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"Technically, I am LOADING not PARKING"

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Said snarkily by yours truly to the military police officer telling me I need to move out of the fire lane....at the beach. Because of all that risk of fire...


I had already been at the beach for 5 hours with six children by myself. I had pulled up to a water spicket to wash down my butt-naked baby before diapering and placing in her carseat.


And even though there were nearly 200 marines surrounding me having some sort of festival- at least half of which were inebriated- this guy seemed to think the fire lane violation (actually only half my suburban was in the firelane) was a HIGH priority. Because again, the fire potential in the bathroom facility- the only facility in the area- was enough to shout at me to move immediately.


"I'm trying to work with you ma'm"-----:glare::glare:.


"Yeah [eye roll] I can see that."


So here is my question to you. Am I expecting too much? I was half way into the fire lane. It is true. I was absolutely breaking the law. And this officer had a right to ask me to move- but must chivalry be left at the door? Is there no wiggle room in the application?


Was I more wrong than the guy next to me who pulled up his big honkin' truck into a conveniently located parking spot, put up a handicap sign on his mirror, hopped out and proceeded to get his kayak off the roof? Where is the justice?



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I, personally, can not STAND The MP's. In my dealings with them, they have ZERO respect for non MP's as human beings. Ugh. IME, no matter how civil and polite you are, they talk down to you like you are just a piece of trash in their way. Bah. And hugs, it is just beyond frustrating.

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I once had an MP try to tell me I was "lucky" that he was "allowing me on post" because my ID expired the next week. I'M SO BAD TRYING TO GET ON POST WITH A NON-EXPIRED ID!! :glare:


Generally, I've had good and bad experiences with MPs. I just would have said "Oh, I wasn't parking, just washing off baby before we leave" and then ignored him.

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I once had an MP try to tell me I was "lucky" that he was "allowing me on post" because my ID expired the next week. I'M SO BAD TRYING TO GET ON POST WITH A NON-EXPIRED ID!! :glare:



Okay, I just laughed out loud again. Literally. Second time tonight!


MRs. Mungo, if you weren't trying to run off with one of my IRL friend's husbands in her dreams, I would probably love you :).

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I had already been at the beach for 5 hours with six children by myself.


You are more of a woman than I am!!! I think you deserve a medal and a helping hand rather than a scolding. Perhaps he was grumpy because he was working rather than partying.

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of what happens when you take a basically nice 18 year old from Iowa who is really sick of having his Mom tell him to take his shoes off when he comes inside, have him enlist, give him a little training, put a gun in his hands, and ask him to enforce the rules. You are actually going to be his favorite victim, because he's still annoyed that his Mom made him make his bed:)

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I have no experience with MP, however,...


I ALWAYS think of good things to say AFTER the fact..not when I'm on the spot...so the fact that you said "Technically I'm LOADING.." was pretty good...and the eye roll I would've managed to only THINK of that later.


I really can't stand people who can't bend. AT all. For one moment. Would've it hurt him to say "I see you're really in need of this space...usually I'd have to ticket you, but we can make an exception this time..." That way he's warned you. Done his duty toward your future infractions, but given you some leeway...


And lastly, NEVER get in the way of a mother who has been at the beach five hours with six kids and 100 drunken Marines.

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My one experience with military bases (other than going with my brother to look at his sub) was when my friend's parents came to pick the two of us up at college and drive us back home for the summer. Her dad was in the military, and they wanted to stop at Hill AFB to pick a few things up at the store on base.


I was not allowed in the store because I wasn't military. My friends' parents were embarrassed, and my friend sat outside with me while they quickly got what they'd come for.


I can understand why they have the rule, but it still felt like a slap in the face.

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I have had my share of uncompromising MPs. My dh and I wear just returning from the hospital after I had give birth to my December baby. It was cold and icy outside. They check our ids (non expired). They decided to do a vehicle search. They demanded we ALL get out of the car, including my newborn. I refused to take my baby out in the freezing rain, while they search under and in the car. They finally conducted the search with my baby sleeping in the back. The man said he would make an exception this once but I should stay at home if my baby wasn't old enough to go out.

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of what happens when you take a basically nice 18 year old from Iowa who is really sick of having his Mom tell him to take his shoes off when he comes inside, have him enlist, give him a little training, put a gun in his hands, and ask him to enforce the rules. You are actually going to be his favorite victim, because he's still annoyed that his Mom made him make his bed:)


This reminds me of a motorcycle cop's sum-up of his job:


"They give you a badge and a gun and a motorcycle and tell you to go look for trouble."



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I wouldn't ask that here if I were you. Some ladies are going to lay the law down quite quickly on you.





:lol:Oh wow!! I was thinking the same thing....watch out with that question.


I'm on the side of the OP, though. Chivalry...where has it gone? I think you were very kind to that boy.



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I have had my share of uncompromising MPs. My dh and I wear just returning from the hospital after I had give birth to my December baby. It was cold and icy outside. They check our ids (non expired). They decided to do a vehicle search. They demanded we ALL get out of the car, including my newborn. I refused to take my baby out in the freezing rain, while they search under and in the car. They finally conducted the search with my baby sleeping in the back. The man said he would make an exception this once but I should stay at home if my baby wasn't old enough to go out.


OH my gosh!!! ROFL!!! Barney Fife at your service, ma'am. :lol:



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:lol: One of my stories:

I had a Dr. appt. at the Naval Hospital. I left all the kids home (oldest was babysitting), because they didn't need to be there, and every time I take everyone with me, we all end up getting sick. Every time.

I had parked in the pretty new parking garage, up on the 3rd level, because that's the easiest place to find a spot to park. Well, it was a rainy day, and when I went back to my car, I backed up and got in a long line to leave the structure. It was the afternoon rush, people were leaving work and done with appt.'s and visits, etc.

So, I wait in the same spot for 30 minutes. People started getting out of their vehicles and looking over the walls to see what was going on. Normally, the MP's go to the intersections and direct traffic. They weren't doing it that day, and NO ONE was letting anyone out of the parking structure! Apparently people can only take turns if they are forced?

Anyway, I called the info desk and told them I'd been stuck for almost an hour in the parking garage, in the exact same spot. They apologized, and said that security was coming and they were going to handle it.

I waited another 30 minutes, and called back. I told them that the MP's were NOT there handling it, and gave a better description of where the problem actually was, so they could fix it and get us all out of there. At this time, I'm thinking people are probably late for picking their kids up from daycare and/or school, etc.

He said he didn't know why they weren't there, blah blah blah, he'd look into it and make sure something was done about it. After ANOTHER 30 minutes, I called and asked to speak to security, :lol: Now, I was NOT being rude, I was NOT being impatient, etc. And this was the FIRST time I had talked directly to security. O.M.G.

It was some punk kid, who was SO degrading, and I absolutely DETEST the way they act like you are irate when you relate information to them! Dude told me to calm down, and I said that I was calm, that I was just trying to inform them that we had been stuck in the exact same spot for two hours now, in the parking structure. He told me I REALLY needed to "calm down" and "be patient". I said I've been sitting here for two hours, I AM being patient. I asked them if they could please just send someone to that spot and direct the traffic. Oh my word! He went OFF on me, telling me it was RAINING out there. I was like :confused: Yeeeees, and THAT is why you need to direct the traffic. You'd think I'd chunked a granade at the kid! :001_huh: He "explained" to me that people here drive like crazies when it rains, and it was just too dangerous for the MP's to stand there and direct traffic :tongue_smilie: At this point I WAS P.O.'d, LOL, and I kindly suggested he do his job, big tough MP that he was, and direct the @*%$ traffic already, I had children at home that I needed to get to, as I as sure many others had children they needed to pick up froms school, that a little sprinkle of "rain" wasn't going to kill him, and I had at that point been stuck in the same spot for 2 1/2 hours. He asked me what my name was, :lol: and I just hung up.

10 minutes later, the structure was swarming with MP's, they were looking into vehicles with flashlights, and asking who was "stuck". The people gathered outside their vehicles told them we were ALL stuck, and how long we'd all been sitting there. Then, FINALLY, after 10 minutes of looking at the vehicles, they decided it might be a good idea to direct the blankety blank traffic and get us OUT of there. :auto:


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My one experience with military bases (other than going with my brother to look at his sub) was when my friend's parents came to pick the two of us up at college and drive us back home for the summer. Her dad was in the military, and they wanted to stop at Hill AFB to pick a few things up at the store on base.


I was not allowed in the store because I wasn't military. My friends' parents were embarrassed, and my friend sat outside with me while they quickly got what they'd come for.


I can understand why they have the rule, but it still felt like a slap in the face.


We've always been able to sign in our visitors with the understanding they cannot shop.

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I think this post took the wrong turn.


It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this guy was an MP- it could have easily been the local city cop.


My point was the complete lack of common sense when applying the law- spirit of the law versus letter of the law.


Who was the bigger violator? The mom loading boogie boards into the back of her suburban while trying to keep her youngsters away from the frolicking drunk marines? Or the obvious blatant abuse of a handicap permit? I realize the MP doesn't have the authority to question the big, strapping, kayak lifting, "handicapped" man on his permit, but does he really need to molest the obviously pregnant lady with the naked baby and exhausted children?


But, after reading everyone's responses I feel the need to come to the defense of MPs in general- they aren't all like this guy- I've seen great generosity in their ranks as well.


Btw, this fellow was surprisingly in his late thirties or early forties. Not a "punk" newbie with a gun. ;) Where has chivalry gone?

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Hmmmm...Marines you say? They are in a group all by themselves. Having worked at Quantico VA, USMC base for 12 years and met my husband there......Marines...You just can't beat 'em.


I have some Marine friends that would tell you if you could only make it as an MP in the Corps it meant you couldn't cut Infantry. He should have had more patience with you and been much kinder.


That is what they are teaching here at Quantico anyway....


Here's a thought for you the next time you have a run in with a Marine Corps MP....VA police won't hire them when they get out. They can't hack it in the real world. They are used to being obeyed immediately and don't do well with the non-military regular criminal types.


Most Marines in general are arrogant, know-it-alls and I love them. There is nothing like a Marine in dress blues....My FIL was an active duty Marine for 38 years....I won't tell you what he got out as....He was a little over the top.


You could always say something.....I have found that looking at them helpless....and saying something like..Oh officer I am so sorry. I am not a good judge of how long this thing is and didn't realize I was over the line a little. I just needed to rinse my baby off before I put her in her carseat.


I hate to say it....but had you acted a little dumber....he might have actually held the baby for you while you rinsed.....:001_smile:


Not all of the MP's are like that.....I do know the ones at the gate here seem a little tense sometimes. Especially with the Pres's helicopter parked there and all the officer's they have to deal with. Sorry you had that experience....most Marines are very polite and helpful when it comes to the women/child issue.


Somehow I missed a page....I don't think you were wrong and chivalry has gone out the window....it left the building quite a few years ago....You are right...most of the MP's are great guys....but the one that isn't is usually the one we all get.

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Sorry I replied.


I'm glad you replied. They are fun stories, honestly. I just feel I somehow indicted an entire military community and I was sorry I didn't clarify it was one, most likely ego tripping, MP that applied the law over-zealously.


Please don't think I was singling anyone other than myself out for blame.



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Oh no, I don't feel singled out, just sorry I contributed to you having icky feelings about posting it at all. :)

I'm pretty sure people here can figure out that not ALL MP's are total jerks, or that they don't have common sense, or... KWIM? I think it's okay to vent about common frustrations too, and didn't want you to feel badly. Anyway, hugs.

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Hmmmm...Marines you say? They are in a group all by themselves. Having worked at Quantico VA, USMC base for 12 years and met my husband there......Marines...You just can't beat 'em.


I have some Marine friends that would tell you if you could only make it as an MP in the Corps it meant you couldn't cut Infantry. He should have had more patience with you and been much kinder.


That is what they are teaching here at Quantico anyway....


Here's a thought for you the next time you have a run in with a Marine Corps MP....VA police won't hire them when they get out. They can't hack it in the real world. They are used to being obeyed immediately and don't do well with the non-military regular criminal types.


Most Marines in general are arrogant, know-it-alls and I love them. There is nothing like a Marine in dress blues....My FIL was an active duty Marine for 38 years....I won't tell you what he got out as....He was a little over the top.


You could always say something.....I have found that looking at them helpless....and saying something like..Oh officer I am so sorry. I am not a good judge of how long this thing is and didn't realize I was over the line a little. I just needed to rinse my baby off before I put her in her carseat.


I hate to say it....but had you acted a little dumber....he might have actually held the baby for you while you rinsed.....:001_smile:


Not all of the MP's are like that.....I do know the ones at the gate here seem a little tense sometimes. Especially with the Pres's helicopter parked there and all the officer's they have to deal with. Sorry you had that experience....most Marines are very polite and helpful when it comes to the women/child issue.


Somehow I missed a page....I don't think you were wrong and chivalry has gone out the window....it left the building quite a few years ago....You are right...most of the MP's are great guys....but the one that isn't is usually the one we all get.



We just left Quantico! Stafford actually.


This was an air force facility but often other services reserve the pavillions for large command functions.


Strangely, I have always found the Marines more "gentlemanly". You are right about the Quantico pass gate- there is nothing like looking up in the woods and seeing a sniper watching the line of incoming cars (my kids loved that!). That base is unique.


As for acting more helpless...for a split second I thought about it. But I was tired, gritty, and dagummit if he didn't just push my buttons. I ususally have much better people skills than I'm portraying.;)



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I think everyone is right though....the bigger medal goes to taking 6 kids to the beach by yourself.....:001_smile:


Then you got to experience our lovely traffic....isn't it just the best in the world....:glare:




We end up being the tour guides for everyone coming into town. But we don't mind.....Snipers are way cool. My boys made ghilie suits for our churches Wild Game Supper. They were a hit.

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