainly weirder AKC names out there.


I had no idea about the ESS/Mayflower story. We have an ESS/border collie mix that my 11 yo loves, so I will have to pass this along to her.


Cute pup!



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Okay, first:

YAY 4-H DOG CLUBS!!! Your dd is in for an amazing ride and relationship! My dd is a very active 4-H dog club member and shows her dog (my profile pic) in AKC breed, obedience, rally and also does draft work with her. We have a new puppy who will take his place as her project dog in a year or so. How old is your dd? We should connect them so they can chat about 4-H dog stuff! :D


Now, on to names: You have up to 25 characters for an AKC name, I believe. Or is it 30? Anyway, I LOVE to name dogs more than kids (apologies to the ladies who are always asking for baby name advice!)


I LOVE "Miles To Go." But does he have a kennel name? From a breeder? That would be part of the registered name. For instance, our two currently showing dogs are:

Seelowen Danika

Seelowen Kayak Calm Waters


"Seelowen" is the kennel name, and we added the "Danika" and "Kayak Calm Waters" parts. We call the first one "Dani" and the second one "Ky," those are their "call names."


If he doesn't have a kennel name, how about using "Standish" as a kennel name?


"Standish Miles To Go" or "Standish's Miles To Go"


Or even use "Mayflower" as a kennel name (though you might have to check whether there is a "Mayflower" springer kennel name registered with the AKC. So then you could use:

"Mayflower's Miles to Go"


Anyway, good luck with him!!! Train, train train!




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It's a long story, but Dd (9) has been in the 4h dog club for 3 years, starting her 4th (and finally able to move out of 'cloverbuds'). We love 4h dog club! So, I'm cheering too!:hurray:


I have to risk showing my ignorance--what is draft work?


Short version: My dd was previously training our Cocker while my son used a friend's Bernese Mountain dog. When the Bernese injured his leg, Ds took over with our cocker and dd was borrowing a leader's dog. Finally, this spring I was able to get my husband to agree to adding a 3rd dog to our family. (We also have a 10 year old Border Collie who cannot do agility anymore and is aggressive to strange dogs---BUT he likes the puppy.)Dd is super excited about having her very own dog to train and from puppyhood too.


If I remember correctly, your daughter wanted to high five my Ds for his win at Rally at our state show this spring.


Anyway....the breeder name is Cedargates, so I think we have enough characters for either. So the names would be


Cedargates Miles Standish OR

Cedargates Miles To Go


I am sooo torn. Talked to the breeder today and she loves Miles to Go, but also likes Miles Standish. Uggh!


Anyone else want to chime in?

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My son who is 6 and a Cloverbud in our dog club votes for Miles Standish.

My daughter who is 11 votes for Miles To Go.

Mom who is a helper leader in the dog club votes for Miles Standish because your daughter has thought it out very well and I like her original reasoning for it.

Hope that helps :tongue_smilie:

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It's a long story, but Dd (9) has been in the 4h dog club for 3 years, starting her 4th (and finally able to move out of 'cloverbuds'). We love 4h dog club! So, I'm cheering too!:hurray:


I have to risk showing my ignorance--what is draft work?


Short version: My dd was previously training our Cocker while my son used a friend's Bernese Mountain dog. When the Bernese injured his leg, Ds took over with our cocker and dd was borrowing a leader's dog. Finally, this spring I was able to get my husband to agree to adding a 3rd dog to our family. (We also have a 10 year old Border Collie who cannot do agility anymore and is aggressive to strange dogs---BUT he likes the puppy.)Dd is super excited about having her very own dog to train and from puppyhood too.


If I remember correctly, your daughter wanted to high five my Ds for his win at Rally at our state show this spring.


Anyway....the breeder name is Cedargates, so I think we have enough characters for either. So the names would be


Cedargates Miles Standish OR

Cedargates Miles To Go


I am sooo torn. Talked to the breeder today and she loves Miles to Go, but also likes Miles Standish. Uggh!


Anyone else want to chime in?




AH! YES! Now I remember! Filling in more information jogged my memory. You were deciding a while back between a puppy and an older dog, correct? I"m glad you went with the puppy! Your dd must be so excited! Congrats to both your dd and your ds!


Our fair is this weekend, so my dd is in a high state of tension-- working on her record book and planning bath times, plus doing some training to polish up some off-lead heeling.


OH, and no ingnorance! Draft work is the same as carting; where the dog wears a harness and pulls a wagon. There are titles available through many breed clubs-- Berners, Newfs and our breed, Leonbergers to name a few.



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AH! YES! Now I remember! Filling in more information jogged my memory. You were deciding a while back between a puppy and an older dog, correct? I"m glad you went with the puppy! Your dd must be so excited!


Well, first we went with the older dog and it was a disaster. She was neurotic with many issues we would have needed to work on. Too much for me to handle with everything else we have going on. She had a good home with her breeder, so, after much discussion and many tears, we took her back. That's when my husband truly got on board with the puppy. This puppy has been soo much easier.


Our fair is this weekend, so my dd is in a high state of tension-- working on her record book and planning bath times, plus doing some training to polish up some off-lead heeling.


I hate getting recordbooks ready. Every year I say we are going to do more of the work along the way. Every year we are struggling to cram in everything we forgot before the fair. Dd still needs my assistance with spelling. I'll be soo happy when they can both do the books on their own! Good luck at the fair. Make sure you post results.


OH, and no ingnorance! Draft work is the same as carting; where the dog wears a harness and pulls a wagon. There are titles available through many breed clubs-- Berners, Newfs and our breed, Leonbergers to name a few.


I love Leonbergers. One of my favorite large breeds!




Recently I told a homeschooling acquaintance about getting the puppy and how Dd was training him through 4h. Her response was "Is it really worth it?' I was so floored I didn't even know what to say. It's so refreshing to read your post and know that you get the dog and 4h thing!


Whenever I talk about dog club or training to our homeschool friends they just don't understand. Seems like many of the families in our local group don't have any pets. And it is sooo worth it. I know my kids have learned many things they would not be learning otherwise.



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Recently I told a homeschooling acquaintance about getting the puppy and how Dd was training him through 4h. Her response was "Is it really worth it?' I was so floored I didn't even know what to say. It's so refreshing to read your post and know that you get the dog and 4h thing!


Whenever I talk about dog club or training to our homeschool friends they just don't understand. Seems like many of the families in our local group don't have any pets. And it is sooo worth it. I know my kids have learned many things they would not be learning otherwise.




I totally agree--- it's impossible to adequately articulate just HOW "worth it" training and loving a dog is. And your'e right-- they wouldn't get it anyhow.


I don't know if you're planning to show this puppy, or where you're located, but UKC is a really friendly venue to begin showing. Molly does AKC breed and junior showmanship and juniors in AKC is pretty cut-throat. Molly hates AKC Juniors, in fact. UKC has a great juniors program, and day-of-show entries so you dont' have to send in your $$ weeks ahead of time, only to have someone wake up with strep throat on the morning of the show.


Just a thought.


And thanks-- I'll post results!



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I totally agree--- it's impossible to adequately articulate just HOW "worth it" training and loving a dog is. And your'e right-- they wouldn't get it anyhow.


I don't know if you're planning to show this puppy, or where you're located, but UKC is a really friendly venue to begin showing. Molly does AKC breed and junior showmanship and juniors in AKC is pretty cut-throat. Molly hates AKC Juniors, in fact. UKC has a great juniors program, and day-of-show entries so you dont' have to send in your $$ weeks ahead of time, only to have someone wake up with strep throat on the morning of the show.


Just a thought.


And thanks-- I'll post results!




Several local breeders are attempting to talk us into AKC showing. They will handle him for us. My concern is that we already have 2 male dogs at home, and the cocker is not so thrilled with the puppy. I really wanted to get the neutering done. So, she was going to do AKC Juniors. Yikes, I had no idea it was cut throat. Off to google UKC.

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We really liked UKC juniors, especially when dd was younger.


How long have you had the puppy? The cocker may come around. It takes a while for pack order to be established.


AKC juniors are most competitive/cut throat in the older divisions so your dd would be fine in AKC for a long while yet. It also depends on where you live. We live in CT, and in the upper east coast area, the Open classes are BIG-- like 35 kids, and very competitive. Molly has a friend who shows out west and doesn't have near the same numbers in her classes.



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We really liked UKC juniors, especially when dd was younger.


How long have you had the puppy? The cocker may come around. It takes a while for pack order to be established.


AKC juniors are most competitive/cut throat in the older divisions so your dd would be fine in AKC for a long while yet. It also depends on where you live. We live in CT, and in the upper east coast area, the Open classes are BIG-- like 35 kids, and very competitive. Molly has a friend who shows out west and doesn't have near the same numbers in her classes.




We have only had the puppy 6 weeks. Just every once in a while we have a growl and snip when the cocker thinks his space is being invaded. I think it will resolve.


We are on the east coast too in NJ. I looked at UKC and didn't see much in my area. The local breeders are assuring me that we can stick to local shows if we decide to show him. It sounds like a great opportunity, but not sure yet. Even if she only does Juniors, they are still willing to work with her and help her out. We need to visit some shows before I make up my mind. All I know is 4H shows.

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Several local breeders are attempting to talk us into AKC showing. They will handle him for us. My concern is that we already have 2 male dogs at home, and the cocker is not so thrilled with the puppy. I really wanted to get the neutering done. So, she was going to do AKC Juniors. Yikes, I had no idea it was cut throat. Off to google UKC.


And now you get to look up neutering and choices with this. And, when you want to get this done, as to not mess with growth platelets.



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And now you get to look up neutering and choices with this. And, when you want to get this done, as to not mess with growth platelets.




Thanks. I did this after the last doggie thread I read. Of course, I promptly forgot much of what I read :D, so I'll have to do it again before I make any decisions.

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We have only had the puppy 6 weeks. Just every once in a while we have a growl and snip when the cocker thinks his space is being invaded. I think it will resolve.


We are on the east coast too in NJ. I looked at UKC and didn't see much in my area. The local breeders are assuring me that we can stick to local shows if we decide to show him. It sounds like a great opportunity, but not sure yet. Even if she only does Juniors, they are still willing to work with her and help her out. We need to visit some shows before I make up my mind. All I know is 4H shows.


Oh man, if you're in NJ, there are a TON of local shows! Last night I was going through old mail and threw away paper premiums for four shows in NJ before the middle of September. We show down there sometimes, so we'd be glad to enter a show you're planning to be at, hook up and offer moral support and a cheering section for your dd!


I'd give it a shot. Juniors is fun, and the kids learn a lot. Plus, he's young, and if he really turns out, it would be great to finish his CH. Entirely do-able.


Good luck!



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Oh man, if you're in NJ, there are a TON of local shows!


You mean AKC shows? I didn't see much listed on the UKC site, unless I didn't look in the right place.

Last night I was going through old mail and threw away paper premiums for four shows in NJ before the middle of September. We show down there sometimes, so we'd be glad to enter a show you're planning to be at, hook up and offer moral support and a cheering section for your dd!


That would be fun!


I'd give it a shot. Juniors is fun, and the kids learn a lot. Plus, he's young, and if he really turns out, it would be great to finish his CH. Entirely do-able.


Good luck!





Maybe you should e mail me. rvmlandscapes@verizon.net



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